Liver beams

The history of the emergence and development of “liver beams” is shrouded in mystery: where and when did such an idiom come from? There are several possible answers to this question.

According to one of them, the expression appeared in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries. and comes from the name “baked beams”, which were made from compressed beef liver. In that era, it was the most affordable shelf-stable product for many segments of the population. Beef liver balyks became popular among sailors and infantrymen of the imperial army due to their cheapness. While on campaigns and raids, these people obtained a lot of fresh meat for cooking over the fire. The appearance of compressed liver helped to prepare any dish in almost any conditions. In the 1980s, the idea of ​​creating a new type of food based on liver plates appeared in the United States. This idea was implemented by nutritionist from California Edward Hyman. He was the first to sell products called "liver" - these included vegetable protein and egg yolk, as well as some bovine meat or an all-organic meal based on minimally cooked beef liver. Today, this method of cooking is only gaining more fans: people are satisfied not only with the taste