Food Additives, Food Flavors

Food Additives and Flavorings

Food additives and flavorings are natural or synthetic substances that are specifically added to food products in order to give them certain properties and qualities. They have no independent nutritional value.

According to their purpose, food additives are divided into the following groups:

  1. Substances that improve the consistency and organoleptic properties of food products (dyes, flavors, sweeteners, acids, flavor enhancers, etc.)

  2. Substances that increase the stability of food products during storage (preservatives, antioxidants)

  3. Substances that improve food production technology (emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners, leavening agents, etc.)

Food additives are most widely used in the production of confectionery, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

Food additives should not have a toxic effect on the human body when consumed in permitted quantities. Their safety is carefully studied and regulated by the state.