Ruslana Pysanka showed the first results of weight loss

Ruslana Pysanka showed the first results of losing weight thanks to proper nutrition and morning breakfast. During the first week of the “10 steps towards yourself” project, the actress managed to get rid of 2 extra pounds without strict dietary restrictions. In her video blog, Ruslana talked about what nutritional mistakes she had previously made and revealed the secrets of her new diet.

According to Ruslana, the morning meal is the most important of the day. She always ate breakfast, but after talking with a nutritionist, it turned out that she was eating breakfast completely wrong. Now Ruslana knows for sure that the breakfast portion should be filling, so as not to feel hungry until lunch and not be tempted to eat unhealthy snacks. She replaced sandwiches with white bread and butter with whole grain bread and lean boiled meat, dumplings with an omelet made of two whites and one yolk, cereal with oatmeal with pieces of seasonal fruit.

Ruslana emphasizes that this is not a diet, but a healthy, balanced diet that gives the necessary boost of energy for the whole day. She is sure that changing your eating habits is easy, the main thing is to want and have helpers nearby. Ruslana attracted her husband, who supported her in this endeavor, and now they have a proper breakfast together.

Ruslana Pysanka encourages everyone to join and lose weight for health benefits. She shares her own experiences and impressions, gives practical advice and takes 10 steps towards herself - beautiful, slim, dizzyingly stunning. You can follow how Ruslana Pysanka is losing weight on the website or directly on her YouTube channel.