Spoon Herb Medicinal

Spoon herb medicinal: properties and applications

Spoongrass, also known as bittersweet, scurvy grass or spoon lettuce, is a plant of the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae). It grows mainly in saline soils and can be found on the North Sea coast of Germany, as well as in some other areas.

The parts of spoon grass used are fresh whole grass, especially fresh leaves. In the pharmaceutical name, spoon grass is known as Cochleariae herba, and the leaves of spoon grass are known as Cochleariae folium.

Botanical appearance of spoon grass

Spoongrass is a biennial, sometimes perennial plant, from 15 to 30 cm in height. The stem is succulent and weakly leafy, and the leaves are succulent, the lower ones are broadly ovate, long-petiolate, the upper ones are stalk-embracing, sessile and deeply cordate at the base. White, pleasantly scented flowers, typical of cruciferous plants, develop into spherical, swollen pods. Crushed leaves or succulent stems have a strong mustard odor and a pungent taste, reminiscent of watercress. Spoon grass blooms in May-June.

Collection of spoon grass

It is best to collect fresh grass before flowering, since the content of active substances in this period is optimal. Fresh herbs contain from 0.18 to 0.3% essential oil, as well as glucocochlearin (a glycoside of mustard oil), isothiocyanate, bitterness, minerals, tannins and a lot of vitamin C.

Healing properties of spoon grass

Spoongrass is used as salad greens due to its refreshing and pleasant taste, as well as its high content of vitamin C. This vitamin is especially necessary in the spring to protect against infections and enrich vitamin-poor foods.

As a medicine, spoon grass is used against constipation, lack of appetite, against bile secretion disorders and to stimulate liver activity. It is recommended to use fresh plants or juice squeezed from them. The effect on metabolism, due to which the fresh plant helps against gout and rheumatic diseases, is reminiscent of the effect of fresh dandelion leaves.

Spoon grass also helps cleanse the skin and is used for rubbing. It was previously used for coughs and asthma, but this use is no longer practiced.

Side effects of spoon grass

If the spoon herb is used correctly, then there is no need to worry about side effects. However, if large doses are consumed or used incorrectly, some complications may occur. It is also worth noting that unprocessed pure essential oil may cause some side effects.


Spoon grass is a useful medicinal plant that can be used to treat various diseases and also as a food supplement. Fresh grass contains a lot of vitamin C and other beneficial substances that can help the body fight infections and other diseases. However, before using spoon grass as a medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid possible side effects.