Thermal underwear - is it worth the candle?

Today, all kinds of sports medicine experts tell us day and night: what to buy, what to use, how to train, what to do... And they do it quite aggressively. Focusing on the fact that if you train without this, you are just a loser. Thus, they impose on us a whole carload of unnecessary rubbish. And in our sports life there appear: rash guards, long sleeves, shing guards, weight guards and other special terminology that can break the brain of any average person who is not experienced in our business.

In this article we will talk about thermal underwear. Is it really necessary for an athlete? After all, our grandfathers got by with ordinary “cowards”, and nothing, they managed somehow... But they were also heroes. And they beat the Dog Knights, and these same “cowards” somehow didn’t stop them from doing it successfully... Why has everything changed now, and there’s no way without thermal underwear?

Being very skeptical at first, I put on this compression stocking and decided to train in it for a while... Imagine my surprise - this thing is really good. Firstly, it anatomically holds everything in place, which is very comfortable and functional. Secondly, the underwear is actually designed in such a way that it retains heat, which is very critical for an athlete in cool conditions. The third point is energy. The more the body spends on its own heating, the less it has left for other important needs. And since with the help of thermal underwear it is possible to save energy, it means that all this saved energy has a chance to be directed into training, and to pump yourself up during training even stronger, even more intense, even more exhausting. And this is exactly what any athlete needs, at any level of training.

I did two or three workouts in the gym, and then decided to check how this underwear would perform in outdoor conditions...

In general, thermal underwear is a cool thing that really works and helps. Tested for myself. I highly recommend it to you. And who still doubts it - try it yourself and judge for yourself! I think you will like it...

I’ll take my leave for this – I need to do three more approaches to the bench press with a narrow grip at an incline. See you in the rocking chair! Bye everyone!

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