Spinal (bone) marrow breathing (Part 7) - Skin breathing and energy compression

You are already familiar with the basics of spinal (bone) cord breathing. At this stage, you will develop your ability to direct energy into each bone of the skeleton.

There are many advanced level exercises that you can't do yet. Before learning them, you should do a lot of work on the basics of bone breathing. Still, I decided to introduce you to simplified versions of several high-level exercises. I believe that they will significantly increase the effectiveness of your training. Looking ahead a little, I will say that in this week’s sexual kung fu practice you will also find surprises.

This week's lesson is about breathing through the skin and compressing energy into the bones.

Throughout the course of classes, you directed energy directly into the body. I called it “breathing,” although I gave this word a meaning that had nothing in common with its traditional understanding in the West. You learned how to “breathe” your hair and other parts of the body, and became familiar with embryonic and bone marrow respiration. All of these forms of Taoist practice involve the movement of energy, not air, in and out of the body.

The last stage is skin breathing. Taoists call skin breathing “full body breathing.” 13 weeks of classes will allow you to master this practice. To do this, you just need to feel how, as you inhale, the energy penetrates the skin.

However, this week we will not only manage the flow of energy, but also “package” it in the bones. The process will be accompanied by contraction of the body muscles. More accurately, this should be called “compression.” In other words, you will strain and squeeze your muscles.



Muscle contraction increases pressure on the outer surfaces of the bones. In the lesson of the ninth week, I already said that increasing the pressure on the bones creates a piezoelectric effect. This means that the amount of electricity in the bones increases, which in turn increases the amount of vital energy in the body. Therefore, bone compression is an important part of Taoist practice.

  1. 1. Inhale and exhale through all the bones of the body.
  2. 2. Feeling the constant movement of energy in your bones, begin to breathe through your skin. At first, only some areas of the skin will breathe. Over time, you will feel how the entire surface of the body is involved in breathing.
  3. 3. Feel or imagine how the energy penetrates the skin as you inhale. When you exhale, air leaves the nose, the energy does not leave the body and remains in the muscles around the bones. Feel the pressure increase around the bones.
  4. 4. Hold your breath, tense all the muscles of the body and mentally direct the energy into the bones.
  5. 5. As you exhale, relax and calm your breathing. Repeat the exercise several times.

Bone marrow respiration is perhaps the most perfect system for preventing diseases and treating them. Today only a few people know about this practice. I wonder how people will react to Taoist teachings in the third millennium?