Moringa: beneficial properties and methods of use


What is moringa, price and forms of release. Useful properties and contraindications for use of the product. How to use moringa in different forms, real reviews.

The content of the article:
  1. What is Moringa
  2. Beneficial features
  3. Contraindications and harm
  4. Instructions for use
    1. Oil
    2. Balm
    3. Capsules
    4. Dry leaves and powder
  5. Real reviews

Moringa is a medicinal plant widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The miraculous properties of the leaves and seeds of the tree for the skin have been known since ancient times, but now active research continues to scientifically prove the benefits of the plant for humans. Until there is sufficient scientific evidence of its medicinal properties, moringa is considered a dietary supplement and a popular “superfood.”

What is Moringa?

Moringa tree and leaves with white flowers

Moringa is a tree from the genus of the same name, growing and actively cultivated in hot countries with arid climatic conditions, in particular in Thailand, Mexico, India, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and others. The plant has broadly ovate leaves and white flowers, which is why it is often confused with white acacia. Almost all parts of the tree can be used for food and medicinal purposes, but the leaves of the moringa are especially prized.

It is noteworthy that the use of oil from the seeds of the plant began in Ancient Egypt and Rome as a means for the beauty and youth of the skin; at the same time, the healing properties of the leaves for the body were discovered.

Moringa seed oil has a very valuable composition, because it contains vitamins such as A, C, B6, B12, B1, B3, B7, K, D, E, amino acids (niacin, leucine, valine, phenylalanine, arginine, tryptophan, histidine, lysine, threonine, methionine, isoleucine), behenic, oleic, stearic, arachidic, linolenic, eicosenoic acid, as well as minerals (potassium, selenium, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium). It is thanks to this rich composition that the plant has a beneficial effect on the skin, exhibiting antifungal and disinfecting properties.

Moringa comes in several forms:

  1. Capsules. They contain crushed dry leaves of the tree. 90 vegetable capsules (5000 mg) can be purchased at a price of 2500 rubles or 480 UAH.
  2. Oil. Organic cold-pressed moringa oil will cost 600 rubles. or 900 UAH. per bottle 50 ml. The product has virtually no aroma, except for a subtle nutty, barely perceptible warm shade. Color varies from pale yellow to deep golden.
  3. Powder. Crushed dry leaves of the plant can be found at a price of 1000 rubles. or 260 UAH. per package 230 g.
  4. Dry mixture of leaves and inflorescences. A pack of 100 g can be purchased at a price of 400 rubles. or 120 UAH.

You can also find moringa in compressed powder tablets, as a fresh product in the growing regions, in the form of tea, in balms and various cosmetics.

You can buy moringa in online stores that sell organics, herbs, dried herbal mixtures, natural and essential oils, dietary supplements, Thai or Indian products and other related products for beauty and health. It is quite difficult to find a product in a pharmacy, and there is a high probability of finding a fake. There are also preparations from domestic manufacturers, but since moringa does not grow in our climatic conditions, raw materials have to be imported from afar, which can result in the loss of some useful substances and increase the cost of the final product.

Benefits of Moringa

Moringa - leaves and tea

Various parts of moringa are used as food, medicine and cosmetics, this is especially actively practiced in Thailand, where the plant is added to skin care cosmetics and massage oils, taken instead of a vitamin complex, as well as in South America, where the plant is specially grown to support the vitality of the poor population.

Beneficial properties of Moringa:

  1. Antifungal. Plant seed oil treats fungus on nails, skin, and mucous membranes. Fights ringworm and eczema.
  2. Antiparasitic. When taken orally, capsules help get rid of parasites in the intestines.
  3. Antiseptic. External use of moringa oil can accelerate wound healing and have a disinfecting effect.
  4. Antioxidant. The plant helps prevent cancer and fight various oncologies, and also reduces the harmful effects of radiation.
  5. Antibacterial. Moringa leaves will help cope with pathogenic bacteria in the body.
  6. Antiallergic. The product helps reduce the effects of allergic reactions, both when taken orally and externally.
  7. Improved blood circulation. Moringa activates blood flow to tissues and organs, making it suitable for numbness in the extremities.
  8. Anti-inflammatory. Isothiocyanates contained in moringa seeds and leaves help fight inflammation in the body.
  9. General strengthening and tonic. This effect is achieved by taking the product orally. Moringa helps get rid of waste and toxins and reduce cholesterol levels.
  10. Elimination of itching, peeling. For people with problem skin, the oil will help cope with excessive dryness and other unpleasant manifestations of dermatitis.
  11. Fighting pimples, blackheads, pigmentation, acne marks. Moringa oil, when applied to the face, normalizes the oil balance of the skin, tightens enlarged pores, and evens out the complexion.
  12. Painkiller. The product, used in the form of massage oil, will help with pain in the joints and muscles.

Indications for use of Moringa:

  1. Fungal, viral, parasitic, bacterial infections;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Cancer;
  4. Asthma;
  5. Colds and flu;
  6. Pneumonia, cough;
  7. Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  8. constipation or diarrhea;
  9. Stomach ulcer, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  10. Epilepsy;
  11. Allergy;
  12. Dermatitis (dandruff, acne, post-acne, ichthyosis);
  13. Conjunctivitis, eye diseases;
  14. Anemia, heart and vascular diseases;
  15. Arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, hernia, gout.

Contraindications and harm of moringa

Contraindications and harm of moringa for pregnant women

Moringa has virtually no contraindications, as it is a natural remedy. The only exception is individual intolerance to the components of the plant.

If you have never consumed moringa leaf powder before, it should be introduced into your diet gradually. You need to start with 1/2 tsp. and, increasing the dosage every week, bring it to 3 tsp. in a day.

Moringa can also be harmful to pregnant women, since the high concentration of active substances in the product increases the risk of miscarriage.

Instructions for use of Moringa

In Middle Eastern countries, moringa is used as a lactation stimulant in lactating women. In Asia, the plant is used to purify water; the disinfecting effect is achieved due to the antiseptic properties of the seeds. Also, leaves, shoots, inflorescences, seeds, roots and roots are used as food additives for soups, salads, smoothies. The information below will tell you about other properties and uses of moringa.

How to use Moringa oil?

Benefits of Moringa Oil

Several ways to use Moringa oil:

  1. As an additive to creams, lotions, tonics, face masks. Containing natural acids, saturated fats, vitamins and minerals, the product leaves skin healthy, soft, radiant and vibrant. As an additive to sunscreen, it enhances skin protection from the sun and provides an even, beautiful tan. To eliminate comedones and pimples, mix 1 tsp. moringa oil with 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey, slightly warmed in a water bath and a few drops of lemon juice, apply to your face for 15 minutes, then remove. Oil is added to cosmetic products in concentrations from 3% to 15%.
  2. For skin treatment. The product destroys skin fungi and infections. The properties of moringa allow the oil to be used as an antibacterial substance; it helps disinfect wounds and cuts, and heals burns faster, having regenerative properties. For fungal infections, it should be applied 2-3 times a day to the affected area, also not forgetting to take specialized medications. In its pure form, the oil can be used to treat warts and cuts, and applied to dry skin, including the face. For ear infections, the oil can be placed in the ears.

To treat dandruff, eliminate itching, combat hair loss. Moringa oil effectively strengthens hair follicles, so it is recommended to include it in hair masks. Such products nourish curls, soften dry ends, and make hair thicker. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Moringa and grape seed oils with egg yolk and apply with massaging movements to the roots, subsequently distributing over all strands. When adding 1 tsp. oil into a standard shampoo bottle, the product will exhibit its cleansing and healing properties every time you wash your hair. To strengthen your nails, it is recommended to rub moringa oil into the nail plate daily.

Using Moringa Balm

Moringa Balms

Moringa balm contains oil, flower and root extract. Like the oil, it fights burns, skin damage, and reduces itching from insect bites. Activates blood flow to the extremities, fights arthritis, osteochondrosis, reduces knee pain and destroys fungi.

Moringa balm should be used externally: to do this, a small amount of the product is applied directly to the source of inflammation, a problem area of ​​the skin, or to the location of pain.

Uses of Moringa Capsules

Moringa extract capsules

The capsules contain moringa extract and, when taken orally, help strengthen the immune system. They can be used as a dietary supplement and as a vitamin complex.

Also, taking capsules will help in the treatment of the genitourinary system and gout, in the summer it will protect the skin from excessive pigmentation, normalize blood pressure, cleanse the blood, improve brain activity, and remove parasites from the intestines.

Moringa capsules for the prevention of various diseases and general strengthening effects are drunk before breakfast and before bedtime, 1 piece (total up to 5 g of the drug per day) without restrictions on the duration of the course.

How to use dry moringa leaves and powder?

dried moringa leaves and powder

Moringa leaves, fresh and dried, are added to soups, salads, baked goods, and side dishes.

For colds, you can brew moringa tea from leaves, powder or tea bags. Pour 15 g of raw material into a glass of hot water and let the drink brew for 5-10 minutes. You can drink several times a day.

Leaves in powder form are added in the amount of 1-3 tsp. in tea, kefir, yogurt, juice, cocktails or water and drink daily for a general strengthening effect, support the immune system, increase physical strength and energy.

Moringa powder can be added, like oil, to cosmetic products to smooth out fine wrinkles, heal inflammation, and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.

Recipe for a rejuvenating mask: mix moringa powder and oatmeal and add warm milk to a mushy consistency, apply to the skin for 20 minutes and rinse with water.

The product is safe, so there are no restrictions on the duration of use.

Note! To treat the gastrointestinal tract and improve digestion, you can drink a decoction of the bark or tincture before each meal. For the same purposes, it is useful to chew fresh tree bark.

Real reviews about moringa

Moringa receives mixed reviews: there are fewer rave reviews about capsules for oral use than about oil for external use. Here are the most useful and informative responses.

Margarita, 39 years old

After a trip to India, I began to become interested in vegetarianism and healthy eating. There, my friends advised me to try moringa capsules, talking about its extensive list of beneficial properties, especially for people living in polluted cities and with a lack of nutrients in their diet. I noticed a positive effect after just a week of using moringa in the amount of 4 capsules daily. I became calmer, had more strength and energy, began to get tired less and get more done, my sleep improved, it became easier to fall asleep and wake up. After a month, I noticed an improvement in the condition of my skin and hair, and a stronger immune system. People around me note that the eyes and skin began to “glow” from the inside. For vegetarians, the product is especially necessary, as it contains a large vitamin complex and many useful substances and amino acids, which helps maintain the tone of the whole body.

Daria, 33 years old

After reading positive reviews about this rare but well-known superfood, I decided to buy a pack of dry crushed leaves of the tree and drink it before the start of the flu season. I diluted a tablespoon of powder in a glass of herbal tea with mint and lemon, and drank it every day for a month. I can’t say for sure that I noticed some kind of magical effect and whether it was from moringa. But she noted a general improvement in her health, a surge of vigor and energy, and became less nervous and irritable. Well, by the way, I never got sick with colds or flu, although all my colleagues at work had already become infected.

Olya, 29 years old

I like to try various exotic additives, dietary supplements, and am interested in aromatherapy, folk remedies and homemade cosmetics. And one of my favorite “beauty” products is moringa oil. Despite the high cost (1300 rubles for 60 ml), it is worth the money. I'll tell you why. I have skin with enlarged pores, so I often suffer from blackheads and rashes. Having learned about the cleansing and antiseptic properties of this oil, I immediately realized that it would be ideal for me. And so it happened. Twice a week I applied warm masks with honey and moringa oil to my face, the effect was noticeable instantly. The comedones disappeared, the skin became soft, radiant, silky, the number of rashes and redness decreased. There is even a noticeable lifting effect, as well as a slight smoothing of facial wrinkles. The result amazed me, now I want to try moringa as an oral remedy.

How to use moringa - watch the video: