What back exercises can you do right at your workplace?

The scourge of all office employees is constant back problems. And even regular exercise does not save you from aching pain in the neck and shoulders and cracking joints. This condition can be alleviated with a little office gymnastics. About her in our material!

The best solution for back pain is lifestyle changes. After all, it is constant sitting that provokes increased stress on muscles and joints. And this, in turn, leads to back pain, headaches, blood pressure problems and other unpleasant conditions.

But it’s unlikely that all of us have the opportunity to become free artists and finally leave our offices. Therefore, we remember and regularly perform a simple office complex for the back of 8 exercises, which can be done without getting up from your chair and without attracting the attention of colleagues.

Head tilts

The most common bends from the school warm-up complex. Sit upright, lower your shoulders, arms freely on the sides of your body. Bend slowly to the sides, trying to reach your ear with your shoulder. And bend back and forth, while pulling your chin forward, rather than pinching it with your neck. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Head rotation

The starting position is the same. Relax your neck and slowly roll your head clockwise and counterclockwise. You should feel how your neck stretches when you change head positions. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Shoulder rotation

Without changing the original position of the body, raise your shoulders and begin to rotate them back and forth. You need to do the exercise slowly, at each point you should feel muscle tension. Repeat 10 times in each direction.

Shoulder stretch

A simple arm stretch will help relax your shoulder joints. In the starting position, stretch your right hand straight to your left shoulder, extend your arm to the maximum, feel how your shoulder stretches. Repeat similarly with your left hand. Now raise your right arm up, bend it at the elbow behind your back and with your left hand gently press on the elbow. Repeat the exercise with your left hand. Do 5 times on each hand.

Arm stretching

In the starting position, stretch your arms back, make a lock and turn it the other way. Stretch back with the lock and move your arms from side to side. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times. This will stretch tight back muscles.

Chest stretch

Place your hands at the back of your head and stretch up, without lifting your hands from your head, stretch your elbows to the sides. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Lower back stretch

In the starting position, keep your back straight, grab your knee with both hands and pull it as high as possible, towards your chest. Hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat the same with the other knee. Do 5 repetitions on each knee.

Spine stretching

In the starting position, raise your arms, make a lock, turn it the other way, and stretch upward well. Feel the stretch in your spine and hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

After the last exercise, you need to get up and walk a little around the office, for example to the cooler.

This complex only takes 5 minutes, but will relieve tension in your back for a couple of hours and give you the energy to work productively. Try to repeat it regularly as soon as you feel severe discomfort.

And if these exercises do not help, go to the restroom and do full bends and twists with your entire torso. And remember about correct posture, it is the key to a healthy back!