Ruslana Pysanka decided to publicly lose weight

The famous Ukrainian actress decided to radically change her life and lose weight. Ruslana made this decision for herself finally and irrevocably, and in order not to be able to retreat, the star launched her video blog on the Internet.

Everyone has long known that Ruslana Pysanka was not a supporter of fashion trends in the issue of ascetic female figures: “I can gain weight or lose weight, but the most important thing is to maintain the feeling that I am a beauty.” It was this principle that helped her achieve success on the big stage and in show business.

Ruslana’s experience in losing excess weight is quite broad and varied: several trials were quite successful, but each of them was unsystematic and situational. At the moment when Ruslana stopped feeling comfortable at a particular weight, she exhausted herself with diets, increased physical activity, and tried various unconventional methods.

This time, the actress decided to change her eating habits once and for all, increase her mobility and approach the process of losing weight with full responsibility.

“The main thing is to lose weight comprehensively. If you just go on a diet, nothing will happen. It is necessary to increase mobility and take care of your body, watch your diet, and not overeat at night,” Ruslana Pysanka shares her thoughts.

It was in order to enlist the support of her fans and the general public that Ruslana decided to make the process of losing weight public. She invites everyone to join her and change their lives together.

“Let's consider this vlog an experiment. I’m not sure whether it will be easy or hard, interesting or boring, but I know for sure that my goal is to lose at least 10 kilograms. This will be the first stage of my new life. “And look at the result for yourself!” Ruslana urges.

You can follow how Ruslana Pysanka is losing weight on the website or directly on her YouTube channel, and also follow the news on WANT.