Causes of facial swelling in the morning

Often women are dissatisfied with their face in the morning after getting up - swelling occurs, which is sometimes quite difficult to remove. In itself, swelling on the face is not life-threatening, but it may be a symptom that there is some kind of pathology in the body. Therefore, it is important to find out why the face swells in the morning: the reasons for women can be completely different, we will talk about them below.

The principle of water metabolism in the body


The body's water balance consists of three interrelated processes:

  1. intake of water from the external environment with liquid and food
  2. formation of fluid inside the body due to metabolic processes (endogenous water)
  3. removing excess water from the body

Edema can form when any of the three above components is disrupted and is a pathological condition. Due to increased vascular permeability, the liquid part of the blood leaks into the space between the cells, resulting in swelling.

Main reasons

There are many factors that lead to the development of edema. In some cases, the cause is a banal feast, but sometimes swelling indicates a serious pathology.



One of the manifestations of an allergic reaction may be swelling. Depending on the degree of sensitization of the body to the allergen, swelling varies. Most often, the clinic notes an enlargement of the eyelids and lips, but there is also a more serious condition when the swelling spreads to the soft tissues. The most dangerous thing is swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx, as this can often result in suffocation and death.

Swelling is rarely an isolated symptom of allergy; it can also manifest as itching, rhinorrhea, injection of conjunctival vessels, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. The development of symptoms occurs immediately after contact with the allergen, so it is not tied to a specific time of day.

Identifying the trigger of a hypersensitivity reaction on your own is often difficult, so it is recommended to consult a doctor and do special tests. There are cross-allergens, and their list grows throughout a person’s life, so he always needs to have antihistamines with him.

Hormonal disbalance


Often occurs in women. An imbalance of hormones leads to the fact that the patency of the vascular wall for the liquid part is disrupted. Violation of the function of one organ producing hormones entails changes in the ratio of all other biologically active substances. Hormonal imbalance can occur at any age: adolescence and menopause are considered the most critical stages. There are many reasons for the imbalance of hormones in the body, even stress and bad habits affect it.

Taking hormonal contraceptives can have a negative impact on your health, especially if they are chosen incorrectly. Artificial analogues of hormones, which a woman uses daily to protect against unwanted pregnancy, provoke fluid retention in the tissues, causing edema syndrome. Therefore, it is very important to select a drug from a competent specialist, while at the same time listening to your body.

Age-related changes


Edema often accompanies women during menopause. Their main cause is a violation of the flow of lymph in the vessels of the same name. The place where there is swelling does not change its color; swelling can appear not only in the morning, but at any time. When pressure is applied, a dimple appears in the area of ​​edema; the tissues do not immediately return to their previous position.

Poor nutrition

The quality of the body's water environment is very dependent on the food eaten. Salt most often provokes fluid retention: it draws water along with it, and it takes time to remove it. Too spicy, smoked or sweet foods have an adverse effect on the water balance.

Don't forget about your diet. This applies more to busy people who often skip the morning meal, eat only sandwiches or fast food during the day, and overeat heavily in the evening. The body does not yet have time to digest all the food taken, and the person goes to bed. This diet can easily lead to morning swelling.

After salon treatments


Facial care is absolutely necessary; a qualified cosmetologist can best handle this. But if some irritating substances are applied to the face or the products remain on the skin for a long time, then instead of a beautiful appearance, you can get swelling. Night cream also needs to be applied to the skin of the face wisely: excess cosmetic product must be removed, and the procedure itself must be carried out at least an hour before going to bed. It is important to use high-quality skincare products that do not contain harmful chemicals. They can clog pores, cause swelling and impair skin breathing.

Alcohol consumption

Abuse of alcoholic beverages does not add attractiveness to your appearance the next morning, not counting the load placed on the liver and kidneys. The body tries to remove excess alcohol, resulting in dehydration - liquid accumulates in the intercellular environment. Not only alcohol is a provoking factor of fluid retention: even strong tea drunk before bed can result in morning swelling on the face. The body thus stores fluid, protecting itself from dehydration in advance.

Stress and sleep disturbances


Stress, especially chronic stress, negatively affects water metabolism in the body. Frequent nervous strain causes an increase in the concentration of cortisol in the blood (an adrenal hormone), which contributes to fluid retention, among other health problems. Stress increases aldosterone levels, the main function of which is to maintain water balance.

Taking medications

Fluid may be retained under the influence of certain medications. These are most often hormonal agents containing estrogen, adrenal hormones, and thyroid hormones. Hypoglycemic drugs, as well as drugs for the treatment of hypertension, can have a similar effect.

Drink plenty of fluids before bed


It is not advisable to drink too much liquid before going to bed. This is a double load on the kidneys, which work differently at night than during the day. In addition, at night there is an active production of antidiuretic hormone: this is why a person can sleep all night and not wake up to go to the toilet. If you overdo it with the amount of liquid you drink at night, you may see swelling on your face in the morning. You need to drink a few hours before going to bed. In this case, the kidneys will have time to remove excess fluid to the outside./

Infectious diseases

The development of infections is accompanied by an inflammatory reaction. Swelling is one of the five external signs of inflammation, so it can be observed at the site of infection. The main method of combating it is to treat the disease that caused the swelling.

Liver and kidney diseases

Most often, edema is associated with kidney disease. This is logical, because it is this paired organ that is responsible for removing unnecessary fluid from the body. If the kidneys for some reason do not fully perform their function, this may manifest itself as edema. They appear in the morning and are localized in the area of ​​the eyes and eyelids, distributed unevenly throughout the tissues.

The swelling subsides slowly, may disappear in the evening, but returns in the morning. It is important not to miss a serious pathology of the kidneys, therefore, with constant morning swelling, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of urination, color, amount of urine, pain when urinating. In case of any deviations, you should definitely see a specialist.

Liver diseases are also fraught with the development of edema syndrome. This organ performs a protein-synthesizing function, producing albumin. These proteins are the basis of the oncotic pressure of the blood, when it decreases, widespread edema will form due to a lack of albumin.

Thyroid diseases


Insufficient production of thyroid hormones (disease - hypothyroidism) can manifest itself as swelling, which is located mainly on the face, neck and legs. This pathology has few symptoms for a long time, but the lack of thyroid hormones negatively affects the functioning of the entire body.

Cardiovascular diseases

A characteristic symptom of heart failure is swelling. They first appear on the lower extremities and intensify in the evening, but in severe cases the swelling spreads to the face. Swelling of the legs does not pose a threat to human life; it is dangerous when fluid accumulates in vital organs, such as the lungs or abdominal cavity.

Metabolic disorders

Any metabolic disorder causes a cascade of reactions, and the manifestations will be varied. Edema due to water-electrolyte imbalance as a symptom is no exception.



Swelling due to arterial hypertension can be localized anywhere, but more often on the face and legs. With constantly elevated pressure, the heart cannot cope with such a load over time, so heart failure develops. Blood stagnates in the venous vessels, and the liquid part seeps through the wall into the intercellular tissue. Due to the fact that oxygen-enriched blood is not enough to properly nourish the organs, the phenomena of ischemia and tissue hypoxia occur. If increased pressure affects the kidneys, they begin to intensively excrete protein, thereby reducing oncotic pressure.


Swelling of the lower extremities often speaks in favor of venous thrombosis. Due to the fact that venous fluid cannot return back to the heart, the liquid medium gradually penetrates into the intercellular fluid and edema forms. This condition requires urgent medical attention as it progresses inexorably.

Postoperative period

Swelling on the face occurs after surgical interventions. This may be tooth extraction, which inevitably causes trauma to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. If there are no complications, the swelling will go away on its own within a couple of days after the procedure. You should be concerned if, along with swelling, there is severe pain, an increase in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being.

When performing manipulations on facial tissues, the occurrence of swelling after the intervention is common. This is a natural reaction of the body to external invasion. The severity of swelling depends on what kind of surgery was performed and how deeply the tissue was damaged. Individual characteristics also influence: for some, swelling may be almost unnoticeable, while others walk with severe swelling for a long time. The swelling becomes maximum on the second or third day, after which it begins to slowly subside.

Swelling during pregnancy


Swelling during pregnancy is a very common complaint. During pregnancy, the amount of fluid that circulates through the vessels almost doubles. This fluid is contained in the baby's amniotic fluid, the placenta, and is necessary for the full growth and development of the fetus in the womb. The mother's water-salt metabolism also undergoes changes: the amount of sodium increases, which subsequently retains fluid.

As pregnancy progresses, the uterus grows and puts pressure on lymphatic and other vessels and tissues. The return flow of fluid to the heart slows down, which is why edema appears, especially in recent months. Edema in some cases may not threaten the health of the mother and child, but sometimes they pose a serious danger. Due to excessive tissue swelling, hypoxia occurs in both the mother and the fetus, all organs and systems suffer from this.

Gestosis in pregnant women is also accompanied by edema, so you need to be able to differentiate minor disorders from those that require serious correction of the condition. In case of severe gestosis, doctors may decide to terminate the pregnancy early.


Edema can and should be fought. The reason that caused them plays a huge role: if possible, it must be eliminated (for example, stop eating too salty foods or not drinking alcoholic beverages). There are also other methods to eliminate swelling.

Salon treatments

In order to eliminate swelling on the face, modern procedures have been developed, which are carried out in beauty salons by specially trained people. Before using them, you should definitely consult with a cosmetologist in the salon, who will identify possible contraindications to these procedures.

At the moment, the following methods have proven effectiveness and are in high demand:

  1. Mesotherapy – special preparations are injected into the skin to saturate the skin with vitamins and other beneficial substances. Metabolism improves, so the removal of excess fluid improves. Facial swelling is eliminated. To obtain a visible and long-lasting effect, one procedure is not enough: you need to visit the salon once a week, and the duration of the course is determined by the doctor (several months).
  2. Cryolifting is a rejuvenation technique. The skin is briefly exposed to extremely low temperatures. The effect of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately and lasts for a long time, which is why it is popular.
  3. Wraps and mud masks. With these procedures, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. When wrapping, a person warms up and sweats, excess liquid is removed.



The use of any medications is advisable only after consulting a doctor. Diuretics are indicated only in cases where swelling affects the patient’s quality of life and health:

  1. Swelling on the face does not go away within a few days and tends to spread.
  2. Swelling leads to the fact that the palpebral fissure decreases in size, which is why vision is impaired. In severe cases, this can result in displacement of the eyeball.

It is important to understand that diuretics are only a temporary measure: they can remove the external manifestations of swelling, but they cannot cope with its cause. Therefore, after stopping diuretics, there is a high probability that they will occur again. They also have many side effects, among which the most common are water-electrolyte imbalance and loss of ions (potassium, calcium and others).


On store shelves there is a huge selection of masks to eliminate puffiness on the face. By providing a local effect, they can quickly cope with swelling, in addition to toning the skin and giving it a healthy and rested appearance. Face masks can also be made at home from natural ingredients.

Recipes for some of them:

  1. Potato mask. You can use both raw and cooked root vegetables. To prepare a hot mask, you need to boil the potatoes, mash them and apply them to your face. Keep the potatoes on your face for no more than 15 minutes, after which you need to rinse with warm running water. When making a mask from raw potatoes, you need to grate them into a paste.
  2. Pumpkin. To do this, boil the pumpkin until mushy, and add just a little honey (half a teaspoon). The resulting mass should be placed on gauze and applied to the swollen area for 20 minutes.
  3. Cucumber-lemon. This mask effectively fights morning puffiness, giving the skin a rested and well-groomed look. Grind the cucumber using a blender and add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to your face in the morning, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm running water.



In youth, to eliminate morning puffiness, you only need a little time, a light facial massage or applying a moisturizer. But at an older age (after 35 years), you need a professional massage using cosmetics, which can speed up metabolism and collagen synthesis in the facial skin.

At a young age, a light massage and the use of moisturizers are usually enough to make the swelling disappear. Over time, a more professional massage will be required using special techniques and aids, which will accelerate metabolism and collagen synthesis in tissues.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage shows good effectiveness. The movements are directed along the lymphatic vessels, as a result of which its outflow from the tissues improves. The result is noticeable even after the first session, and a course of massage helps get rid of unhealthy complexion and fine wrinkles. With edema, the fluid in the vessels stagnates, and harmful substances accumulate in it.

By restoring normal circulation, the elimination of toxins is improved, resulting in a fresher appearance. The duration of one session should not exceed 10 minutes, and the course consists of approximately 10 techniques. You definitely need to listen to your body and avoid excessive tension on the skin, which is especially delicate around the eyes.


If the cause of swelling lies in a late-night feast or drinking heavily before bed, then you can eliminate it with the help of compresses. Funds for them can be found in every home.

  1. You can wipe your face with an ice cube. To do this, you need to freeze plain water or a decoction of chamomile, sage or plantain in the evening. These herbs have an anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swelling.
  2. Contrast compresses give excellent results, relieving a woman of swelling. A napkin or gauze soaked in hot water and then in cold water is applied to the face. The napkins need to be changed several times (5-6).
  3. Compresses with a tea bag. You need to first brew the tea in hot water, after which the bag is sent to the freezer to cool for a few minutes. Apply to swollen areas before heating.

When to see a doctor


The help of a specialist is required in cases where swelling on the face is caused by pathology. You need to pay attention to the frequency of edema, because if it appears every morning, then this is not a good signal. It doesn’t hurt to track what causes the swelling, because if you started taking it after taking certain medications, then maybe they are not suitable for treatment and you need to tell your doctor about these side effects.

Morning swelling in women can be either a harmless manifestation of a short-term imbalance in water balance or one of the symptoms of a serious illness. Only a doctor will be able to distinguish between these concepts and prescribe the correct treatment to eliminate edema due to pathology.

Video: 11 signs of health problems written all over your face

If after waking up you often see puffiness under your eyes in the mirror, it’s time to check your health and find out why they appear. The reasons may be different, including purely female ones. Let's figure it out.

  1. Why does the face swell?
  2. External causes of facial swelling after sleep
  3. Physiological causes of edema in women
  4. Swelling of the face due to illness
  5. How to quickly relieve facial swelling at home
  6. Cosmetic procedures against puffiness in the morning
  7. Tips and tricks for preventing edema

Why does the face swell?

Edema is the retention of fluid in body tissues. On the face, it usually stagnates in loose subcutaneous fat under the eyes, in the cheekbones and under the chin, so swelling most often forms in these areas.

External causes of facial swelling after sleep

Often we ourselves, voluntarily or unwittingly, provoke fluid retention, and in the morning we are surprised to notice that our face is swollen.

Shedding a tear over a good movie or book is not a problem. But if grief happens in life, then tears can become a constant companion. They lighten the soul, but they don’t have the best effect on the face. When we cry often and for a long time, the tear glands become inflamed from overactivity and the eyes look swollen. The drainage function of tissues is impaired.

Tears wash the soul, but don’t have the best effect on the face. © Getty Images

Drink plenty of fluids

This is the most obvious. If you try to maintain a drinking regime, this is good, but it is important to meet the standards not only in terms of water volume (30 ml per 1 kg of weight), but also in time. After 19.00, it is recommended to reduce fluid intake to a minimum. The kidneys are less active in the evening and at night, hence fluid retention.

Insufficient water consumption

Any extremes are not good. When there is a shortage of water, the body begins to retain it. And as a result, dehydration is paradoxically combined with edema.

Salty food

Just 1 gram of salt retains as much as 100 milliliters of water, which is why you’re so thirsty after eating herring and chips. If you eat salty foods before bed, all these milliliters will be noticeable on your face. Keep in mind that fast food often contains too much salt.

Appetizing and low in calories, but can lead to swelling - moderation is important in everything. © Getty Images

Ekaterina Turubara, medical expert of the Vichy brand: “Salty and pickled dishes retain moisture in the skin and subcutaneous fat, which leads to swelling.”



Especially in uncontrolled quantities and at night. Alcohol not only rewards us with extra and completely useless calories, but also dehydrates the tissues, which causes fluid stagnation.

Low Protein Diet

Protein is directly involved in metabolic processes and the return of fluid from tissues to the bloodstream. With strict diets or a frivolous approach to vegetarianism, swelling may develop.

Physical inactivity

A serious lack of physical activity prevents the heart from working properly and causes congestion.

This is what a good morning looks like - if healthy, moderate and enjoyable physical activity becomes a habit, you can most likely forget about swelling. © Getty Images

Eye strain

Many hours at the computer, working in front of a glowing screen in a dark room - all this can cause swelling in the eyelid area.

High stress levels

The release of stress hormones, especially if multiplied by a lack of physical activity, also leads to fluid retention. This is why we don't look our best after a hard week at work.

At least once a week, you need to rest with a mask on your face. Happy Weekends! © Getty Images

Incorrect body position during sleep

Sleeping with your face in a pillow and in general in any uncomfortable position leads to fluid stagnation, swelling and unpleasant sensations after waking up.

Illiterate care before bedtime

“If you use the product right before bed, there is a risk of swelling the next morning, especially if the formula contains ingredients that can attract water. When we stand, most of our internal fluids accumulate in the lower body due to gravity. As soon as the body assumes a horizontal position, the liquid is redistributed evenly. The cream works honestly, “attracts” water as much as it can. As a result, not only the epidermis is moisturized, but also all underlying tissues.”

For beauty, it is generally useful to go to bed early, but the evening beauty ritual should end at least an hour before bedtime. ©

Physiological causes of edema in women

Morning swelling is not always caused by external circumstances; it can be caused by:

Purely female physiological reasons are associated with changes in hormonal levels, or more precisely with the activation of progesterone. It is this hormone that begins to inhibit all processes, including the removal of fluid. Its goal is to maintain the pregnancy. And even if it does not occur, after ovulation progesterone plays a leading role.

Swelling is not obligatory, but quite a frequent accompaniment of pregnancy, it all depends on individual characteristics. © Getty Images

With age, the synthesis and activity of estrogen also decreases, which in a certain sense oppose progesterone, so it can “bend its line.” In this regard, not only the face swells, but also the legs, which are under constant stress, as well as the hands.

Swelling of the face due to illness

If your face swells in the morning for no objective reason, then it’s time to go to the doctor. First, go to a therapist, he will help you decide on further actions. Swelling of the face in the morning in women, and in men too, can be associated with very serious ailments.

Diseases heart and blood vessels. Fluid retention sometimes indicates developing heart failure and hypertension.

Problems with kidneys - the main organ that removes fluid. Kidney diseases are characterized by morning swelling of the face and neck, which can gradually spread to the entire body.

Allergy. Swelling and redness are often its first manifestation. If symptoms worsen, emergency treatment may be required.

Inflammatory process - as with allergies, the accumulation of histamines causes swelling.

Serious problems in digestive system - in particular, impaired protein absorption.

In general, if your face swells every morning, it’s time to take care of your health.

How to quickly relieve facial swelling at home

It is clear that you can get rid of morning swelling of the face using home methods only if the swelling is caused by external causes.


Cold and hot shower. In our case, this means alternately washing with cold and warm water. Very refreshing and toning, reduces swelling.

Ice. It makes sense to keep a bag of ice cubes in the freezer. You can also make ice from herbal infusions and wipe your skin with it if necessary.

Ice cubes are the main remedy for quickly getting rid of swelling. © Getty Images

Massage. An effective method for eliminating edema by improving microcirculation and lymph flow. The procedure with a massage jade roller is very pleasant.


Parsley mask with sour cream


3-4 sprigs of parsley (it also works as a diuretic when taken orally);

How to cook:

finely chop the parsley;

Mash it with a mortar until it becomes a paste;

mix with sour cream.

How to use:

wash with cool water, pat skin with a towel;

apply the mask to swollen areas, including the area under the eyes, and leave for 15-20 minutes;

rinse with cool water and wipe skin with tonic.

Potato mask for puffiness


1 tsp. buckwheat flour (can be replaced with rice or wheat).

How to cook:

peel potatoes;

grate it on a fine grater;

mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use:

wash with cool water;

apply the mask to swollen areas, including the area under the eyes;

leave for 15-20 minutes;

rinse with cool water and wipe skin with tonic.


Peppermint compress


A few sprigs of fresh mint.

How to cook:

rinse the mint in clean water;

Lightly beat them so that the juice and essential oils come out.

How to use:

put cooled mint leaves on swollen areas;

leave for 10 minutes;

remove leaves, wipe skin with tonic.

Important: we strictly do not recommend applying a mint compress to the skin around the eyes.

Tea compress


1 tbsp. l. dry green tea leaves.

How to cook:

brew the leaves in two tablespoons of hot water (80 ºC);

Cool completely and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

How to use:

apply cold tea leaves to swollen areas of the face;

leave for 10 minutes;

remove the leaves and wipe the skin with tonic.

Review of remedies against morning swelling

haloxyl, grapefruit extract, caffeine, mineral pigments

The formula combats under-eye bags with a cool roller applicator for a cooling effect.

protensil, soy peptides, LHA, vitamin B3

The tightening complex promotes natural restoration of skin elasticity, makes it denser, smoothes facial contours.

resveratrol, baicalin, bifidobacteria extract, caffeine, adenosine

Tones the skin, improves microcirculation and provides a drainage effect.

Ekaterina Turubara explains: “Manufacturers pay special attention to night care for the skin around the eyes - ingredients known for drainage properties are included in the products.”

Cosmetic procedures against puffiness in the morning

If swelling is not associated with underlying causes - serious health problems, then it can be reduced with the help of cosmetic procedures that improve local blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. What methods should I pay attention to?

Decongestant massage - it is better to have it done by a cosmetologist who specializes in manual massage.

Darsonvalization - its effect is based on the action of microcurrents.

Myolifting activates microcirculation and lymphatic drainage in the skin through electrical impulses, and also provides a tightening effect.

Ozone therapy is another way to enhance lymphatic drainage and get rid of congestion.

Tips and tricks for preventing edema

To protect yourself as much as possible from unpleasant morning discoveries, you should follow a healthy lifestyle:

eat right - include enough protein in your diet, control the amount of salt and sugar;

do not abuse alcohol;

get enough sleep - and sleep correctly;

drink enough water at the rate of 30 ml per kilogram of weight;

It’s so unpleasant to see the reflection of a swollen face in the mirror in the morning after sleep. You want this swelling to subside as quickly as possible, especially if you have to go to work. After all, you can’t hide it under clothes or cover it with foundation. Why does the face swell in the morning and how to remove swelling from the face quickly?

Why does my face swell in the morning?

Facial edema is a violation of the mechanism of fluid outflow and retention in facial tissues. This condition is not a disease. Due to a number of circumstances, swelling of the face can appear in an absolutely healthy person. In other cases, it is a symptom of some illness.


Possible reasons why the face swells in the morning:

  1. You eat a lot of salt. If you eat more than 5 g of salt per day, this can cause fluid stagnation in the body. It is recommended to consume no more than 2-3 g per day.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking too much fluid during the day and before bed can lead to a swollen face in the morning. To speed up the metabolic process, saturate the skin, and feel good, it is recommended to drink 30-35 ml per 1 kg of weight, but no more.
  3. Alcohol. Drinking alcohol before bed is probably the most common cause of facial swelling in the morning. This also applies to beer with salty snacks. Especially when a lot of alcohol was drunk and there was little time left for sleep.
  4. A hearty dinner at night. Often the face swells in those who like to eat before bed or in the middle of the night. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins. The face may swell due to poor diet: eat a lot of fatty, canned, smoked, spicy and salty foods. The cause may also be a lack of vitamins, especially B vitamins.
  6. Overwork, lack of sleep. If you do not pay due attention to rest and sleep, this can lead to chronic fatigue. It will be accompanied by dark circles and bags under the eyes, as well as constant swelling of the face in the morning. For this reason, so-called “night owls” who are accustomed to going to bed late are often susceptible to edema.
  7. Incorrect pillow height, uncomfortable sleeping positions. Due to the incorrectly selected pillow height, lymphatic and blood vessels may be pinched during sleep. This can lead to facial swelling in the morning.
  8. Incorrectly selected cosmetics. Cheap, low-quality powder, mascara, and eye shadow sometimes cause puffiness in the face. It can clog pores, disrupting the natural breathing of the skin. As a result, the face may become red and swollen, and the eyes may become numb and watery.

If the cause of swelling is one of the above, then you can quickly remove swelling from the face on your own: monitor your sleep patterns and comfort, and follow a proper diet. But if the reasons why the face swells in the morning are the following, then you cannot do without the help of doctors or medications:

  1. diseases of the urinary system;
  2. kidney problems;
  3. liver pathologies;
  4. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  5. endocrine disorders;
  6. formation of blood clots, narrowing of the superior vena cava;
  7. chronic hypertension;
  8. dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  9. allergic reactions.


Facial swelling caused by some disease manifests itself not only in the morning, but also throughout the day; it is regular and long-lasting. Usually in these cases it is difficult to quickly remove swelling from the face.

How to get rid of facial puffiness

First you need to find out the reason why your face swells in the morning. If you think that it lies in some disease, then first of all consult a therapist. He will prescribe tests and examinations for you, and if a problem is identified, a course of treatment.


But regardless of the reason, it is recommended:

  1. limit salt intake to 3 g per day. It’s better, at least temporarily, to switch to a salt-free diet;
  2. refrain from “heavy food”;
  3. organize a diet (4 hours before bedtime);
  4. include in the diet fruits that remove fluid (citrus fruits, apples, carrots, watermelon);
  5. drink diuretic herbal infusions, such as “bear's ear”;
  6. use face masks against swelling, which you can make yourself or buy at a pharmacy;
  7. make contrast compresses;
  8. wipe your face with ice cubes along the massage lines.

How to get rid of facial puffiness in the morning

There is a quick emergency way to get rid of facial puffiness in the morning, and it is popular with many - this is an ice massage. The face is wiped with an ice cube, which can be prepared from mineral water, cucumber juice, or chamomile decoction.


But the ice method is strictly prohibited for people suffering from rosacea.

Otherwise, the most effective way to get rid of puffiness is homemade anti-edema face masks. They will help improve blood circulation and expel excess fluid. There are a large number of recipes for making homemade masks. Let's look at the most popular of them, which you can quickly prepare in the morning and go to work fresh and not swollen:

  1. A mixture of dill and sour cream. 2 teaspoons of sour cream are mixed with 1 teaspoon of finely chopped fresh dill. The mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.


  1. Cucumber mask. Grate fresh, preferably cold, cucumber on a coarse grater. The resulting paste is applied for 20 minutes. This mask is popular for facial swelling after drinking alcohol. Alternatively, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.


  1. A mixture of essential oils. Take essential oils of rosemary, geranium and juniper and mix 2 drops of each in a tablespoon of any oil (vegetable, olive, soy, etc.). The mixture is applied to the face with light massaging movements. Excess oil is removed with a cotton swab.


  1. Tea tea mask. Brew a very strong infusion of black or green tea. The infusion is cooled, and then a napkin or gauze is moistened in it and applied to the face. Used tea bags can be placed on your eyelids.


  1. Gelatin mask. Mix 1 teaspoon of gelatin and half a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream and apply to the face for 15 minutes.