A cedar barrel or phyto-barrel, a phytosauna will help a bodybuilder quickly recover and improve health.

Regular training, proper nutrition and effective recovery - these are the three pillars on which “iron sports” rests! Remove at least one component, and your dream of an ideal muscular body will collapse like a house of cards, you won’t succeed, and you won’t see muscle growth like your ears!

However, many novice athletes, out of ignorance, neglect one of the “pillars”, which inevitably leads to a decline in progress in training, a drop in motivation, stagnation, sore throat and other negative factors... In this article we will talk about recovery, because it is this component that is often Beginners underestimate...

Of course, restoration is important, and we have already talked about this more than once. In addition to the classic: passive and active rest, special additional methods are also important, such as:

  1. Water procedures,
  2. Bathhouse,
  3. Sauna,
  4. Massage,
  5. Self-massage,
  6. and others…

All this, combined with proper nutrition, allows you to speed up the process of restoring the bodybuilder’s muscles damaged during training. But a reasonable question arises: it turns out that for high-quality restoration, additional financial and time costs are required from us. And not small ones. After all, it turns out that you must definitely go to the sauna, bathhouse, steam room - and all this is not free, order a massage, which also costs money, etc., etc....

But recently a cool solution has appeared! When I found out about it myself, I immediately ordered it for myself, especially since the price was not at all expensive. An excellent solution for an athlete is a cedar barrel or phyto-barrel, a phytosauna - you can see more about it in the next articles in this section... Turn on the video, and all your questions will immediately disappear...

With fairly minimal dimensions, which allows this solution to be used even in an apartment, the Cedar Barrel is actually a mini sauna at home. Moreover, the steam you receive is not just ordinary air, the walls of the barrel are made of cedar, and under the influence of high temperature they release their healing cedar vapors, the effectiveness of which has long been proven by doctors and herbal medicine experts. And what a smell!

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