Anti-flu vitamins – who will win?

Colds and flu are a real problem for many people, especially during the season of changes in temperature and humidity. Reduced immunity caused by poor lifestyle, stress and lack of attention to nutrition can cause illness. To support the body in the fight against infections, physical activity and a nutritious diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals are necessary. But even with proper nutrition, it is almost impossible to provide the body with everything it needs. In this case, vitamin complexes can be an important addition.

However, not all vitamins are equally effective in fighting the flu and colds. It is important to choose a balanced preparation containing exactly those vitamins and microelements that are needed to strengthen the immune system. Among such preparations, the vitamin complex VITRUM®, containing 13 vitamins and 17 minerals, has earned well-deserved trust. This drug provides the body with everything necessary for reliable protection during the cold season.

However, do not forget that vitamins are not a panacea for flu and colds. To protect the body, it is also important to monitor your psycho-emotional state. Optimists are much less likely to get colds and flu, and if they do get infected, they tolerate the disease more easily and recover faster. Therefore, try not to give in to stress, find joy even in everyday moments and look at life with optimism.

In conclusion, we can say that vitamins can really help in the fight against flu and colds, but only in combination with a healthy lifestyle and a positive psycho-emotional state. Try to eat right, lead an active lifestyle, take the necessary vitamins and don’t forget about positive emotions!