How to restore elasticity to the skin of the abdomen after childbirth

How to tighten the skin and restore its elasticity?

It often happens that a lady gains weight and then loses weight. Or maybe she just gave birth to a baby. The skin stretches and does not look very smooth - it loses its tone. I will try to systematically describe the process of returning tone to the abdominal skin and teach how to tighten the abdominal skin.

1. Physical exercise is the main remedy for sagging skin. Let’s open the course “Super Abs in 8 Minutes” and devote only 8 minutes of precious time to your abs.

2. A contrast evening shower has a great effect on skin tone. Do it after a salt or coffee scrub and rubbing your stomach with a hard washcloth. During the peeling process, old, dead cells are removed from the surface of the skin, blood supply to the skin improves, and the skin becomes smooth.

3. After a shower we use creams, because nutrition and hydration are very important. It’s better to make a cream that will have a regenerating effect, smooth and tighten the skin yourself:

We buy good baby cream without additives and filler – ordinary Russian fatty baby cream. Take a separate jar and squeeze a few 4 tablespoons of cream into it.

5 vitamin E capsules
5 vitamin A capsules
Plant extracts (for example, seaweed, green tea, pineapple, guarana, cocoa - whatever you can find).
1 tbsp. any vegetable oil (wheat, jojoba, apricot, etc.)
6-7 drops orange oil

4. The cream is best combined with a massage - it is a powerful remedy for sagging skin. After a massage, blood circulation noticeably improves, muscles are toned, and the skin becomes elastic and firm. It is good to do a massage with aromatic oils and better in the evening after a shower. Massage is useful not only for the skin, but also for normalizing stool.

5. The bath also has a great effect on the skin, improving oxygen saturation of tissues. After the bath, the skin becomes smoother, renewed and tightened. It is useful to use a broom on the problem area of ​​the abdomen.

6. Masks for abdominal skin elasticity

Vinegar wraps: take 1 tbsp for 1 glass of water. 9% vinegar. Soak gauze in vinegar water, place on the stomach, with cling film on top. Keep it for half an hour.
Yeast mask: 20 g yeast, 5 tsp. cream, 5 tsp. honey The mask nourishes, tightens pores, stimulates blood circulation and increases elasticity.
Nettle mask: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry nettle, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes. Cool, moisten a layer of gauze in the broth and secure with cling film on the stomach. Keep the mask on for about an hour.

Unfortunately, after giving birth, a new mother not only has pleasant worries about the baby, but also problems with her figure. Not surprising, because during pregnancy a woman can gain 15-20 kg. The skin of the abdomen loses its former elasticity. It happens that a woman’s former shape returns without any effort, but most women in labor still ask the question: “How to tighten the skin of the abdomen after childbirth?” In fact, working on your body requires an integrated approach, a little patience and perseverance.

How to restore skin elasticity after childbirth?

Natural restoration of the figure: contraction of the uterus and toning of the abdominal muscles may take up to 8 weeks. If during this period the extra pounds have not gone away, certain measures should be taken. The following will help you get rid of sagging skin after childbirth:
- special procedures to tighten the abdomen;
- physical exercise;
— cosmetology;
- proper nutrition.
However, the fastest, but least gentle method of solving the problem is surgery.

How to tighten sagging skin after childbirth using special procedures?

Among the most effective procedures to restore elasticity to the skin of the abdomen are contrast showers, herbal baths, cryotherapy and massage. Let's look at them in more detail.

Contrast shower, herbal baths and cryotherapy

When taking a shower, you should direct the flow of water to problem areas of the body. In this case, it is necessary to change the temperature from hot to cold. Alternating dousing provokes blood flow to the cells, which significantly affects the increase in skin elasticity.

To achieve an effective result, it is necessary to perform massage circular movements with a stream of water. In addition, the duration of each temperature mode should be 20-30 seconds. The hot and cold flow must be changed at least 3 times in a row.

You can also increase the effectiveness of the procedure by massaging problem areas under running water with a hard natural washcloth. The contrast shower should be completed by dousing it with cold jets. You can achieve significant results after a month.
The renewal of epidermal cells is significantly promoted by taking a bath with chamomile decoction. Rubbing the abdomen with ice cubes tones and helps improve skin elasticity.


A significant effect during massage is achieved if during the procedure you use a cream to firm the skin after childbirth. However, if it is not available, you can use any other moisturizer.

You should lie on your back, apply the cream to the skin and begin to move your fingers, as if lightly pinching your stomach in a clockwise direction. The force of hand pressure must be gradually increased so that the stomach turns red as a result.
Pinch massage makes it possible to tighten the skin after childbirth at home if you use it daily.

How to tone your skin after childbirth with exercise

There are 2 main exercises that allow you to bring the elasticity of your abdomen back to its former shape. It is worth noting that it is necessary to resort to this method only after 40 days; during this period, as a rule, the uterus has time to completely contract. For women who have had a caesarean section, it is better to refrain from exercise for 2-3 months after giving birth.

Before you begin to load your body, you should warm up slightly to avoid damage to muscles and joints.


Take a deep breath, and then exhale all the accumulated air and hold your breath. At the same time, pull your stomach in as tightly as possible and stay in this position for several seconds. Next, take a deep breath again. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.
It is noteworthy that you can create a vacuum in the abdomen in any position of the body, but you will get the most effective result if you sit.
This exercise provides an opportunity to tighten sagging abdominal skin and strengthen the abdominal muscles.


To perform the exercise, you need to take a lying position. Leaning on your elbows, you should straighten your legs parallel to the floor, as if you were going to do a push-up. In this case, the lower back should not bend, and the buttocks should not rise. You need to hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Increase the time daily until you reach 2 minutes.
In addition to the exercises presented, you can pump up your abs and perform loads on the muscles of the whole body.


You can also give your figure an attractive look using a cosmetic procedure - body wrap. The modern market offers a huge number of masks for this purpose. All you need to do is apply the composition to the skin of the abdomen and wrap the problem area with cling film. After keeping the mask on the body for 30 minutes, it must be thoroughly washed off in the shower.
A special composition was developed by manufacturers to improve the stimulation of collagen production and metabolism in general. As a result, the skin becomes toned and the waist size decreases.
It is recommended to resort to the wrapping procedure no more than 2 times a week. You can prepare a special composition at home.

Chocolate mask with pepper

Melt a 100g dark chocolate bar over a double boiler. Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to the resulting mass. After the mixture has cooled to room temperature, it can be applied to the skin.

Olive mask with pepper

A teaspoon of chili pepper should be mixed with three tablespoons of olive oil. Then the resulting mixture should be left for 15 minutes. Only after this can the oil be used for wrapping.

Proper nutrition will help remove stretched skin after childbirth

In the first 3 months after childbirth, experts recommend that nursing mothers follow a strict diet in order to avoid the development of food allergies in the child. However, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet not only for preventive purposes, but also in order to get your figure in shape after childbirth.

There are several nutritional rules that will help get rid of sagging skin in the first couple of months after the birth of the baby:

1. Water is the key to all processes in the body. To restore the skin to its former elasticity, it is necessary to take care of improving metabolic processes. The condition of the dermis will improve significantly if you drink at least 2 liters of fluid daily, and if breastfeeding - all 3 liters.

2. You cannot drink before or after meals for 30-40 minutes.

3. Meals should be frequent, but not in large quantities.

4. It is necessary to forget about flour products and all kinds of bakery products. Such food not only increases waist size, but also leads to bloating in the newborn.

5. The daily menu must include dishes from lean meats and fish. These products contain minerals and vitamins beneficial to the body, which have a beneficial effect on the restoration of organs, systems and skin after childbirth.

6. Sugar and fatty meats should be excluded from the diet.
As you can see, the listed rules are quite simple and do not cause difficulties for mothers who care about their figure and the health of their baby.

How to tighten the skin after childbirth: surgical methods

For those who do not want to wait a long time for the body to recover naturally, there is plastic surgery, which is the fastest way to restore the elasticity of the abdominal skin. However, the rehabilitation period in this case may take much longer than you could spend, for example, on following a diet.


In modern surgery, using a laser unit, it is possible to remove subcutaneous fat through micropunctures of the skin. However, the technique is relevant only for those whose shape is close to ideal, and whose dermis has good elasticity.


Compared to liposuction, this technique is not as gentle. During surgery, surgeons remove excess skin after childbirth, fat deposits, and also tighten the abdominal muscles, giving the abdomen an attractive shape.
Abdominoplasty is relevant for those women whose dermis elasticity does not allow liposuction, or the woman in labor experiences significant sagging skin due to multiple pregnancies.

It is worth noting that the operation does not guarantee the preservation of attractive forms if you do not adhere to proper nutrition and exercise.

Of course, the appearance of a small family member in the house radically changes a woman’s life, but between diapers and cereals you should still spend a little time on your appearance.

Every woman after childbirth faces the problem of a sagging belly.

Of course, there are lucky women who manage to quickly return their figure to normal, and who don’t even have stretch marks.

Unfortunately, there are few such girls.

Most people have to work hard to restore skin elasticity.

When the skin on the abdomen is sagging after childbirth, the problem must be dealt with comprehensively in order to achieve a truly effective result.

How to tighten the skin on the abdomen after childbirth: an integrated approach

Before you start “fighting” your figure, you need to consult your doctor to see if you can start doing this. During the first 40 days after childbirth, a woman’s body begins to recover on its own. The uterus contracts, and the process of regeneration of the abdominal skin begins. Doctors categorically prohibit new mothers from resorting to physical activity during this period. Until the process of uterine contraction comes to an end, sports are contraindicated. Neglecting the recommendations can lead to bleeding, and in the case of a cesarean section, to suture rupture.

When the skin on the abdomen is stretched after childbirth, this is normal. You need to have a little patience and understand that the body needs rest. However, there are some useful tips that you can follow from the hospital to help your stomach recover.

1. If the child was born naturally without complications and the mother feels well, in the maternity hospital you can wear a special bandage that secures the abdomen. It is important that the woman does not experience aching pain in the abdominal area and discomfort, otherwise it would be better to give it up for 1-2 weeks.

2. Pharmacies now sell many different creams based on nutritional components designed to nourish the skin and restore its elasticity. They are also allowed to be used from the maternity hospital, if there is no individual intolerance to individual components.

Many women are interested in when their figure will become the same. It depends on many factors. Among them are:

• weight gained during pregnancy;

• constitution of the fairer sex;

• what mom does to restore her figure to its former glory.

It should be understood that it is important to follow an integrated approach to restore the elasticity of the abdominal skin. This includes self-massage and proper nutrition in the first weeks after childbirth; physical exercise is allowed a little later. If it is not possible to restore elasticity naturally, modern cosmetology offers special procedures against sagging skin. As a last resort, this is surgical intervention.

The skin on the abdomen after childbirth is flabby: the correct structure of the diet

The first thing a new mother should think about is her diet. Its incorrect construction will affect not only the woman’s health, but also the quality of breast milk, which is so important for the baby.

When the skin on the abdomen is loose after childbirth, the simple rules presented for regulating the diet will help restore its elasticity without harm to the baby.

Rules for constructing a daily diet

1. During the day, be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water. The liquid helps stimulate the body's metabolic processes, which will have a positive effect on the condition of the dermis. The abdomen will recover faster, become elastic, and the skin will take on a healthy appearance.

2. The gap between drinking water and eating should be 30-40 minutes.

3. New mothers are advised to eat often, but in small portions. This will prevent fat deposits and ensure a regular supply of breast milk.

4. You should avoid flour products. Baking and white bread are not only harmful to the figure, but also cause colic, allergies, and bloating in newborns.

5. The diet must include fish and lean meat. These products contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the restoration of the body. They will also be supplied to the baby with breast milk, which will have a positive effect on the formation of his immunity.

6. Fatty meats and sugar are not recommended during breastfeeding.

Following simple rules will allow the mother to start the natural process of restoring the skin of the abdomen after childbirth. In addition, a properly structured diet has a positive effect on the quality of breast milk.

The skin on the abdomen is stretched after childbirth: first exercises for a new mother

During the first 40 days after labor, the uterus contracts. During this period and during breastfeeding, any physical activity is strictly contraindicated for the new mother. However, to stimulate the process of restoring abdominal elasticity, self-massage is recommended. The presented set of simple exercises should be performed every day, devoting 10-15 minutes to it.

1. Stroking. Lightly stroking the belly clockwise stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

2. Next, there is a smooth transition to kneading. The massage is done with your fingers from the lower abdomen to the ribs. You should not press too hard; the exercise should not cause a feeling of discomfort.

3. From the sides towards the navel, stroking is performed, but now with both hands.

4. Nudge. The abdomen is gently stroked with the palms of both hands, while applying a little pressure on it with the left hand.

5. Sawing. The hands are folded in the abdominal area. The skin is “rubbed” with the ribs of the palms, while one hand moves up, the other down.

6. Light pinching with fingertips.

7. Stroking the abdominal press with finger pads.

When the skin on the abdomen is stretched after childbirth, in the first few weeks these exercises will stimulate natural processes to restore its elasticity. They are performed lying on a flat surface for 10-15 minutes in the morning before meals.

You can also do body wraps at home with clay and healing mud. It does not take much time and all the components are available in the pharmacy at an affordable cost.

Lower abs exercises

After labor, the muscles relax. When the uterus stops contracting, it is recommended to consult a doctor and find out whether you can start doing exercises. How to tighten the skin on your stomach after childbirth? By devoting a little time daily to the presented set of exercises, problems with a sagging belly will not bother a woman.

The emphasis is on the muscles of the lower abs, since it is their “flabbiness” that makes the figure unattractive.

1. The exercise is performed in a lying position, on a straight surface (preferably on the floor). Raise your legs slowly, preferably at an angle of 90 degrees. The first weeks will be difficult, since the muscles are relaxed after childbirth, so 6-7 approaches are enough.

2. Running. It is advisable to jog in the fresh air in the morning and before bed.

3. Exercises with a ribbed hoop. Now few people pay attention to this inventory. However, when it comes to the question of how to tighten the skin on the abdomen after childbirth, a hoop is the ideal way to achieve an excellent result.

4. Plank. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the whole body, so it is very useful for a woman after childbirth. A woman should stand on the floor on her elbows, with her feet on her toes. It would be ideal to hold in this position for 50-60 seconds.

There is nothing complicated in the exercises listed. By performing the complex daily, your sagging belly will begin to disappear within a month.

Cosmetic procedures

If a new mother has a little time for herself, you can visit a beauty salon. Now there are a huge number of procedures that combine the effects of lifting and lipolysis. A woman can not only get rid of fat, but also tighten sagging abdominal skin after childbirth. Before choosing a cosmetic procedure, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that he can help you choose the best option.

1. RF lifting. The procedure allows you to stimulate the body's production of elastin and collagen, which gives the stomach elasticity.

2. Ultrasonic liposuction. This procedure does not involve surgical intervention. It is carried out using special ultrasound equipment and is aimed mainly at removing subcutaneous fat. However, modern devices simultaneously tighten the skin according to the same principle as RF lifting.

3. LPG massage. Vacuum massage, which allows you to rid a woman of the “orange peel”. It also has a lifting effect on a sagging belly after childbirth.

4. Myostimulation. This procedure is medical. It has a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin. When a woman is interested in how to restore elasticity to the skin on her abdomen after childbirth, doctors often recommend myostimulation. The procedure restores cells from the inside, which is reflected outside.

5. Wraps and manual massage. Such cosmetic procedures are very useful for new mothers. The wrap stimulates metabolism, resulting in the disappearance of fat deposits and tightening of the skin in the abdominal area.

Modern cosmetology gives excellent results. However, it is worth noting that not every woman has the time and opportunity to visit salons, because the procedures are expensive.

How to restore elasticity to the skin on the abdomen after childbirth: surgery

If you cannot get rid of a sagging belly after the birth of a child at home, you can consider the option of surgical intervention. It should be noted that the methods listed are not suitable for every woman; you should first consult a doctor. It is recommended to resort to surgical intervention only in extreme cases for women who also suffer from excess weight.

1. Abdominoplasty. To date, this procedure is the most effective and safe. It guarantees a long-lasting effect and allows you to get rid of excess weight and sagging skin in the abdominal area.

2. Combined plastic. Incisions are made in the bikini area and along the midline of the abdomen. Skin tightening and excess weight loss are guaranteed.

3. Mini abdominoplasty. Performed in case of stretch marks in the abdominal area and sagging skin.

If the skin on the abdomen is loose after childbirth, this is not a reason to panic, because many people face this problem. There are many solutions, which one to choose is an individual decision for each representative of the fair sex. It is important to understand that the approach must be comprehensive. Proper nutrition combined with massage and simple exercises gives excellent results.