Shiatsu massage: Japanese acupressure technique

Shiatsu massage is a type of Japanese massage based on the finger pressure treatment method. The founder of this teaching is Tokujiro Namikoshi. Literally translated from Japanese, Shiatsu means “finger pressure.”

This technique can to some extent be considered a modern interpretation of acupressure, more improved and closer to modern conditions. There are different types of this massage, based on the traditions of Japanese massage, as well as on the development of human physiology.

Shiatsu massage

Japanese acupressure technique

Methods of influence

The main distinguishing feature of the technique is that it has a broad effect on the body. During the session, the patient's internal energy is activated. The biologically active points that stimulate during the procedure do not coincide with the points of oriental medicine. Generally, the points chosen are based on the soreness of the body. This procedure is not only an excellent “healer” of the body, but also puts in order the human energy, which is continuously associated with the healing effect.

Shiatsu manual techniques are based on the fact that pressure is applied to the patient at the desired points with the fingers. Basically, the massage therapist determines the points intuitively, and not by description. Using this manual method, the flow of internal energy “Qi” is normalized.

Over time, the massage takes a more modern direction; when performed, special devices are used that replace the massage therapist’s fingers. One of these devices is metal balls called “ki-gong”. The balls are pressed to a certain point and begin to rotate clockwise.

Effect of massage

This massage technique is used to improve the health of the whole body, to relieve stress, tension and fatigue. Under its influence, the immune system is strengthened, which has a positive effect on the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Japanese shiatsu massage is an excellent remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, protects our nervous system, helps to cope with insomnia and various stressful situations.

Shiatsu has been proven to be useful for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For example, Japanese massage techniques can be used in massage for scoliosis, in the complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteochondrosis.

I would like to note that with the help of this procedure you can have a positive impact on the quality of life. Thus, by influencing biologically active points, you can increase sexual desire in a couple. Many married couples use this technique in erotic massage. By influencing points located in the chest area for women, and in the lumbosacral area for men, sexual activity increases.

Shiatsu massage

Treatment by touch

Doing exercises

It is advisable to carry out this procedure in courses. Daily 9-10 sessions will give effective results. If necessary, you can repeat the course again, only after a week break.

As a rule, the massage therapist uses fingertips and, in some cases, special devices. Pressures are made, the strength of which is adjusted with varying degrees of intensity. Depending on the technique, the specialist either increases or decreases the pressing force. The pressing frequency is approximately 5-6 times per minute. If more intense pressure is needed, the fingers of both hands are used simultaneously. In this case, one finger is superimposed on the second. It is not allowed to move the fingers along the skin; the pressure must be strictly perpendicular to the skin.

Sometimes, when performing some techniques, the entire surface of the palm is used instead of the fingertips. Most often this technique is used to massage the eyes and abdomen. The palm is also used to perform vibration techniques.

To treat a specific disease, points located close to the painful area are stimulated. Regardless of this, permanent biologically active points that are responsible for the functioning of certain organs and tissues are also massaged. To improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, points located on the left arm are massaged, and to normalize kidney function, points located on the feet are used.

Dosing of acupressure

To perform this procedure, irritation techniques are used, the effects of which differ in their intensity, strength, duration, and frequency. Two methods of influence are used: inhibitory and exciting. This division is determined by the final result we get on the body.

The inhibitory method is characterized by gradual, slow stimulation with increasing intensity, which has a longer lasting effect. The force of the impact extends deep, in some cases to the bones. This method has a calming and analgesic effect on the body. How this method is performed: a finger is placed on a certain point and a planar circular stroking is performed. The force of pressure gradually increases, as stroking turns into rubbing, and then into pressing. This movement is performed for 20 seconds, then the finger slowly rotates in the opposite direction. The pressure force gradually decreases. Pressing turns into rubbing, and rubbing turns into stroking. Massaging the 1st point continues for 1-3 minutes. From 2 to 4 points are processed per session.

The stimulating method of exposure is a strong short irritation, sequentially performed on an area of ​​the body. The techniques described above are performed, but with a different intensity and force of impact. With the help of movements, penetration occurs, right up to the muscles. The frequency of movements is greater, with impact on the point for 30-40 seconds. Usually 6-8 biologically active points are massaged per session.

First, the point is massaged using quick rotational movements. Massaged for 30 seconds. Then they move on to the next point.

Massage to improve performance

In any job, even the most beloved one, after some time, fatigue and fatigue appear. The finger acupressure method can relieve fatigue and increase performance. You can perform the techniques without leaving your desk. To do this, you need to influence points on the face and head: the first point is at the base of the nasal septum, the second in the chin fossa, the third between the eyebrows, the next in the temple area.

These points need to be affected for 30-60 seconds each. Afterwards, we move on to Palm Shiatsu: massage the center of the palm, then the fingertips, first we work on the left hand, then on the right. These manipulations can be carried out 2-3 times a day.

For headaches

For headaches, the front of the head is affected:

  1. Forehead points. They are on a vertical line passing through the middle of the eyebrow. At an equal distance from the hairy area. Stroking is performed with gradual pressure. Duration 3-5 minutes.
  1. Crown area. The points are located along the midline of the head at the intersection with the line from the upper ears. The points are massaged for 3-4 seconds, then the effect moves to points located 2 transverse fingers in front and to the side of the previous ones. The procedure ends with light stroking of the temple area for 2 minutes.

For dizziness

Even the healthiest people can experience dizziness. The feeling of dizziness can occur in transport, in the sky, on water and even at home.

In this case, you need to influence the points located between the eyebrows, at the base of the nose. You need to apply pressure in a circular motion with 2 fingers. The procedure should be completed by massaging in the temple area with both hands for 1-2 minutes, then in the tragus area.

When coughing

The Japanese Shiatsu finger acupressure method also helps with upper respiratory tract diseases. Which points should be affected:

  1. To points located from the neck, jugular notch, to the tip of the xiphoid process. You need to perform stroking with gradual pressure for 1-2 minutes.
  1. Next, you should perform rotational pressure on the subclavian points.
  1. To a point located in the occipital fossa. You need to act for 1-2 minutes.
  1. To a point at the base of the nasal septum.

For menstrual pain

The Shiatsu method will help reduce menstrual pain. To do this, you need to influence the points located on the protrusions of the iliac bones; to points located on the midline 2 fingers below the navel; to points located on the inner surface of the shin 2 fingers above the inner ankle.

For sleep disorders

Sleep disturbances can occur due to stressful situations, overexertion or late dinner.

Normalization of sleep can be achieved using this method. Which points need to be affected: forehead area (bumps), occipital fossa. Massaging these points can be alternated with deep pressure on the point in the center of the heel. This procedure is best performed before bedtime. It is very useful and effective to lightly stroke the entire foot.


Contraindications to Japanese Shiatsu acupressure massage:

  1. Infectious diseases
  2. Skin diseases
  3. Malignant and benign neoplasms
  4. Oncological diseases
  5. Heat

This technique can really give tangible results after several sessions. Correctly performed technique will relieve fatigue, stress, normalize sleep, increase efficiency and return joy to life.