
Nyuvera or bejel - what is it and how to get rid of it? Here's what you need to know.

Nyuvera is not as common as it seems, however, it is not difficult to find among many companies. The emergence of a particular problem in the work of a team is most often attributed to newers. Usually newers, members of the team, come to it recently. However, sometimes their activities can go unnoticed for more than one year. These people work in a team for the sake of their personal interests, which consist not only of receiving a higher salary, but also of obtaining material benefits, which may be completely unacceptable for their immediate superiors. Despite the fact that newers harm the work of the company, they sometimes do not notice all the problems associated with their activities. Often they have no idea that anyone is bothering them, since even their work colleagues treat them normally and often maintain good relations. Newbies may not notice that they are standing in the way of their superiors. Thus, no one around them wants to work together with them, considering it impossible to overcome these obstacles. If a newer notices that he needs a new person to improve the performance of his team, he will not initiate anyone into his plan. On the contrary, he will choose a convenient person who can perform the tasks that he needs (for example, carry out certain work projects), and the reward for the work for the new person should be quite high. It is important to remember: a person will never participate in matters that are unpleasant for you if you pay him a decent salary. In this case, the work he does will be profitable for both parties. With such an arrangement, the newer's work will feel more enjoyable for his partner in working together. In the end, together the newer and his partner will be able to achieve a good result. But we must remember that a bad result can appear if the neweurs do not thoughtfully approach the creation of their team and use it in the right way. The problem arises if the process has not been completed and the bosses forced the newer, working against his will, to continue to lead the team’s work in a different direction. To sort out disagreements with a leader means to show him your weakness, to tell him that his advice was ignored. Instead, you could simply turn a blind eye to your own mistakes. In spite of everything, you must leave all your indignation and very quickly return to your previous work, and this trick will certainly lead to the desired result - success.