How to restore muscles?

Not all novice athletes know, but muscles grow during rest and recovery, and not when strength training with iron occurs. Rest, along with training and proper nutrition, is the key to progress and gaining muscle mass.

When using a split system, each workout for a muscle group should begin when almost complete recovery has occurred. Otherwise, stagnation or even overtraining will likely follow. It takes an average of 2 days for muscle recovery; it is highly not recommended to work with the same group with an interval of less than 48 hours.

But there are also quite effective ways to speed up the recovery process, make it more effective, reduce pain after training and even promote better muscle growth. Here are a number of useful tips on how to restore muscles, or rather, to contribute to their speedy rehabilitation, in the simplest ways and in the shortest possible time:

  1. Taking a bath after training;
  2. Massage;
  3. Using special warming ointments;
  4. Good food;
  5. Supplements to the diet in the form of sports nutrition;
  6. Full, sound and long sleep.

The last three points are, in any case, integral to bodybuilding. Without good nutrition and adequate sleep, you can forget about visible and effective progress. If we add to this rehabilitation procedures and other effective restorative techniques: all kinds of baths, massages, healing warming ointments, then you can make your everyday life as an athlete more comfortable and minimize the pain that follows after intense training. Sometimes this is very important, because in addition to working out in the gym, everyone still needs to work, take care of personal affairs and lead an active life, and the pain after training sometimes simply does not allow you to get out of bed...

  1. Ointments and pharmaceutical preparations after training in the gym:
  2. Recipe for homemade rubbing with propolis:
  3. Sports nutrition for accelerated rehabilitation.

Creams, rubs and ointments from the pharmacy can help restore physical performance by improving blood circulation and having a relaxing effect. Ointments will help relieve tension and pain, not only muscle pain, but also in ligaments and joints. But, like any other pharmaceutical products, they cannot be abused and used constantly, otherwise the body simply gets used to the drug and ceases to respond to it properly. The most favorite sports ointments among bodybuilders are:

  1. Apizartron – based on bee venom, has a slight warming effect, applied to the damaged area and massaged in;
  2. Viprosal – also contains bee venom, used like Apizartron;
  3. Viprapine is a drug with a similar effect;
  4. Vipratox - this ointment is already made from snake venom;
  5. Sanitas is fat-based with methyl salicylate, which has the additional effect of analgesia and inflammation. In addition, the composition includes essential oils, camphor and turpentine. Apply with a light massage to the damaged area of ​​the body.

This is not the entire list of drugs actively used for speedy rehabilitation processes in bodybuilding. You can also prepare an effective ointment yourself to improve blood circulation. An excellent recipe is propolis with olive-based essential oils. Only this ointment is not absorbed very well, and it is better to apply it before going to bed, while wearing some cotton clothes that you can throw in the wash in the morning. But it’s worth it, and this rubbing allows for excellent recovery, and with regular use, you can eliminate problems with joints and ligaments.

Recipe for homemade rubbing with propolis:

To prepare such a product, you need to take a container, no matter what, since melted propolis will be difficult to wash off the surface. Fill it with a small amount of olive oil, put propolis there and steam it in a water bath, turning on the heat several times a day for 1-2 days, so that the oil is well saturated with propolis. It is important not to let the composition boil, since after boiling propolis loses its properties. Then cool the rubbing and, when using it, add a few drops of eucalyptus or any similar essential oil (eucalyptus relieves inflammation well).

Many novice athletes doubt whether to include sports supplements in their diet or not. There are quite a lot of conversations about whether sports nutrition helps you grow or not. But we can definitely say that some sports supplements can help you recover much faster.

For example, if you take protein and BCAA in combination, then after a short period of time you will notice that the next day, even after the hardest workouts, you remain alert and there is no such pronounced pain as before taking it. But still, this does not mean at all that you can shorten the period of rehabilitation of muscle tissue; if you neglect this and constantly load the same muscles, not allowing them to recover, there can be no talk of any healthy progress!

Train smart! Eat right! Pay enough attention to the recovery processes! And then success will definitely knock on your door! Win!

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