Computerized innovative complexes for training athletes

As part of our website: fitness and bodybuilding in Russian, we continue to study news of science and technology, designed to help modern Olympic athletes in physical, as well as psychological and tactical preparation. The main goal of all these innovations is victory in the upcoming competitions, and considerable resources and effort are allocated to achieve it. Well, let's find out what's available in arsenal coaches of professional athletes...

  1. Electrical muscle stimulation.
  2. Programmed methods of training athletes.
  3. Biomechanical analysis of athletes' movements.
  4. Pulsegram.
  5. Vector dynamography.
  6. Operational control device.
  7. Accelerography method.

Electrical muscle stimulation.

Giving examples of technical means in sports, one cannot help but dwell on the methods of the so-called stimulation effect on the muscles. Electrical muscle stimulation can be used to increase their size, as well as to correct and improve movement technique. In addition to electrical stimulation, the method of mechanical muscle stimulation, based on theoretical and experimental research in the field of so-called static and wave biomechanics. The method actively uses the phenomenon biomechanical resonance, as a result of which there is a significant increase in the amplitude of active motor units under cyclical external periodic mechanical influences with a frequency of 5 to 20 Hz. A special feature of the method is that external mechanical stimulation can be performed under conditions of key competitive exercises.

Programmed methods of training athletes.

In managing the process of developing and improving the skills of athletes, they widely use programmed teaching methods. Film simulators are used as a device for programmed training in sports, which are also used in training drivers, which is practically confirmed by daily auto news, as well as pilots and even astronauts. The possibility of creating effective devices for implementing programmed training can also be illustrated using the example of an autocardioleader. The device consists of two blocks - the athlete's block and the coach's block. The athlete's block includes a biocurrent amplifier, a rectangular pulse converter, a radio transmitter, a receiver, and a sound generator; the trainer's block includes an autocardioleader, a receiver, and a transmitter.

The use of an autocardioleader is based on the idea of ​​controlling the immediate training effect of a runner based on heart rate. The device is designed for programming heart rate and is equipped with a device that allows you to preset the program in 12 time intervals. On each of them, the programmable heart rate is constant and can be set at the request of the trainer within the range of 40…250 beats/min. Alarming when the actual heart rate deviates from the programmed one is carried out by an audio signal of different tones (400 and 800 Hz). Autocardioleaders can work according to a given program indefinitely. Tests have shown that runners quickly get used to working with the devices. Deviations of the actual heart rate from the programmed one were, as a rule, small even among low-skilled athletes.

A programming device with light indication is also a training complex of urgent information with feedback, which allows you to perform the exercise - squats with a barbell on your shoulders - in a) fast, b) medium and c) slow rhythms.

To improve the technique of classic exercises of weightlifters, we offer a device that is simple in design and operation. With its help, you can record the trajectory of the barbell and determine the nature of the distribution of forces when lifting it.

The use of video recording devices greatly improves and facilitates the biomechanical analysis of athletes’ movements, helps to carry out a thorough analysis of their phases, for the subsequent elimination of inaccuracies in technique. Advantages of the method video cyclography in compactness, reliability and speed of obtaining information with sufficient accuracy in the conditions of the educational and training process.

Compared, for example, with the method cinecyclography This method allows you to obtain the necessary information much faster. The developed technique can be used for urgent biomechanical analysis sports movements by entering recorded information into a laptop, tablet, other mobile computer or even a local network from the memory of video capture devices.


IN sports and medical and coaching practice, the use of a method for studying the functional state of the heart of athletes based on the construction of a variation pulsograms heart rate is associated with a significant investment of time. In addition, this method is not informative enough, since it does not take into account the correlation within the sequence of R - R waves itself. Therefore, it may become widespread in practice correlation rhythmogram (CRG) method, based on its automatic registration using a complex device consisting of a cardiac monitor, an oscilloscope in which the scanning unit is replaced by an amplifier unit, and a time interval converter. Photo or video equipment is attached to the oscilloscope tube. Within 3...5 minutes, the DRG is recorded on a digital photo or video. In the future, the analysis of cardiac rhythmograms is carried out, which allows one to obtain a fairly accurate idea of ​​the nature of the heart rhythm and, in contrast to a conventional pulsogram, of the degree of impact and effectiveness of the training load on the athletes’ body.

Modern pedagogical science is actively searching for more effective teaching methods. As technical means of pedagogical control in sports, simulators, devices and techniques developed in the special laboratory of biomechanics of VNIIFK can be successfully used.

Vector dynamography.

The most widely used method vectordynamography, based on mutually perpendicular strengthening of strain gauges on elastically deformable elements of sports equipment. For example, on the bar of a gymnastic bar there are two mutually perpendicular systems of strain gauges installed, forming two measuring bridges. These bridges are designed to measure the deformation of the bar caused by forces applied to the bar and allow the vertical and horizontal components of the force to be recorded. They are assembled according to summation circuits, which ensure equal imbalance of the measuring bridge with the same force, regardless of the point of its application. The signals from each bridge are fed through a strain amplifier to the inputs of an electronic oscilloscope, which allows one to judge the vector of forces at each moment of movement and the general time course of forces during the exercise by the athlete.

Vector dynamographic method has become quite widespread in the study of support reactions. In these cases, strain gauges are glued to the force-receiving elements of the dynamographic platforms. Measuring bridges made up of sensors provide electrical summation, i.e., equal imbalance of the bridge when a standard force is applied to any point on the working surface of the platform.

The complex, consisting of a two-component dynamographic platform equipped with strain gauges, a strain amplifier and an oscilloscope, allows for extensive studies of sprinting and jumping exercises.

To improve the speed and technique of key sports movements, they have found practical application in modern coaching practice. light and sound and others indicator settings. These devices provide immediate corrective information and sufficient accuracy in the reproduction of audio signals.

The main elements of light and sound devices that set the rhythm of movements or correct motor skills are contact breakers, capacitive relays, multivibrators, and electric stopwatches. For example, a device for teaching pommel horse swings, turns on the horizontal bar, and pirouettes in floor exercises consists of gymnastic slippers with contact plates, a multivibrator, an amplifier and a key. This device helps the gymnast improve the technique of movements, signals that “legs are together” or apart.

Swimmer's auto speedometer with double sound indication is designed to signal the swimmer’s speed within any limits. The device consists of a contact sensor, a multivibrator operating at two frequencies (500 and 1200 Hz), a telephone, a power source, and a control unit. The sensor reacts to water resistance. In the initial position, the swimmer hears one sound tone, and when the set speed is reached, the sound disappears, since the normally closed contacts are disconnected under the influence of the oncoming flow of water, which presses on the sensor. In turn, the sensor is mechanically connected to a pusher acting on the contacts. With an even greater increase in speed, the pusher switches another resistive-capacitive circuit, a sound with a frequency of 1200 Hz appears and the device “tells” the swimmer that he is swimming at a speed higher than the set one.

To train and study the level of tactical thinking of basketball players and simulate basketball situations, a device has been created that allows one to evaluate the time and correctness of solving simple and complex game situations. It is based on a projection TV.

Complex multi-purpose devices include operational control device and management of the training process. The device can be used in scientific research and directly in the training process of athletes in many sports. The variety of functions performed by the device (measurement of time intervals, physiological parameters, operation in light and sound led mode, control of pulse repetition rate, pairing with a computer or laptop) makes it universal. Such a device can find the widest application in the training process with even greater universalization of blocks and replacement of discrete elements with micromodular circuits. At the same time, the dimensions of the entire device will be significantly reduced.

Registration of temporal and spatial parameters when athletes perform competitive movements makes it possible to study the distribution of efforts, tempo characteristics, and identify technical errors. For these purposes, a device has been developed that allows you to record the following parameters of a running step: the number and frequency of steps, their length, the time of the support and flight phases. The device consists of a micromotor, a tape drive, relays, contacts, and a battery power supply, and is mounted on the athlete’s body. The weight of the device is less than 300 g, the overall dimensions are minimal. When the runner places his foot on the track, the contacts close, forming a weak current circuit, the relay is activated and the recorder marks strokes on a uniformly moving tape. In the unsupported position, the plates are disconnected and the relay is turned off. Belt speed 40 mm/s.

In the training of weightlifters, to determine the time, path, speed and acceleration of the movement of the barbell, a device has been developed that is simple, reliable, and small in size. The operating principle of this device and design are similar to the device for runners.

Accelerography method.

In managing the training process, it is used to assess dynamic and time parameters. accelerography method, which makes it possible to evaluate the improvement of technique and the development of physical qualities of athletes as a whole, and not in parts, as is done using film methods and strain dynamography, which is not enough for biomechanical analysis.

Computers are used not only in scientific research and training, but also in physical education. The Kharkov Aviation Institute has developed and put into operation the ACS “Health” subsystem, the task of which is to record and analyze the passing of sports standards. A similar system, developed at the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, makes it possible to create a final mathematical model of a “student-athlete”. A program for a set of exercises has also been created there and an ACS program for sports improvement is being developed using the example of volleyball.

Electronic computing devices designed for processing and analyzing individual parameters are also used in sports. Thus, the express analyzer of electrocardiograms (EAK-2) for mass examinations without ECG registration makes it possible to determine deviations from the norm in the heart function of a training athlete.

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