Is it possible to eat after an anti-cellulite massage?

Beauty. Health. Life.

What determines the effectiveness of anti-cellulite massage?

Such a fashionable and popular procedure as “Anticellulite massage“(otherwise it is also called “sculptural massage”) allows you to get rid of the manifestations of cellulite, pump up muscles and slightly reduce body volume. On the Internet you can find a lot of interesting and educational information about this massage.

But every woman who decides to take a course of this massage must remember that the success of this “event” depends not only on the professionalism of the massage therapist.

There are a lot of nuances, failure to comply with which can reduce all the efforts of the massage therapist to nothing!

And to prevent this from happening, you must also put in a little effort, so that the massage course is effective. And a slender, toned figure and smooth skin will delight you for a long time!

Today we’ll talk about these simple rules.

The main principle of anti-cellulite massage is to improve the condition of blood vessels, stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow throughout the body. This allows you to remove waste and toxins from the body.

Therefore, it is important to drink water after a massage session. Ideally, you should drink clean, non-carbonated, non-salty water. You can read about how to drink water correctly and in what quantity in my article “Do you want to be healthy? Drink water!”

Meal time.

It is not recommended to eat 1 hour before the massage, and after it not to eat for another 1.5 - 2 hours. So you will have to plan to visit a massage therapist at a time when you are comfortable going without food for 3-4 hours.

Diabetics need to be very careful in this regard, because... Taking antidiabetic medications (pills or insulin) imposes certain obligations. Therefore, they should choose the timing of the massage very carefully.


Some women, during the course of anti-cellulite massage, start taking diuretics and laxatives.

This cannot be done!

The only thing you will get from this is poor health and dehydration! But you remember (read the “Water” paragraph) that dehydration leads to poisoning of the body with toxins.

But you don't need this!

You came for health and beauty, so no drugs.

It happens that some women begin to starve or adhere to strict diets. You shouldn't do this! Because this affects your health – chronic diseases may worsen or new ones may appear.

For a massage course to be effective, eat a balanced diet.

Exercise stress.

What it will be like is something everyone chooses for themselves, depending on their lifestyle and material capabilities.

But that it should be - this fact is beyond doubt.

If you can’t or don’t want to do fitness, then walking at a brisk pace for 30 to 40 minutes every day is a good alternative to visiting the gym.


Like any massage, anti-cellulite massage stimulates blood circulation and warms the body. Therefore, it would be wise to avoid hypothermia after visiting a massage therapist.

The ideal option is when you have the opportunity to lie down and relax after a massage for 20-30 minutes. This is possible mainly when performing a massage at your home. But not everyone can afford it.

Therefore, if you do not have such an opportunity and have to immediately go outside, make sure in advance that after the massage you can dress warmly.

And you won’t catch a cold, and the health-improving, cosmetic effect of the procedure will last.

  1. Inflammatory diseases of internal organs
  2. Feverish conditions
  3. Thrombophlebitis
  4. Neuroses
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart defects
  6. Hypertension
  7. Varicose veins II – III degree
  8. Pregnancy

As you can see, the list of contraindications is quite extensive, so honestly warn the massage therapist about the state of your health, do not hide anything! This is important first of all for you.

Be responsible towards yourself!

Uneven surface skin - a problem not only for overweight girls and women, but also for those who are not overweight. Cellulite greatly spoils the appearance, and this problem becomes especially relevant in the summer. If you go online, you will find a lot of information on how to quickly and effectively get rid of orange peel, but not every method is truly effective.

It is worth talking separately about massage, because most of the fair sex resort to this method. With the help of massage you can really reduce the visibility of cellulite, but it is important to follow a number of certain rules. Don't expect to lose pounds lying down, so check out this information to help you get rid of orange peel.

The most common myths about anti-cellulite massage

1. You can lose weight with anti-cellulite massage. Absolute stupidity, because of which hundreds of thousands of girls around the world fall into despair. They will enjoy the fact that the massage will make their legs and buttocks not only smooth, but also thinner. In fact, in order to lose weight, it is important not only to go for a massage, but also to play sports.

Fat is waste that is not used by the body. energy, and during the massage only the effect on the skin occurs. Your blood circulation will improve, your skin will become smooth and beautiful, but you will not lose pounds. In order to achieve the desired result, you need to take extra care of your diet and choose the physical activity that suits you. This will enhance the effect of the massage and help you lose weight.


2. The effect of anti-cellulite massage will only be if it is painful. Many are convinced of this, although this information was and remains a myth. In fact, the result does not depend on whether the process hurts you or not. Depending on the degree of development of subcutaneous fat, a certain technique is selected, so it cannot be said that any type of massage is suitable for treating cellulite on both the buttocks and abdomen.

You must also understand that if after anti-cellulite massage bruises remain, which means that this procedure was harmful. Under no circumstances should you go to that massage therapist who constantly hurts you, and after a few hours you see bloody spots. This puts a lot of stress on the blood vessels, so only a professional can correctly choose a safe and beneficial type of massage for you.

3. During the massage course, it is worth minimizing the consumption of water.. This is not true, because this advice will only be appropriate if you want to see changes on the scale dial. By limiting your water intake, you are not getting rid of fat, but of fluid in your body, which is not healthy. In fact, during an anti-cellulite massage course, toxins are released from your cells, and to speed up this process it is important to drink more water.

In any case, drinking plenty of fluids speeds up metabolism, and this is exactly what girls and women who want to lose weight need. You can drink even while the massage therapist is actively kneading your skin, because in this case, drinking water should be the same as during sports.

4. If you don’t want to gain weight, you shouldn’t eat after a massage.. This is advice for women who want to lose weight, but that's not exactly the case. You can lose weight if you fast or switch to low-calorie foods, but this does not apply to a massage course. You must eat correctly, so already half an hour after the anti-cellulite massage you can eat. Of course, it shouldn’t be pies, buns or chips, because they will only make you gain weight. Pay attention to vegetables, fruits and freshly squeezed juices. You can take them even on the day of the massage. Make yourself a steamed stew, drink herbal tea with dried fruits and lie down. This way you will return the lost nutrients to your body, improve your well-being and be able to fall asleep faster. Be sure to keep a bottle of clean mineral water near you and take small sips more often so that cellulite goes away faster, taking with it impurities and toxins.

We offer you to watch a video of honey massage techniques for cellulite


5. Anti-cellulite massage is ideal for weight loss without sports. This is a lie, do not believe those who try to convince you of this. Of course, it’s easier to think this way, because you don’t have to work on yourself, but if you are focused on losing weight, then you can’t do without sports. Think about how regular running or long walks will help you get rid of those hated pounds faster. Doesn’t this fact encourage you to start working on yourself more effectively?

It is important to give at least 3 times a week body cardio exercises, then you will quickly lose weight, and you will spend less money on a massage therapist. Your thighs and buttocks will quickly become firm and smooth, so you can finish the massage course ahead of time. In addition to losing weight, playing sports perfectly strengthens the body and increases resistance to various diseases.

6. Anti-cellulite massage is an effect exclusively on a specific area of ​​the body. This is not true, because when you undergo a massage course you will receive a general healing effect. Have you ever thought that your tendency to gain weight depends on your metabolic rate? During the anti-cellulite massage, your metabolism accelerates, so you will be able to eat less in the future and gain weight more slowly. Blood circulation also improves, and not only in the thighs or arms, but throughout the body.

If done correctly massage, the vessels will become more elastic and strong. With cellulite, fluid stagnation occurs, but in order to prevent this from happening, it is important to undergo massage courses. This will help you get rid of the unpleasant orange peel, and your body will become more toned and healthy.

7. There is no need to exercise immediately after a massage. You don’t have to do this if you simply enjoy the procedure and are not interested in the visible result. If you want to get rid of the orange peel as quickly as possible, then after the massage do some simple physical exercises and stretch your muscles to retain heat in the cells. This will take you no more than 15 minutes, but the result will be better.

You can lie down later, but immediately after massage It is better to further disperse the blood through the veins and vessels and ensure that oxygen reaches every cell. You can replace physical exercise with a walk in the park, because many people do not like to exhaust themselves with heavy loads. Of course, you shouldn’t exercise hard after a massage, but a couple of exercises will be an excellent addition to your anti-cellulite massage course.

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Is cellulite a myth? There are even more myths about massage, which will relieve this scourge.

Myth 1. Anti-cellulite massage in itself is a means of losing weight. This is the most popular myth. The effect of reducing body weight after the first and several subsequent sessions of anti-cellulite massage is in no way related to weight loss. Often this is a consequence of a powerful lymphatic drainage effect - the release of stagnant fluid from the intercellular spaces. However, this myth can become a reality if you eat and move properly during the massage course - choose individual nutrition. But: a comprehensive anti-cellulite program (with properly selected individual nutrition), as well as the author’s method of manual correction of fat deposits, affecting the meridians, can stimulate metabolism and really lead to weight loss! For the best effect, such a program must be started a month before the New Year; to maintain your figure in order, repeat several sessions after the New Year holidays, then several sessions before the swimming season.

Myth 2. A good anti-cellulite massage should be very intense and painful. Not at all necessary! The type of massage is selected individually. For different problems and different skin types, there should be different intensity of exposure. With reduced skin turgor, loose structure and little or no excess weight, a very intense and painful massage is more likely to harm than help. High-intensity massage with subsequent bruises and hemorrhages under the skin is especially dangerous. Sometimes during such a massage you can really lose weight, since in response to damage to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, nonspecific inflammation develops, with symptoms like the flu - weakness, fever, decreased appetite, as inflammatory factors (tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-6, etc.) .) promote the breakdown of fats for some time. The problem is that these same inflammatory factors can trigger serious autoimmune diseases in the body, and connective tissue growths in the skin, which further worsen the luminess and unevenness. In addition, with increased sensitivity of the vascular wall, hemorrhages and bruises can last a lifetime (especially after 40 years!).

Myth 3. Anti-cellulite massage “breaks” or “burns” fat. If you “try hard”, it is possible to damage or “break” the adipose tissue. But for the reason described above, “breaking down” fat can be unsafe for the body as a whole, it can cause systemic inflammation and, as a result, in response to inflammation - local proliferation of connective tissue. For mechanical removal of fat, there are special medical procedures, the level of impact of which is the same as during a surgical operation (surgical and ultrasound liposuction). “Burning” fat is possible only with the help of fire. The purpose of a professional anti-cellulite massage is to increase blood circulation in the subcutaneous fat tissue, stimulate the breakdown of fats and remove toxins. At the same time, the number of fat cells and their size do not change after a harmless professional massage! But in combination with a properly selected diet and physical activity (according to the type of constitution and the identified problem), after a certain time (10-14 days or more) and a course of good massage, this can lead to a decrease in the fat layer.

Myth 4. During the course of anti-cellulite massage, you need to limit fluid intake or not drink after the massage. This is a ploy to record your “positive” result - weight loss - in no way will improve your health. Massage (especially with acupressure - Ayurvedic, Balinese, Tibetan) helps activate the natural detoxification program - cleansing the body - enhancing the functioning of the kidneys and lymphatic drainage system. The body tries to remove accumulated toxins along with the fluid. In order to help him “cleanse”, you need to drink more (pure structured water, berry fruit drinks), and not less.

Myth 5. After the massage, you should not eat to avoid gaining weight. There are a lot of myths about nutrition. Do not eat carbohydrates, stick to a protein diet, fast. In general, nutrition during a course of anti-cellulite massage must be selected individually, again taking into account the identified problem, the number of extra pounds, type of constitution, and state of health. You can and should eat after a massage. If the massage was in the evening, then after 30 minutes you can have dinner. The safest and optimal food after a massage session is vegetable stew, cooked in good quality vegetable oil, and a piece of bran bread (complex carbohydrates of vegetables are an easy and accessible source of energy, not burdened with extra calories, polyunsaturated fatty acids of vegetable oil stimulate the breakdown of fats, group vitamins Grain bread enhances fat metabolism, fiber in vegetables and bread helps remove toxins). And don’t give up a light dessert in the form of berry jelly or dried fruits with green tea (promotes lymphatic drainage effect).

Myth 6. Anti-cellulite massage cannot be combined with physical activity; it is effective on its own. This is wrong. The best effect from anti-cellulite massage can be obtained by combining it with well-chosen physical activity. Again, the type of physical activity must be selected strictly according to the problem being solved. To reduce fat deposits, the following option is ideal: 20-30 minutes of running or a good intensity exercise bike, warming up the tissues, increasing the heart rate to 90-110 beats per minute, then several anti-cellulite gymnastics exercises for about 10-15 minutes, then 30-40 minutes of anti-cellulite massage , and then several stretching exercises on problem areas.

Myth 7. Anti-cellulite massage affects only adipose tissue and does not have a therapeutic effect. Professional massage is always a general healing effect. In addition to the cleansing and lymphatic drainage effect, stimulation of fat metabolism, a course of individually selected massage will help increase the level of metabolism, promote physical activity, general tone, improve blood circulation, tonize blood vessels, stimulate the immune system and, of course, a properly selected massage will increase skin turgor and modeling figures. In order to get all these effects, you need to choose the right type of massage or anti-cellulite program with an integrated approach.

Author of the article: Varvara Leshchinskaya, nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, weight loss specialist at the Health Academy medical center, branch in Akademgorodok - Massage Practice Boutique

* This article refers to manual massage, not hardware techniques.