Hidden, “invisible” workouts and invisible exercises for the abs.

Gone are the days when our main job involved hard physical labor. Today, the vast majority of residents of large cities suffer from diseases caused precisely by lack of physical activity. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called physical inactivity. Diabetes, obesity, diseases of the heart and circulatory system, curvature of the spine - this is not the entire list of disorders that presents us with passive lifestyle

Even those people who would like to cultivate a sports lifestyle do not always have time for this. It is for such a modern busy person that this a set of discreet exercisesthat are available to perform outside the gym or your own home:

  1. I) in transport,
  2. ii) on the street,
  3. III) and even in the workplace.

At the same time, even the most inquisitive and observant colleagues will never guess what you in fact are you doing...

Various hidden exercises.

In previous articles on our fitness site, we have already touched upon the topic of “combining business with pleasure” more than once: office training or on the way to work and other variations. This topic is very popular and in demand. Among the people we surveyed, approximately 20% of respondents practice hidden physical exercises at work and production, or in any other place suitable for them:

  1. someone keeps it in his office kettlebell,
  2. someone is pressing hand expander on the way from home to work,
  3. someone, finding a free minute, does discreet Kegel exercises. Moreover, the number of adherents of this particular technique is constantly growing from both the female and male half of the population of our planet...

As you can see: hidden exercises are incredibly popular. Apparently the whole gusto of them lies in the fact that we, becoming stronger, healthier, sexier and more beautiful, actually save money our personal free time, which is so necessary for us for other needs, for example, for the same active training...

But, first, as has been repeatedly said in numerous articles on our website “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian,” each workout must begin with a warm-up. Of course, you will not be able to complete the entire cycle of warm-up movements intended for this. However, there is still a way out of this situation:

  1. You can run up several floors and come back down,
  2. or go for a short run behind the departing bus,
  3. well, or other options of a similar plan...

When the muscles will warm up, you can go directly to training. To work on your abdominals, perform the simplest, but at the same time extremely effective exercise. It is best performed while sitting on a chair or office chair. To do this, you need to straighten your shoulders, straighten your chest and back, and tighten your buttocks. After that, extremely deep suck in some airand then exhale at the same time sucking in my stomach as deep as possible.

At the same time, your diaphragm should practically not rise. To achieve this, inhale and exhale in a rhythmic cycle, without holding your breath. The effect is achieved due to the tension that occurs in the abdominal muscles. To get noticeable results, you should perform at least 50 retraction cycles at a time.

The following movement is intended for training lower third abdominal press. It is performed while sitting on a chair or armchair. You need to straighten up and place your arms behind you so that your hands are pointing forward and your palms are facing down. Then, bend your knees and move them together. Exhaling, raise your legs a little and try for at least a couple of seconds fix this position. To achieve a noticeable effect, it is recommended to perform 30 approaches.

It is also useful to keep in mind that almost no power physical movement can be done without the participation of the abdominal muscles. So try increase overall physical activity:

  1. walk more often instead of taking a car or public transport,
  2. give preference to the stairs rather than the elevator,
  3. lie less on the sofa or sit in front of the TV,
  4. be more active and energetic in your daily life.
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