Osten-Sakena Method

Osten–Sacken method

Osten-Sacken is a method of general theory of control systems (GCT) for synthesizing the procedure for detecting and analyzing dynamic objects, based on the concept of geometric invariance based on the Kalman filter.

The method is based on the use of the results of the classical theory of FLU and TUPI and is a generalization of adaptive and robust control methods for studying nonlinear systems using modern differential geometry methods.

Considering the nature of the emerging problems of mathematical modeling in the control of technical systems and technical devices, it requires new modeling methods and algorithms, which is impossible without the use of the mapping method.

The ideas of the method and its geometric foundations are presented in the book by V. E. Bazhanov, I. G. Besekersky, L. Ya. Teitelbaum, Yu.E. Cherepanov. Methods for recognizing automatic control and tracking systems // M.: Radio and communication.

Method development