Bodybuilding nutrition for weight gain.

As you know, bodybuilding is the process of hypertrophy of the muscles of an athlete’s body through physical exercise and a well-planned diet. Therefore, if you eat incorrectly, you can immediately forget about good results.

Bodybuilding nutrition for weight gain.

The following formula determines how many calories a person needs to maintain their natural weight:

WEIGHT (in kg) X 30 = ...Kcal

If your plans also include an increase in volume and an impressive additional gain of muscle mass, then you need to add another 500 calories to the resulting number. You should definitely take into account such an important indicator as the athlete’s body type. Thus, an ectomorphic type, due to its initial thinness, can even add 1000 Kcal instead of 500 - anyway, they will not be deposited anywhere. But this will help him increase muscle mass faster and more effectively. But the endomorphic type, on the contrary, will begin to gain excess weight due to subcutaneous fat if it goes too far with calories. Therefore, 300 additional may be unnecessary for him. Of course, at the stage of working on mass this is not so critical, but when working on drying it is simply like death!

The percentage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as their ratio, is also a very important point. A healthy diet should consist of:

  1. Carbohydrates 50%;
  2. Protein 40%;
  3. Fat 10-15%.

These proportions are ideal for quickly gaining muscle mass. Protein is the main building material for muscles. But it turns out that not every protein is good for gaining weight. You need high-quality protein: skinless chicken, low-fat beef, fish, egg whites, all kinds of dairy products, always low in fat, and, of course, protein powder supplements, gainers, creatines, BCAA and other sports nutrition products. Bodybuilders are recommended to consume proteins of animal origin. It is somewhat more difficult for vegetarians to improve their body, since plant foods lack amino acids and high-quality protein. When preparing dishes, remember the benefits of a complex source of protein: be sure to make porridge with milk. Always add eggs or a piece of meat to the side dish.

Bodybuilding nutrition for weight gain.

Cereals are very useful as carbohydrates for bodybuilders. It is necessary to take note of oatmeal, millet, and buckwheat. Thanks to them, the body is saturated with energy for a long time. Please also note that cereals are very high in calories. Just 100 grams of product actually contains an average of 360 calories.

As for fats, vegetable ones are much more preferable than animal ones. After all, plants do not contain cholesterol. Most vegetable fats can be found in various types of nuts. In general, it is better to minimize fats as much as possible, leaving only the healthy ones: Omega-3 and Omega-6.

The best sources of vitamins are berries, fruits, various vegetables, and herbs. You should be more careful with drinks: store-bought juices have little nutritional value. All of them are diluted with water with added sugar and preservatives. Such sweetened carbonated water must be excluded from the diet: it only causes harm. The same applies to American Coca-Cola and Pepsi. These drinks simply wash away the vitamins it needs from the body. In general, try to exclude the two most harmful products from your diet: salt and sugar - because all the troubles come from them...

Bodybuilding nutrition for weight gain should not be the traditional three times a day, but five or six times a day. Between classic meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need to arrange numerous snacks. They can consist of nuts, dried fruits, milkshakes, protein drinks, sports nutrition products.

Remember: food is the lion's share of success in sports such as bodybuilding and fitness, so pay due attention to it. In any case, no less than the training process. And then progress in improving your body will be simply guaranteed. This is what we, on behalf of our entire editorial team, wish for you.