Rigidity Waxy

Rigid people: how to teach them to be flexible?

The concept of rigidity is often used to describe the characteristics of a person’s character - with such an attitude, others see in such an individual lack of initiative, anger, indifference, infidelity and other qualities that scare people away. However, such a rigid personality rarely lacks positive qualities, but is faced with negative ones. Let's look at examples of such people and methods of countering them.

Qualities of a rigid personality

The qualities from which an individual suffers are essentially acquired through personal experience. However, this concept has another definition: sheer stubbornness in one’s decisions, unwillingness to give in and be flexible. Most often, the main qualities related to rigidity are: 1. *Lack of optimism.* This person has a negative outlook on the world. This suggests that if circumstances are unsuccessful, a person falls into despair. 2. *Lack of high empathy.* Communication with people passes by a person of this type. At the same time, he does not strive to take any actions to improve relationships or increase the productivity of the team. To increase the effectiveness of working with such a person, it is necessary to identify a tendency towards aggressiveness and regularly conduct “therapeutic” conversations on this topic. You should not suppress your initiative, since any negative behavior can provoke such a conflict. It is best to listen to your interlocutor and demonstrate your emotions in response, rather than create an atmosphere of irritation or tension. Apathy caused by stereotypical behavior often has an effect and often becomes one of the causes of oppression. 3. *Inadequate attitude to the truth.* Consists of trying to adapt to the current world, but at the same time not noticing possible negative consequences. At the same time, the individual tries to accept the unacceptable behavior of others and adapt to it, ignoring the problems of these people. Although the desire to understand each other should be encouraged, it is necessary to exclude artificial concealment of the shortcomings of others through manifestations of selfishness and underestimation of the communication partner’s sense of guilt. You can’t let him manipulate you with beautiful phrases, finding yourself in slavery to his whims. It is always necessary to make attempts to turn the situation around, for example, to convey to the addressee your opinion about what happened in an understandable form. This is why the first approach, based on deception and pretense, is not suitable and can lead to the opposite result. It is this formula that is ideal when working with such people: use them for your own purposes and not allow them to be controlled. An aggressive attitude can be fought with persistence. However, if there are no conditions for such methods, the use of cunning and some persistence will be required. Sometimes a rigid person easily allows himself to be deceived, so it is worth trying to study the characteristics of his personality and behavior. For example, to get closer to him, you can start with a dialogue and go through some stages together. Then, with a gradual change in some things, attachment to the interlocutor will occur. Over time, he will view the situation differently and become more to dialogue. This can reduce re-education time and increase the effectiveness of improving communication and teamwork. Each person has an individual trait that can make the task more difficult. B B

**Rigidity** is a normal mental phenomenon, without which, in the case of children, mental activity itself would be impossible. Most often, the development of rigidity leads to a delay in the formation and development of a person’s emotions, which manifests itself in a decrease in the emotional background of communication in everyday activities, loss of a sense of humor, emotionality, and melancholy.

We have already considered two reasons that give rise to personal inertia, one of which we have combined in brackets with something common to both