How to exercise in the gym: a complete training program for girls for 3 days

Very often, having signed up for a gym, girls for one reason or another do not use the services of a trainer to draw up a training program. Read our material about which gym training program is right for a girl.

Top 6 exercises to get rid of cellulite

If you are working out to lose weight or get in shape, you need to train three times a week, training all muscle groups in the correct sequence. The optimal number of workouts per week is 3, this can be Monday-Wednesday-Friday, or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday. For effective training, the body must rest, so daily training is not advisable. The exception is the process of losing weight, but in this case, on the intermediate days, just train on cardio equipment. When going to the fitness club, follow the following training program for girls.

Gym training program: where to start

Your gym session should always begin with a warm-up. Spend 15 minutes on a treadmill, orbiter, stepper or exercise bike. You can choose where to study depending on your own preferences.

Remember, if you start strength training without warming up, you may end up with an unnecessary injury.


1 day of training

2nd day of training

Day 3 of training

Gym training program

Day 1

Warm-up – 15 minutes

Vertical Pulldown: This exercise helps work the core muscles of the back. It should be performed to strengthen the muscular corset of the back.

Be careful not to overdo the weight. The optimal weight for a girl starting to train is 10-15 kg. Not more. Repeat 3 sets of 12 times.

Lat Pulldown: This exercise helps work the muscles in the middle of the back and is a must-do for beginners.

The optimal weight for a beginner is 10 kg. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Lying dumbbell flyes: This exercise helps to work the chest muscles, which is very important for a beautiful chest shape.

The optimal weight of dumbbells is 3 kilograms. Repeat 3 sets of 10 times.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps: This exercise will help you pump up your biceps, making your arms sculpted.

Dumbbell weight - 3 kilograms. Repeat 3 sets of 15 times.

Leg abduction in the simulator: Leg abduction helps to work out problem areas in the inner thigh area, making them beautiful.

The optimal weight for a beginner is 15-20 kilograms. Repeat 2 sets of 20 times.

Leg extension in the simulator: This exercise works the upper thighs, forming muscle relief.

The optimal weight for a beginner is 10-15 kg. Repeat 3 sets of 12 times.

Leg bending in the simulator

The optimal weight for a beginner is 15 kilograms. Repeat 3 sets of 15 times.

Hyperextension: A useful and simply irreplaceable exercise. It perfectly loads the muscles of the lower back and buttocks, without putting an axial load on the spine.

Repeat 3 sets of 12 times.

Abs: For a beginner, it is best to start pumping up your abs using a fit ball. This will help eliminate improper stress on the back muscles, which are most often weak in beginners.

Repeat 3 sets of 15 times, performing the first exercise in the video.

Warm-up - 20 minutes

If your goal is to lose weight, end your workout with cardio for 20 minutes. If you are just staying in shape, you can omit this item and finish your workout by pumping up your abs.

Day 2

Warm-up - 15 minutes

Upper block pull

Repeat 3 sets of 12 times.

Lying dumbbell flyes

This exercise works great for your arms and back muscles.

The optimal weight of dumbbells is 4 kilograms.

Repeat 3 sets of 10 times.

Seated bench press

This press develops the chest muscles and is similar to the bench press.

Start doing the exercise without additional weight