Multidirectional planning of load volume and intensity in weekly cycles.

In the 2nd preparatory month -1500 ascents are planned. The load volume is distributed according to option 2-4 (22, -33, 18 and 27%). In the last week of the 1st month, the load reached its maximum values, therefore in the 1st week of the 2nd month it was reduced. To give the athlete the opportunity to recover, an approximately medium-intensity load is planned this week.

In the 2nd week, the maximum volume of load for a given month is used, so low intensity would be advisable during this period.

At the end of the 3rd week (for example, on Sunday), the athlete competes without special preparation (“eyeliner”), so the intensity of the load in it can be average.

In the 4th week, an average volume load can be performed with high intensity. Thus, we observe multidirectional planning of the volume and intensity of the load in weekly cycles. The load volume is distributed according to option 2-4 (22, 33, 18 and 27%), and the intensity is distributed according to option 4-1 (27, 15, 25 and 33%).

How is planning carried out in this case?

The volume of load in weekly cycles is already known. Next, you need to determine the number of barbell lifts in the exercises. Let's say that in a given month the athlete is distributed exercises in the same way as on average for other athletes, without even changing the number of classic chest raises. Then:

  1. in snatch exercises he must perform 300 lifts (20%),
  2. in barbell cleans - 225 (15%),
  3. in chest raises - 180 (12%),
  4. in squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest - 345 (23%),
  5. in snatch deadlifts - 105 (7%),
  6. in push pulls - 75 (5%),
  7. and in other exercises (press presses, bent-overs, other methods of squats) - 270 (18%).
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