Spf 15 what does it mean

The sun is not only a beautiful tan, but also photoaging, dry skin, peeling, and burns. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to use special protective equipment for the face and body. Packages with such cosmetics have a special SPF designation. The degree of protection is chosen based on the skin phototype.

SPF: what is it and why is it needed in cosmetics

SPF (sun protection factor) is a protective filter that neutralizes the negative effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin with varying degrees of effectiveness. In small doses, the sun is good for the skin, but after 15–20 (and for some, even five) minutes, problems are possible - redness, irritation, burns, dry skin. Other negative consequences of excessive sunbathing include photoaging and cancer.

Ultraviolet rays are divided into 3 types depending on the degree of intensity. The chosen product must provide protection against the first two. The most dangerous UVC radiation is almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer. UVA rays dry out the skin with prolonged exposure, UVB rays activate melanin synthesis, providing the desired tan, but they are also the cause of burns.

The SPF factor allows you to extend the time of relatively safe sun exposure. The “basic” average interval (15 minutes) is multiplied by the degree of protection indicated on the package. Of course, you need to take into account your own skin type and age. If you know you'll burn almost instantly, multiply your SPF value by 3-5 minutes. The same goes for children and older people - their skin is most sensitive to the sun, it’s better to be safe.

Video: what is SPF factor

The effectiveness of cosmetic products is ensured by different types of protective filters:

  1. Physical. The smallest particles of minerals form a kind of “screen” on the skin, which, like a mirror, reflects the sun’s rays falling on it. The most common substances included in sunscreen cosmetics are titanium dioxide (titanium diox >

There are no natural cosmetics that effectively protect against the sun. The maximum SPF for oil-based products is 4. It is believed that physical filters are safer for the skin than chemical ones. But they do not provide complete protection from the sun, so it is better that both substances are present in the product. You should not buy cosmetics where physical filters are crushed to nanoparticle sizes; these are potential carcinogens. For example, the reputable British organization Soil Association, which specializes in certification of organic cosmetics, as a matter of principle, does not issue certificates to products with nanoparticles.

The list of chemicals hazardous to the skin is quite long:

  1. 4-Aminobenzoic ac >The degree of protection intensity is determined by the value of the SPF factor.

Table: SPF protection levels

Value on packaging Percentage of solar rays reflected or absorbed Protection level
2–4 50–75% Base
8 83,3% Basic
10 90%
15 93,3% Average
20 95%
25 96%
30 96,7% High
45 97%
50 98%
50–100 98%

An SPF value of 30 is considered sufficient for high-quality protection. Funds with a higher number are largely a publicity stunt. The difference in the percentage of reflected or absorbed sunlight is minimal, and values ​​of 45 and above have a very strong effect on the price of cosmetics. Essentially, you are paying for a false sense of security.

Video: Myths and Facts about SPF

How to choose and use products with SPF factor correctly

The main thing you need to focus on when choosing is your skin phototype. There are four in total:

  1. Celtic. Almost porcelain skin, often with freckles, blond or red hair, blue or pale gray eyes. The skin is very delicate, thin, burns easily, and requires maximum protection (SPF-30 and higher).
  2. European. Light skin, hair of all shades of light brown and brown, eye color varies from blue to light hazel, including gray and green. For sun protection, it is recommended to use a product with SPF 15–30.
  3. Black European. Naturally dark skin with a yellowish undertone, brown, gray or green eyes, dark brown or even darker hair. The optimal SPF value is 10–15.
  4. Mediterranean. Burning brunettes with dark skin and dark brown or black eyes. Such women almost never get sunburned, but this does not mean that the skin does not need protection. No one has yet canceled photoaging. Just choose creams with a lower SPF factor (4-8).

Video: skin phototype and suitable sunscreen

Keep in mind that even the best and most expensive sunscreen cannot protect you from freckles. “Spot deposits” of melanin are an individual feature of the body; cosmetics are powerless here.

What else you need to know to ensure high-quality protection without harm to the skin:

  1. Be sure to test all new products for allergies.
  2. The cream or lotion is applied to the skin in a thick layer, evenly distributed with massage movements.
  3. It needs to be updated every two hours. When leaving the sun, wash it off immediately if possible.
  4. SPF indicators are not cumulative. Only the product that comes into direct contact with ultraviolet light works.
  5. Apply products from the same brand to your face and body. Otherwise, an uneven tan may occur. Give preference to well-established manufacturers with a solid reputation.
  6. The maximum shelf life of sunscreen cosmetics is one year. There is no point in leaving unused leftovers until next season.

Video: how to choose a cream with SPF

The basic SPF factor is present in most cosmetic products. But for targeted sun protection during prolonged stays outdoors in summer, this is not enough. There are different types of ultraviolet rays, protective filters, and skin phototypes. All this must be taken into account in order to choose a product that will be truly effective for you.

The abbreviation SPF has long moved onto tubes and jars of cosmetics that we use every day, and not only in the summer. Why do busy city dwellers, locked in an apartment or office and not thinking about carefree roasting in the sun, need SPF?

  1. What does the abbreviation SPF mean?
  2. What are the levels of SPF protection?
  3. Which SPF product to choose?
  4. Review of cosmetics with SPF

What does the abbreviation SPF mean?

Why sun protection is important for skin

Of course, the human body provides protection from radiation: the skin’s ability to heal itself and tanning. However, two more insidious properties of A-rays should be mentioned here. Firstly, their negative effect on the skin tends to accumulate. Secondly, they penetrate glass and are practically not delayed by clouds. That's why it's important to use cosmetics with SPF not only on the beach, but also in the city - even if you barely leave the office and your exposure to the sun does not exceed a few minutes.

Products with SPF will protect your skin from:

Everyone, without exception, needs sun protection. © Getty Images

What are the levels of SPF protection?

Sun protection comes in varying degrees of intensity. What do the numbers on the labels mean?

Types of filters

In modern cosmetics, 2 types of solar filters are used:

chemical (oxybenzone, camphor derivatives and others);

physical (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and others).

Which SPF product to choose?

It all depends on the type of skin and on what functions the product has - whether it only protects from unwanted radiation or also nourishes, moisturizes, and restores.

According to skin phototype

Cosmetologists highlight 6 main phototypes. And for each product with SPF protection you need to select it individually. Determine your phototype using our test.

Celtic (like Nicole Kidman): white skin with freckles, light eyes, red or blond hair. The skin burns instantly, practically does not tan. If this applies to you, in the city at the beginning of the sunny season, use products with SPF 30-50, on vacation - sunscreens with SPF 50. After a week or two, protection in the city can be reduced to SPF 20-30, but on vacation it is better to continue using “ fifty."

Light skinned European (like Megan Fox): fair skin, blue, gray or green eyes, light brown or reddish-brown hair. The skin burns easily, tans slowly and poorly. For your phototype, at the beginning of the sunny season in the city, sunscreens with SPF 20-25 are suitable, while on vacation - with SPF 30-50. In the future, protection can be reduced to SPF 10 and SPF 30, respectively.

Black European (like Cindy Crawford): dark skin, gray or brown eyes, dark brown or dark brown hair. The skin burns slightly, tans gradually, but noticeably. Cosmetologists recommend that you use sunscreen with SPF 10-15 for the first time in the city, and with SPF 30-50 while on vacation. After a week, you can switch to lighter products: in the city - to SPF 5-10, on vacation - to SPF 30.

Mediterranean (like Penelope Cruz): dark skin with an olive tint, dark brown eyes, dark hair. The skin rarely burns, tans quickly and very beautifully. If this applies to you, at the beginning of the sunny season in the city, use sunscreens with SPF 10, on vacation - with SPF 30. And then reduce the protection to SPF 4-6 and SPF 15-20, respectively.

Middle Eastern (like Aishwarya Rai): very dark skin, black eyes and hair. The skin practically does not burn, tans quickly and intensely. This phototype in the city doesn’t need to use Sanskrins at all, and on vacation, at first, protect yourself with SPF 30, and then SPF 10-15.

African (like Rihanna): representatives of this type do not get burned. However, it is impossible to say that these lucky people do not need sunscreen cosmetics at all. Because the impact of UV rays, as we have already found out, is not limited to tanning and burns.

By composition

Cosmetic products with SPF protection may contain the following ingredients.

Vitamin E. Ultraviolet rays are one of the causes of the formation of free radicals, and this vitamin successfully fights them.

Hyaluronic acid. It would be good if it was included in a product with SPF protection. Hyaluronic acid retains water in the intercellular space. The skin becomes soft and elastic, and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Thermal water. Rich in various microelements that care for the skin, refreshes and soothes.

Extracts of chamomile, green tea, aloe etc. Additional components for quality care.

Panthenol. As part of a cream or spray with SPF, it helps restore skin.

By additional function

To save space in our cosmetic bag, manufacturers provide sunscreen products with additional functions. Sanskrins can double as foundation or mattifying agents, and also fight age spots.

In addition, sun protection is sometimes present in our regular care and makeup products so that they can not only care for the skin, but also prevent the negative effects of sunlight.

Choose the product that suits you and enjoy the summer! © Getty Images

Review of cosmetics with SPF

Top best sunscreens from the editors of Skin.ru.

Sunscreen gel-cream Anthelios, SPF 50+, La Roche-Posay

An ideal solution for oily, problematic skin prone to acne. Protects against ultraviolet radiation, mattifies, controlling sources of sebaceous shine, and moisturizes the skin.

BB cream for combination and oily skin “The Secret of Perfection”, SPF 20, Garnier

Mattifies and tightens pores, moisturizes and evens out skin tone, giving it radiance and protecting it from UV rays.

Foundation Teint Miracle, SPF 15, Lancôme

Moisturizes and cares for the skin, hiding its imperfections.

Cream for normal skin Skin Best Day Cream, SPF 15, Biotherm

Fights signs of skin aging, nourishes and moisturizes it, fills it with energy.

Overall, these numbers indicate how much time you can safely spend in the sun before getting sunburned.

If your unprotected skin usually takes 10 minutes to burn, then an SPF 15 sunscreen will protect it, allowing you to stay in the sun 15 times longer. approximately 2.5 hours.

Does this mean that a product with SPF 50 will provide all day protection?

Why then buy high SPF sunscreens at all?

They are more reliable. Products with SPF 15 protect against 93% of UVB rays, and they must be applied in a dense, even layer. Products with SPF 30 - from 97%, and with SPF 50 - from 98%. The difference is not too big, but very important. Products with a high degree of protection are recommended for children, people with fair skin, and those who have many moles on their body.

How to apply sunblock correctly?

If you apply the cream to your entire body, you need at least 30 ml. (about 2 tablespoons). Of course, it is important that the cream is applied evenly.

You should apply SPF cream 15 minutes before going outside, because... active components take time to start working.

The product must be reapplied every 2-3 hours, even if it is waterproof.

What else do you need to know?

In summer, it is always better to choose a daily moisturizer with sun protection. It will protect your skin every day just as well as a special cream.

Don't forget that the sun's rays also penetrate through glass, so drivers should not neglect sun protection on clear, hot days.

When protecting your skin from the sun, don't forget about the area around your eyes and lips. These areas are especially sensitive, so it is worth using lip balm with SPF and applying sunscreen to the area of ​​the upper eyelid under the eyebrows.

Sunscreens can be stored at room temperature, but not more than 12 months. After that you will have to buy a new one.

Now you may have already known this, but there is no harm in being reminded about sunburn and skin cancer protection, so go ahead and spread this knowledge!