Rules for tanning in a solarium


If earlier aristocratic pallor was in fashion, now golden skin is in trend. And it’s great that fashion trends coincide with technological progress - now you don’t have to go to resorts and spend a lot of time near the water. After all, you can go to the solarium!

What is a solarium?

When you are in a solarium, the body is exposed to long-wave radiation, which is why melanin begins to be produced, giving the skin a dark tint.

The intensity of the tan obtained is determined by several factors: the power and number of lamps, the duration of the session.

The effects on the skin of sunlight and radiation in a capsule are essentially the same. The only difference is that in a solarium you can change the intensity of irradiation and there are no dangerous rays.


Types of solariums

Now there are three types of solariums:

1. A vertical solarium is usually equipped with highly powerful lamps. You will have to sunbathe in a standing position. But this does not mean that it is less comfortable. Many people, on the contrary, feel more free in it. For an even tan, you need to move a little and move your limbs.


2. Horizontal is considered classic. Insolation in it is carried out in a comfortable body position. Therefore, you can sunbathe in it after a hard and tiring day. You can relax and think about something good, the main thing is not to doze off!


3. Turbo solarium can be distinguished as a variety. It can be both vertical and horizontal. But its main feature is a specialized air conditioning system. It promotes a comfortable stay for a person inside the flask and prevents burns. The resulting tan is even and intense.


Which solarium is best for sunbathing needs to be decided on an individual basis. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Like any cosmetic procedure, tanning in a solarium has a number of contraindications:

  1. Various skin diseases;
  2. Asthma;
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies;
  4. A large number of large moles;
  5. Menstruation;
  6. Oncological diseases;
  7. Thyroid diseases;
  8. Pregnancy and lactation;
  9. Also, the procedure should not be performed on children who have not reached the age of sixteen (you should not risk it, it is better to do it after adulthood).

For the safety of your body, you must follow the contraindications of solariums and follow the recommendations of a dermatologist.


Benefits and harms

As everyone knows, tanning in a solarium can have both benefits and harm for the body of women and men. The benefits and harms of solariums will be described below:

Beneficial features

Not only is the sun beneficial, but the benefits of a solarium are also great. And it is also able to replace the sun in autumn, winter and spring, when it is so lacking.

How is a solarium beneficial for the body of women and men?

  1. An important positive quality of such a tan is the production of vitamin D, which strengthens body tissues and improves general condition. Its synthesis can also take place under artificial ultraviolet light.
  2. If you suffer from acne and acne, and their appearance is not associated with hormonal imbalance, a solarium is a great way to improve the condition of your skin.
  3. Artificial ultraviolet radiation helps strengthen the immune system and helps overcome colds.
  4. If you sunbathe in winter, this action will contribute to the production of the “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and overall well-being. This is a great way to overcome depression and chronic fatigue, and simply feel joy and lift your spirits during a gloomy and cold period.
  5. It can be noted that artificial tanning is more intense and even compared to natural tanning.


The benefits of a solarium are invaluable not only for the body, but also for appearance. A solarium can transform and improve the condition of your skin.

Many people, before trying the artificial tanning procedure, are tormented by the question: is a solarium harmful for women and men? Undoubtedly, if you sunbathe incorrectly (either under the sun or in a beauty salon), you can cause negative effects on the body.

Therefore, before the procedure, it is imperative to consult a specialist!

But why is solarium harmful for women and men? Here are the main points:

  1. Ultraviolet rays irritate the upper layers of the skin, partially destroying their structure, which can lead to dehydration and premature aging.
  2. Also, such a tan can cause rough skin and clogged pores.
  3. If safety rules are not followed, you can get a thermal burn.
  4. In addition to your skin, tanning beds can cause damage to your hair.
  5. With frequent sessions, intense melanin synthesis can contribute to the development of benign and malignant tumors.
  6. Also, such a tan can aggravate chronic diseases.

It is important to remember that sunbathing in a solarium is harmful to health if it is abused and the safety rules are violated. If you go for treatments and sunbathe rarely and moderately, and protect your body, you can minimize the risks.



How to sunbathe properly in a solarium? To get a healthy and seductive tan, you need to follow a step-by-step series of rules:

Preparing for a solarium

Before going to the solarium, you need to prepare your skin. This preparation includes 4 stages:

  1. Cleansing. Often, just a refreshing shower will not be enough. Since for an even tan you need to remove dead skin flakes. It is advisable to do this with a soft scrub one or two days in advance. Otherwise, the tan may peel off in a few days along with the upper keratinized layer of skin. And before the visit you should take a shower 2-3 hours without detergents.
  2. Hydration. It is extremely necessary! To prevent your skin from drying out too much, you should use a moisturizer. And don't forget to moisturize your lips with balm so they don't dry out. In addition, the day before you can make a hair mask.
  3. Tanning activators. Just like before going to the beach, you need to use a special cream. It is important to purchase a special tanning cream for a solarium; its composition is slightly different from the usual one. But, most importantly, you need to choose not just anything, but a quality product that will not only help you acquire a more saturated shade, but also prepare your skin!
  4. Proper nutrition. Include healthy vitamin foods in your diet. This article contains all the most interesting information about vitamins for tanning, as well as recipes for healthy cocktails!


Tanning in a solarium

So, how to go to the solarium correctly and without harm? To do this without harm, you must follow these steps:

  1. When tanning in a solarium, you should pay attention to the safety of your eyes. Since simply closing your eyes will not be enough, ultraviolet rays will easily pass through the skin of the eyelids and can negatively affect the retina. Therefore, it is important to use special sunglasses. It is better to remove contact lenses before the session.
  2. It is also worth taking care of your hair and hiding it under a cap to prevent it from drying out.
  3. And for regular procedures, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing mask to your hair 2 times a week.
  4. The procedure cannot be performed while wearing makeup.
  5. Before the session, you should not use deodorant, perfumed products or other cosmetics.

Instructions for using the solarium must be given by an employee of the establishment.


Care after solarium

  1. After the procedure, the skin becomes drier, so it is important to use special moisturizers.
  2. At the end of it, products with vitamin E are recommended, which will help eliminate unwanted redness and neutralize the effects of free radicals activated by ultraviolet radiation.

Video: a doctor talks about contraindications and rules for tanning in a solarium.

FAQ: Answers to popular questions

The solarium has become very popular among our compatriots. Such popularity has raised many questions. Below you will find answers to the most important of them.

How often can you go to the solarium?

You cannot often visit and sunbathe in the solarium. This is exactly the beauty procedure that should not be overused, because it is very harmful to the skin and the whole body.

By the way, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the procedure can be carried out no more than once a day. And if you have already sunbathed somewhere in the sun, then on the same day you can no longer pamper yourself with a solarium!

How many minutes can you sunbathe in a solarium?

The duration of one session depends on the following factors: phototype of the tanner’s skin, type of solarium, number and power of lamps. Often the average session length is 5-10 minutes. The first visit should be no longer than three minutes.

Is it possible to go to the solarium every other day?

Theoretically it is possible, but it is not advisable. After all, the main thing is not to achieve the main goal - changing skin tone, but to maintain health! It is better to come to the solarium in a few days (3-4 days).


How many times a week can you go to the solarium?

No more than 3 sessions per week (ideally 2). The course should not exceed more than 10 sessions (the course will take approximately two to three weeks). It is advisable to take no more than two courses per year!

You can go to the solarium with such frequency, but we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body. Carefully monitor the condition of your skin and its reaction.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. Dried skin the color of overcooked coffee has never graced anyone.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without protective cream?

You can't sunbathe without using cream. Thanks to the cream, you will get a more uniform and lasting tan, and protect your skin from excessive drying.

What protective cream is best to use in a solarium?

There are special products designed to protect the skin during artificial tanning. They cannot be replaced with conventional cosmetics, which will not provide adequate protection!

By the way, many people are interested in whether base oil is suitable for tanning in a solarium. The answer is clear: you need to use a specific protective agent, not oil.

You should apply a product that suits your phototype.

Is it possible to enter the solarium with a phone?

There is no clear answer here, but there is no need to do this. What's the point of taking it? It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to play snake or solve Sudoku. There you need to relax and enjoy.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without underwear, that is, without panties and a bra, naked?

In no case, both for hygienic reasons (the booth can be dirty) and for reasons of protection.


How long does a tan last after a solarium?

The tan obtained as a result of the procedure will last about 3 weeks. But with proper care it can be preserved longer.

How long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium?

The question is extremely individual. In one person, it will appear in an hour, and in another, traces of being in a solarium will appear in eight hours. The time it takes for a tan to develop directly depends on the phototype of the sunbather.

How many sessions can you tan in a solarium?

After the first session, the result is already slightly noticeable. After 3-4 sessions, the result will be obvious and noticeable. But for a more saturated shade you need to take a course. Periodicity was discussed above.

Is it possible to shave before a solarium?

It is better to carry out this procedure a few days before going to the solarium so that the irritation has time to subside. Read more about hair removal and tanning in this article.

How many days after peeling can I go to the solarium?

In about 3 days. If you feel that your skin is still irritated, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Is it possible to take a bath after solarium?

Of course, it is possible, but preferably at least 2-3 hours after the procedure. But after the session, you should not take a too hot bath or use scrubs, as they can speed up the disappearance of the tan.

You can ask many questions to a doctor you trust. He will give specific recommendations based on your health data.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without glasses?

No, under no circumstances should you enter the booth without glasses. Even if you close your eyes, it will not protect them from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Is it possible to wear lenses to a solarium?

In general, sunbathing while wearing lenses is not prohibited, but it is not advisable. If possible, it is better to remove them. And also, in any case, you need to use special glasses.

Is it possible to open your eyes in a solarium?

Yes, but highly undesirable. At the same time, to protect the eyes, it is necessary to use special glasses to protect the retina from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.


Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium without a stickini?

You shouldn't sunbathe without them. They provide indispensable protection.

What can replace stikini in a solarium?

Sunbathing without a sunscreen is highly discouraged; it can cause the development of cancer. They can be replaced by generously smearing the nipple halos with tanning salon lipstick.

Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun after a solarium (for example, at the dacha, on the beach of the sea or river)?

No you can not. It's better to lie down and rest.

Is it possible to exercise after a solarium?

Can. If you have the strength and desire. There are no special contraindications in this regard.

Is it possible to go to a solarium with a fever?

This is not worth doing. The body is already weakened and, thus, you can only worsen your condition.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium with fair skin?

In general, it is possible, but extremely carefully, no more than 3 minutes per session. Light skin is prone to burns.

Can Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium if you have tattoos on your body?

To prevent the tattoo from discoloring, it must be covered. You can purchase stickers to protect your drawing. They should be in a beauty salon. You can read more about tanning if you have tattoos here.

At what age can you go to a solarium?

Visiting a solarium is not recommended for children under 16 years of age; it is believed that their skin is too delicate and vulnerable, and excessive sunbathing can lead to the development of cancer.

And in some progressive countries there is even a law prohibiting people under 18 from undergoing such a procedure. Therefore, you should not take risks and do such a procedure before adulthood.

Is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium during pregnancy?

No. Since unstable hormonal levels can lead to the appearance of age spots and generally have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother. Read this article for more details.


Solarium and pregnancy

Is it possible to go to a solarium with various pathologies?

This issue can only be discussed with your doctor! Only he will give you the correct answer. You can't trust anyone but him. Information on forums, from beauty salon employees, or from friends may be unreliable.

Read more about tanning in a solarium at vitiligo, varicose veins, mastopathy, uterine fibroids, chickenpox And psoriasis.

How to sunbathe for the first time in a solarium? Here's what you need to know for the first time:

  1. The first time should last no more than two or three minutes.
  2. It is necessary to increase the time very smoothly and gradually.
  3. You need to choose a high-quality protective cream.
  4. If you have any diseases, you must first talk about your intentions with your doctor. When you go to the solarium for the first time (as well as subsequent ones), you must take into account contraindications and follow all recommendations.

Video: blogger talks about the important rules of tanning in a solarium.

Instructions for use

How to use a solarium? Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Decide on the choice of salon. And choose the type of solarium that suits you best.
  2. Before the actual session, inspect the area for cleanliness. If you see dirt on the booth, you should find another establishment.
  3. The cabin employee must show and talk about the buttons in the cabin and their functions.
  4. The employee will provide you with safety glasses, you must wear them!
  5. Step into (or lie down in) the tanning bed and close the lid.
  6. Step out of the solarium and enjoy the golden hue of your skin.
  7. After the procedure, you can take a shower only 2-3 hours later.


Thanks to a solarium, anyone can achieve a beautiful skin tone, regardless of the season. Now such a tan is no longer a luxury that is available to a small circle of people. And despite stereotypes, a solarium can bring benefits to the human body. It is only important to adhere to the established rules and doctor’s recommendations.


Although the most pleasant tan comes from warm sunbathing, modern developments in technology make it possible to obtain a bronze skin tone even in the most cloudy weather and winter cold. For this purpose, both special self-tanning creams and solariums are used. Artificial ultraviolet radiation is no worse than the sun, and sometimes it is even preferable. However, those who are just starting their journey to artificial sun have a lot of questions about how to properly tan in a solarium, which tanning cream is best. In the article you will find answers to the most common of them.

The benefits of solarium for humans

Disputes about the benefits or harms of artificial tanning for the entire body do not subside, but there are several objective facts indicating the benefits of such a procedure. Solarium effectively treats skin diseases (acne, acne, psoriasis). Beneficial properties have been noted in the treatment of heart diseases and osteochondrosis. When visiting a solarium, the skin produces a huge dose of vitamin D3, which increases its elasticity, firmness and smoothes out wrinkles.


When compared to tanning in the sun, a solarium has a clear advantage. In the July heat on the beach, it is impossible to strictly dose the amount of ultraviolet radiation that the skin will receive. In a solarium, you can always increase or decrease the dose to the amount you need. A procedure at a beauty salon is much safer than going to the beach. It is more convenient to use lotion, oil and special cream before and after the session in a beauty center, rather than on the sand.

Rules for visiting the solarium

Beauty is a very important thing, but it cannot be achieved at the expense of harming health. To prevent a visit to the solarium from causing trouble, you should follow the list of rules and prohibitions:

  1. Before the first session, a consultation with a doctor is required if you have chronic diseases or are taking medications: painkillers, tranquilizers, antidepressants, antibiotics. The procedure cannot be carried out under their influence.
  2. You cannot go for the procedure on the same day as a sauna, hair removal, skin cleansing or tanning under the sun.
  3. Certain prohibitions for women: menstruation, pregnancy, lactation. All these conditions are a reason to avoid solarium completely.


  1. Be sure to apply creams before and after the procedure. Buy them separately and bring them with you: in a beauty salon the cost can be greatly inflated.
  2. Protect your eyes. Do not expect that you can go through the entire procedure with your eyes closed. Wear special glasses.
  3. Do not expose your hair to UV rays. Be sure to use a special cap during the procedure.
  4. Men should not be exposed to ultraviolet light on their genitals, so be sure to cover them during the session.

Selection of tanning cosmetics

For an even and beautiful skin tone, it is recommended to use special amplifiers - activators. The procedure lasts several minutes - the skin simply does not have time to receive the dose of ultraviolet radiation necessary for a rich color. The amplifier increases the sensitivity of the epidermis to UV rays and promotes a rapid, uniform change in tone. Choose only high-quality hypoallergenic products.


Body care after visiting the solarium

The procedure lasts a few minutes, after which you need to take a shower and wash off the applied tanning enhancer. Artificial sun dries the skin very much, so you should immediately apply a moisturizing lotion or oil to a damp body. A nourishing moisturizer is applied to the face. Pay special attention to the areas around the eyes - there the skin is very sensitive and prone to excessive drying. Before going to bed in the solarium, be sure to apply a rich, nourishing cream to your body.

Contraindications to the procedure

A solarium is no different in its effects from natural sunlight, therefore the contraindications for these procedures are the same:


  1. You should not sunbathe if there are birthmarks, pigment spots or protruding moles on the skin - this is a sign of a predisposition to benign neoplasms, and UV rays only increase the risk.
  2. Do not visit the solarium if you have asthma, diabetes, or atherosclerosis. The procedure may cause aggravation of illnesses.
  3. The procedure is contraindicated for patients with infectious diseases: tuberculosis, ARVI (in the acute phase), sexually transmitted diseases.


Solarium has not yet become a mass procedure, so a lot of questions arise both for those who want to try it for the first time and for those who regularly visit the solarium:

  1. Is it allowed to go to the solarium with cosmetics? No. All decorative cosmetics transmit ultraviolet radiation unevenly, so after washing it off you will get a patchy tan on your face.
  2. How to sunbathe properly in solariums, with or without oil on the skin? Oil is applied only after the procedure. If you apply it before the session, the pores will be closed, sweating will be disrupted, and instead of tanning you will get skin problems.
  3. How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly for people with fair skin? If you have fair skin and hair, then artificial sun sessions are contraindicated for you. You can only get burns, but not a bronze or olive tone.
  4. Can pregnant women sunbathe? No, ultraviolet radiation can cause harmful processes in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman.
  5. Is it possible to go to the solarium every day? No, even people with dark skin should wait at least two days between visits.

How often can you go to the solarium?

If your dream is to have an even bronze tan all year round, then artificial sun treatment should become a regular thing for you. How to sunbathe properly in solariums? How often is this allowed? Frequent visits to the solarium can provoke benign and malignant formations on the skin. To avoid this, limit the number of treatments to 50 times a year. According to cosmetologists and oncologists, this is a safe figure for your skin.

How to tan correctly for the first time

To ensure that your first date with an artificial sun is memorable only with positive emotions, study the recommendations. How to properly sunbathe in a solarium:


  1. Remove all makeup before your session. It will not allow the tan to lie flat on the skin.
  2. Be sure to use a special tanning cream in a solarium, otherwise you risk getting burns and uneven skin tone.
  3. Protect your lips by applying a rich cream to them.
  4. Women should not expose their nipples to UV rays, so stay in your underwear or use special stickers - stikini.
  5. Limit the procedure time to 3-4 minutes. The first visit to the solarium should not last more than 5 minutes: this is fraught with burns and does not bring the desired result.
  6. It is necessary to wash before the first session without scrubbing or peeling. Don't even use a washcloth. If possible, it is better to limit yourself to showering without detergents.
  7. Don't take your phone with you. When exposed to heat, it can overheat and fail.

Which solarium is better: vertical or horizontal?

The most popular booths are those where the patient sits standing. Before choosing a solarium, familiarize yourself with the equipment of the beauty salon and the quality of service. Vertical booths have several advantages over horizontal ones:


  1. Hygienic. In a “lying” booth, your naked body is in contact with the surface on which another person was previously lying. Beauty salon staff do not always remember the need to disinfect the booth after each patient. Some types of fungi and bacteria can easily migrate from untreated surfaces to the skin. In a vertical solarium you do not touch the booth lenses, there is no risk of carrying an infection with you.
  2. Functional. A horizontal solarium produces an uneven tan in the areas where the skin and photocells of the booth come into contact, because the skin in these areas stretches, and light spots may form after the procedure. Ultraviolet light from lamps in a vertical booth spreads evenly in all directions, and the result appears better.

Is it possible to sunbathe during menstruation?

Menstruation is one of the strict contraindications to visiting a solarium. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Heating the body provokes an increase in secretions. A solarium is a temperature effect on your body, and artificial heating of the body leads to abnormal discharge and disruption of the menstrual cycle in the future.
  2. During menstruation, a woman's body releases a huge amount of different hormones. Provoking additional release of melatonin (the hormone responsible for skin color) means interfering with the endocrine system. The result is menstrual irregularities and even infertility.
  3. Skin during menstruation is very sensitive to ultraviolet radiation: instead of a bronze tone, you can get acne, age spots and an uneven tan.

Video: how to quickly tan in a solarium

Useful advice and feedback from a video blogger for those who want to learn the secret to speeding up the tanning process under the artificial sun and significantly increase the period that the results of the procedure will last. Using cosmetics from the video, you can easily reduce the number of sessions in the solarium to 2-3, and you will get the same results from a week of visits.

Preparing the initial composition takes 2-3 minutes. The product is easy to apply, easy to manufacture and available for any budget. The products from the video are very easy to prepare at home, and the total price of the components will not exceed 300 rubles. You can find out all the details to add the product to your tanning arsenal in the video below.

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There is a lot of debate about whether sunbathing in a solarium is harmful or beneficial, whether it is possible to tan in a solarium quickly and how to achieve this. Sunbathing has long been recognized as healing. You don't have to wait until summer to get a great tan. And the modern sun is not so safe: it is incomparable to the one under which our ancestors basked. The solarium blocks the negative effects of the sun's rays. The unit contains special filters and uses the latest technical developments.

Tanning in a solarium: nuances

The tan itself is formed due to the production of melanin by special cells of the epidermis. Melanin is responsible for the intensity of the tan. But on the beach you will have to meet many conditions in order to change your skin tone to bronze. And it’s impossible to get a beautiful tan in just a couple of visits. But it’s impossible to lie in the sun all day, so more and more women are interested in how to quickly tan in a solarium.

Determination of skin type


When undergoing the procedure, there is a guarantee that you will never get burned if you follow all the rules. This method is ideal for those who, due to their busy schedule, simply cannot find a day or two for a beach holiday. The resulting artificial tan is good because it is even.

The result depends directly on your skin type. The procedure is contraindicated for those with green or blue eyes, light-colored hair and a whole scattering of small freckles. Alas, the Celtic type will have to forget about tanning.

If you need to spend some time in the solarium, a special cream with a high degree of sun protection will help out. Even if in this case the tan is practically invisible, the dermis will retain its beauty and youth.

Those with the Celtic type do not tan, they just burn. When using special products before, during and after sessions, a yellowish, barely visible tan is formed.

For the desired bronzeness, at least eight ten-minute sessions are needed, no more than a couple of times a week. The first visit is limited to five minutes.


The next type is brown, green or blue eyes, light brown curls and skin prone to sunburn. This image is called Nordic. Its owners are allowed to sunbathe no more than three times a week for ten minutes.

After the first visit, which lasts from three to five minutes, a two-day break is required. A total of five or six procedures will be required. The end result is a beautiful and even tan. The main thing is not to be greedy! Enough time to obtain the desired shade.

The third type has dark brown or chestnut hair, dark eyes and fairly light skin. Such people are classified as the Central European type. They are allowed to sunbathe for up to twenty minutes three times a week. After the first procedure, take a break for a couple of days. It will take five or six sessions to get an intense, although unstable tan.

To maintain the results, you need to visit the solarium once or twice a week, otherwise the purchase will quickly fade from water and soap.

For dark-skinned, dark-haired and dark-eyed owners of the Mediterranean type, you only need three sessions of a third of an hour. Their tan is bright and maintained without effort. Once a week is enough to maintain the illusion of a recent vacation on the Mediterranean coast.

Selection of option

There are two types of solariums:


Each tan has its own characteristics. In a horizontal position they lie relaxed. Even your feet get tanned. But there is a high risk that only open areas will catch fire.

The upper body also usually remains paler. You will have to stay in such a unit longer than in a vertical one due to the lower power of the lamps.

You won't be able to lie down vertically: you'll have to stand for the entire session. But you don’t need to touch any surfaces, which is more hygienic. The upper body tans better.

The lamps in the unit are more powerful, so the session time is reduced to five to ten minutes compared to a third of an hour in a horizontal booth. During this period, the risk of drying out of the dermis is reduced, and the regime is considered more gentle.

For those with fair skin, horizontal installation is more suitable, where the lamps have low power. Dark-skinned people are allowed sessions in vertical booths.

Contraindications for visiting

No matter how much you would like it, visits to the solarium are not allowed for everyone. Before visiting you should Consult your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications.

  1. pravila-zagara-v-solarii-MVSUt.webp

    Taking certain medications in combination with sun tanning is strictly prohibited due to the danger of sun allergies. The list of dangerous drugs includes antibiotics, tranquilizers, and antidepressants.
  2. Owners of the Celtic type are not prohibited from visiting the solarium, but are not recommended. Their skin is too sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Solariums are not recommended for teenagers under fifteen years of age for the same reason.
  3. If the skin has numerous and fairly large moles, pigmentation, or a purulent rash, then the procedure is reduced to a minimum. Be sure to consult a dermatologist before starting it.
  4. After hair removal, the risk of burning increases sharply.
  5. In case of high blood pressure, disturbances in the functioning of the heart and liver, or tuberculosis, sessions are allowed only after a conversation with a doctor.
  6. Pigment-activating hormones are produced in women during pregnancy. Expectant mothers are super sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to refrain from visiting the solarium.
  7. Ultraviolet light is not recommended for people suffering from vitiligo or hyperpigmentation.
  8. You should not visit a solarium if you have dermatitis, since dehydrated areas dry out even more under ultraviolet light.

Rules for quick, safe tanning


To get a share of a good mood and tan quickly, it is important to follow the rules of tanning in a solarium. You should not sunbathe more than once a day, including sunbathing. A day before the session, you need to perform a homemade peeling scrub.

Before the procedure itself, it is not advisable to wash with soap. This destroys the acidic layer of the skin. Before tanning, it is important to treat the dermis with special cosmetics. Applying hormonal or nutritional creams is strictly prohibited. But be sure to prepare the dermis. It is cleansed, moisturized and used to stimulate tanning.

Before the session begins, the face is wiped with a non-alcohol toner. Makeup must be removed. It is not recommended to use perfume, aromatic oils, or deodorants. The skin of sponges is very vulnerable. Before the session, a balm with ultraviolet protection is applied to it..

During the session, special black glasses must be worn. Eyelids that are not tightly closed indicate weak protection. Ultraviolet radiation penetrates through them without barriers, negatively affecting the retina of the eyes. Before the session, you must remove contact lenses.

To prevent thinning of the strands in the solarium, wear protective caps or cotton scarves. Stickers are placed on the chest. They should not be neglected. After thirty years, ladies are recommended to remain in bras and swimming trunks.

The tattoo is covered so that the ink does not fade. There is another reason for such caution: the high risk of allergies. There are special protective products for permanent make-up.

Due to the increased activity of all systems, after completing the session, it is recommended to relax slightly and rest a little. It is not advisable to take a cool shower immediately after the procedure.

After the session ends Be sure to apply skin moisturizers to your face.

Cosmetics for solarium

For a quick tan in the solarium, special cosmetics are provided.. There are four lines:

  1. for beginners - to get a bronze tan;
  2. for those with a tan - tanning enhancers;
  3. for a more lasting tan - maximizers;
  4. to consolidate the obtained effect - prolognators.


Skin care products for after sunbathing are also produced, nourishing and moisturizing the dermis. In cosmetics for use in solariums, they are necessary to prevent peeling and cracking of the skin. There are no UV filters in solar lotions and creams.

If you are prone to allergies Instead of special cosmetics, it is allowed to use natural oils. Recognized moisturizers are coconut, walnut, olive, and shea oils. They are applied either in pure form or as part of mixtures to the body immediately before the start of the session.

The use of mineral oils is not recommended. They clog pores, form an air-impermeable film on the surface of the body, and even cause thermal burns.

It is important to select all products individually, according to your skin type. Otherwise, the opposite of the desired effect is possible.

Truths and myths about artificial tanning

There are many legends and myths around solariums. There are reasons for this. The first is that the units are often used incorrectly in order to quickly get a tan without proper control over the equipment.

Science's opinion

Scientists have long found out that tanning is nothing more than skin defense reaction to the aggression of UV rays. It is permissible to bask in the sun for several hours. Such luxury is prohibited in a solarium. The effect of ultraviolet radiation there is targeted, and therefore the impact on the skin is much higher than during beach tanning.

Melanin works to reduce the amount of ultraviolet radiation absorbed and the damage it causes. But the protection weakens over time. The result can be skin cancer. The disease is difficult to treat.

Experts are confidentthat the sharp increase in the number of cancer diseases is directly related to the increased fashion for tanning. Excessive use of tanning beds negatively affects the quality of the skin, turning the dermis into a dried out and flabby one. In addition, aging is noticeably accelerated.

Positive points


But not everything is so bad. When used wisely, a solarium is very useful. The lamps used in the units provide a balance of rays of types “A” and “B”, which are beneficial for people, and completely eliminate the negative rays of type “C”, which are harmful to cells.

After irradiation with ultraviolet light in reasonable quantities, the cells simply emit happiness hormones, endorphins, which is why the mood after visiting the solarium is excellent, and peace and a feeling of happiness appear.

Thanks to ultraviolet radiation, the immune system is strengthened and performance improves. Vitamin D, necessary for normal phosphorus-calcium balance, is produced only under the influence of the sun. Lack of the component leads to rickets.

Rays “A” have a beneficial effect on skin diseases such as psoriasis, fungal infections, and acne. However, you should still consult a specialist before visiting a solarium. Recommended after consultation and sessions for those suffering from respiratory diseases.


UV radiation strengthens the immune system, kills harmful bacteria, and activates the production of vitamin D, which improves bone strength and normalizes mineral metabolism.

The production of endorphins, happiness hormones, serotonin improves, and blood quality improves. The body, under the influence of the received ultraviolet radiation, begins to heal injuries faster, the risk of blood clots is reduced.

A tan purchased at a solarium lasts up to a month after the date of your last visit. Layer by layer it comes off as the skin renews itself. In about twenty-eight days, the epidermis is completely renewed. But special products and appropriate care will help maintain it much longer.