Oxygen Ceiling

The oxygen ceiling is the maximum height a person can rise to without the use of supplemental oxygen at excess pressure. Today this altitude is approximately 2600-2800 meters above sea level.

Oxygen is an essential element for life, without which a person cannot survive. However, when rising to high altitudes, the air

Oxygen ceiling or limit.

If you decide to conquer Everest, train your lungs. Thus, rise to a higher altitude than the oxygen limit altitude. To learn to breathe fully and for a long time, special exercises are enough. Breathing exercises are a great way to improve lung strength. As a result, you will be able to rise to a height that is much higher than the oxygen ceiling. You should not believe that since you live in the mountains, nature has endowed your body with the ability to do without oxygen. Not at all. Both your muscles and your brain are filled with blood. Simple physically hardy tourists do not resort to oxygen apparatus to climb Everest - reaching an oxygen altitude of 8848 meters. This is despite the fact that, according to some data, an oxygen ceiling does exist.