Hemosiderosis General

In Russia, hemosiderosis is rarely diagnosed; usually the causes are considered to be hereditary disorders of iron metabolism, hypo- and avitaminosis, side effects of medications, contraceptives, immunodeficiencies, atopy, etc. They are caused by the transition of iron to another form against the background of a genetic predisposition or other reasons. A deficiency of the transferrin enzyme, combined with its increased binding to tissues, leads to disturbances in the metabolism of iron inside red blood cells, the formation of free radicals and a deterioration in the biochemical properties of the blood.

Hemosiderosis or siderozushkos (eng. Haemosiderosis) [1] is a pathological process in organs and tissues caused by the deposition of hemosiderin and characterized by the development of hemosiderophagy - a pathology in which tissue nutrition and the functioning of organs is disrupted as a result of hemosiderosis; is a common secondary deposit. As is known, ferritin is a derivative product of the breakdown of hemoglobin monomer and tetramer, as well as ferrumbin, hemosidecrin and hematoidin, which can bind and be absorbed by tissue, causing the development of hemosiderosis. Another option for the development of the disease is the deposition of colonies of myelomonoblasts containing heme. As a rule, hemosiderin accumulates in the liver and heart, but can also be deposited in the lungs, spleen or kidneys.