The effectiveness of vitamins for hair and nails

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the skin is the mirror of health. And the hair and nails, too, just as soon as they begin to break and fall out. A signal that the body is missing something. In general, over the past 50 years, according to WHO, the daily human need for food has decreased from 3800 to 2200 kilocalories per day. But the same amount of vitamins and microelements is required to support the body’s metabolic program, and they need to be taken additionally. In addition to general health supplements, there are multivitamin complexes aimed at improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Peeling, brittle nails spoil your mood. “There is not enough calcium” - you can hear in response to your complaints to your friends. Can a deficiency of one or another element really be so pronounced, or does brittle nails have other reasons?

“Nail problems can be caused by various factors, including a lack of microelements. Although often the reason for the violation is trivial - insufficient care, working with detergents without gloves, irregular use of cream, says Irina Kochergina, director of the Stylish manicure workshop. “But even more often, brittle nails, accompanied by hair loss and poor skin condition, indicate that you need to go not to a cosmetologist, but to a doctor - we are talking about some kind of internal diseases.”

What do doctors say about this?

“The lack of some microelements really affects the condition of the skin, hair and nails,” says Olga Vylegzhanina, a dermatologist of the highest category, Pasman Ave. Clinic. – Any disturbance in the body - disease, lack of certain necessary substances, affects, first of all, the condition of the skin appendages. You can combat this problem by taking multivitamin complexes designed to improve hair, nails, and skin.” But they need to be used wisely - by carefully reading the instructions or following the doctor's instructions.

According to the dermatologist, the complexes are divided into medications and nutritional supplements. We prescribe the latter for ourselves; they are widely advertised, but their effect is not guaranteed. Medicines are prescribed by specialists, or, having reliable information about the indications, you can start using them yourself.

Olga Vylegzhanina recommends such complexes as a special dragee Merz (60 tablets 320 rubles), “Perfectil” (30 tablets 380 rubles), “Pantovigar” (90 tablets 950 rubles). The first two can theoretically be used at will, the latter is recommended by the doctor in the presence of serious damage: excessive hair loss, deep problems with nails and skin.

The peculiarity of using vitamin complexes for hair, skin and nails is that you need to drink them for at least 3 months, and preferably six months, so that the necessary substances accumulate in the body and they begin to act. Therefore, you should not get upset and stop using it without getting instant results; you must be patient.

What must necessarily be present in the complexes?

The vitamins that are primarily responsible for beauty are vitamin A and vitamin E. Vitamin A is needed to maintain healthy skin, and vitamin E keeps it youthful. In addition to vitamin complexes, the vitamins your skin needs can be found in foods. Thus, vitamin A is found in abundance in fish oil, spinach, liver, kidneys, brightly colored and dark green vegetables and fruits. Vitamin E can be obtained by regularly consuming egg yolks, vegetable oil, nuts and wheat grains.

Among the microelements that are important for hair, nails and skin are zinc, selenium, copper and iron - trichologist Anna Baranova advises to carefully ensure that these elements of the periodic table are present in vitamin complexes, or that they should be added to the diet separately.

What should you remember when taking vitamin complexes?
That some vitamins and microelements do not “get along” well with each other. For example,