
How to pump up your pectoral muscles effectively?

The wide array of pectoral muscles of a bodybuilder is like the armor of a healthy tank! It gives the figure a stately look. An image of strength, courage and unbending power! Every self-respecting bodybuilder tries to thoroughly work out this group, pouring out liters of sweat on the bench press bench...
However, in addition to your zeal, diligence, enthusiasm and irrepressible energy, you also need to have sufficient knowledge to build high-quality pectorals... Read further in this article about how to achieve this as efficiently and as quickly as possible...

How to pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles?

Do you know that it is the middle part of the pectoral muscles that forms the entire frame and, accordingly, your entire shape of this muscle group?

It is for this reason that it is worth paying great attention to working out this zone...

How to pump up the inner pectoral muscles?

How to pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles?

An excellent option for increasing the definition of your pecs is to work on the inner area. It perfectly separates the two layers of muscles, emphasizing the beauty, grace and power of each of them...

How to pump up your pectoral muscles with dumbbells?

How to pump up your pectoral muscles with dumbbells?

Many athletes underestimate such good old “grandfather’s equipment” as dumbbells, giving their preference to the barbell and newfangled exercise machines. Completely in vain! Some aspects of working out the chest muscles can be emphasized only with the help of dumbbells. Moreover, there is actually no alternative replacement for them...

How to pump up the middle part of the pectoral muscles?

How to pump up the middle part of the pectoral muscles?

If you have already grown to the point of dividing it into separate sections, paying special attention to each of them, then remember: the middle part is the most important component. It is this that forms the frame and the entire appearance of this muscle group.

How to pump up your chest? - a recipe from a famous bodybuilder.

How to pump up your chest? - a recipe from a famous bodybuilder.

In this article, none other than Kevin Levrone will share his Champion secrets and tricks. He will tell you how to pump up your chest muscles according to his own recipe. It will be interesting, don't switch...

How to pump up your pectoral muscles with a barbell?

How to pump up your pectoral muscles with a barbell?

Despite the huge variety of exercise equipment, the number of which is constantly growing every day with geometric progression, “understanding athletes” still give their preference to the good old barbell. Have you ever wondered: why?

The answer to this question lies in this article - click on the link below and let's figure it out...

How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar?

How to pump up the pectoral muscles on the horizontal bar?

Not everyone today has the opportunity to work out in a gym or fitness center. Many athletes still prefer a regular bar. And, if everything is clear with the back and biceps, then what about other muscle groups? In this review, we will tell you how you can effectively pump up your chest muscles on the horizontal bar...

How to pump up pectoral muscles at home for girls?

Push-ups for every day.

Representatives of the fair sex often contact our editors with questions about how to train their chest muscles outside the gym or fitness center. Well, dear ladies, this article will answer all your questions...