First aid for emergencies caused by hyperthermia

As always, follow basic first aid principles. If you believe that the victim's condition is due to overheating, immediately take additional first aid measures.
First aid for heat cramps
• Place the victim in a cool place.
• Give him chilled water or drink.
• Stretch and massage the muscles.
First aid for heat exhaustion and heatstroke
• Place the victim in a cool place.
• Give him chilled water or drink.
• Monitor the victim's condition carefully, trying to watch for signs of deterioration.
• Loosen tight clothing.
•Remove sweat-soaked clothing.
• Apply cool, wet compresses to the skin, placing them in the groin, each perineum, and neck to cool large blood vessels. Fan the post-
giving birth with something to provide ventilation.
Try to cool the victim's body with any available means, wet towels or sheets.
• Do not rub alcohol in as it causes the skin pores to close and prevents heat from escaping.
Do not place the victim in a bath of cool water, as this may complicate the airway. When heatstroke occurs, the victim may stop breathing or have a myocardial infarction. Be prepared to perform resuscitation measures.
When to call an ambulance
Refusal of water, vomiting and a fluctuating level of consciousness indicate a deterioration in the victim's condition. In this case, call an ambulance immediately. If the victim begins to vomit, stop giving him anything to drink and place him in a stable position to maintain an open airway.