What to do to make breasts grow

Small breasts are the cause of complexes for many girls and women. But all this suffering, as a rule, is self-hypnosis and a meaningless pursuit of an imaginary ideal. Large breasts are the result of genetics and nothing more. There are only three ways to significantly enlarge breasts: surgery, pregnancy or hormonal imbalance, and an increase in total body weight and subcutaneous fat. Are you not happy? How to love yourself and your breasts, give them a beautiful shape and slightly enlarge them - read in our material.

Despite the mass propaganda that men like large breasts, not all of us understand that without proper care they do not look very attractive, and even more so after childbirth. Women with large breasts suffer from complexes with age even more than those with small breasts. The so-called “spaniel ears” are the result of feeding a child and age-related changes. Every woman faces these problems to a lesser or greater extent.

In order for the breasts to have a beautiful shape, be firm and full, there are several effective ways - diet, exercise, massage, cosmetics and contrast showers. The more ways you choose for yourself, the faster you will become the owner of truly beautiful breasts.

Diet for breast enlargement

The most common folk remedy is cabbage. By eating kilos of cabbage, you can grow bigger breasts - they say on all forums and in women's magazines. Doctors have a special opinion on these statements: you, of course, will not be able to grow large breasts, but it is possible to slightly enlarge your breasts with the help of cabbage, and all thanks to the folic acid and estrogen hormone it contains.

Folic acid is responsible for the creation and maintenance of new body cells, especially during puberty and pregnancy. Folic acid is also found in large quantities in carrots, beans, cereals, bananas, red fish, pig and lamb meat and liver, as well as in dairy products.

Estrogen is a female hormone that is responsible for our curvy shape. Estrogen is constantly produced in the body, but especially during puberty. Therefore, by including foods containing this hormone in your diet, you can increase your shape, but unfortunately not only your breasts. In addition to cabbage, estrogen is also found in flax seeds and soy products - tofu, beans, soy milk.

When dieting for breast enlargement, you should consume as much of the above foods as possible, as well as proteins - meat and fish.

Any malnutrition and weight loss diets are contraindicated as fat deposits leave not only from the legs, arms, abdomen and butt, but also from the chest, which threatens sagging.

Breast massage

A light circular massage of the chest stimulates blood circulation in the glands, which promotes the development of the capillary network of blood vessels and increases skin tone. The result of a proper massage is beautiful, well-groomed and toned breasts.

There are three main ways of breast massage:

  1. Water chest massage
  2. Breast massage with hands
  3. Japanese massage for breast growth shiatsu

Water massage, hand massage and Japanese shiatsu massage will help stimulate blood circulation in the breast area, improve its shape and slightly enlarge it.

Exercises for breast beauty

The pectoral muscles are located in such a way that by training them you can significantly improve the shape of your breasts and even enlarge them. The best way to cope with this task is classic push-ups (at first you can lean on your knees) and pull-ups on a bar.

For beauty and breast enlargement, it is recommended to perform a set of special exercises, including push-ups, exercises with dumbbells, stretching and yoga.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Watch your posture
  2. Don't sunbathe topless
  3. Choose the right bra

By following these simple recommendations