Kickboxing for children and adults

One of the types of contact martial arts is kickboxing. This style of martial arts combines English fist fighting (boxing) and kicking (oriental martial arts and French savate).

The technique of a boxing match and kickboxing fights are somewhat similar, only in boxing there are no blows below the belt level, in kickboxing they are allowed. Sometimes boxers switch to kickboxing, and vice versa.

There are the following sections in kickboxing:

  1. limited contact (6-7 years);
  2. light contact (10-12 years);
  3. full contact, professionals and only for males;
  4. free style, for professional athletes over 16 years old;
  5. solo compositions of techniques to music, children from 6-7 years old.

Therefore, this sport is suitable for almost anyone; you can start practicing at any age.

The rules of kickboxing are simple:

  1. blows are applied with hands and feet;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to strike any blows to the lower abdomen;
  3. it is allowed to strike with the knee and elbow;
  4. it is allowed to strike while jumping;
  5. Trips to unbalance are allowed.

Kickboxing for children has become a popular combat sport; children as young as five can start training. Practicing this sport will strengthen the child both physically and psychologically. At first, parents are recommended to attend training sessions; later, the child can attend them independently.

This type of martial arts attracts children, and parents will have to constantly monitor their offspring’s school success, because for the sake of training, many are ready to not even do their homework. To miss even one is to fall behind your comrades in skill. In this case, it is recommended to attend classes and make it an incentive for good study.

According to experts at the leading fighting site, martial arts classes strengthen the character of children. They begin to understand that you don’t get anything for nothing in life; you have to pay for everything with your daily work. Having learned perseverance in training, they will transfer it to their studies; the academic performance of athletes is always higher than that of those who ignore sports.

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