Acupressure - the secret points of our body

Acupressure has become known to us since ancient times. The relationship between human health and natural phenomena was identified by doctors. Since then, the human body began to be viewed as a single mechanism with nature or as a part of it, in which literally everything interacted.


It was believed that if a person began to get sick, the entire body was involved in this, and not specific organs. This happens because when one organ becomes diseased, the entire system changes. Doctors of those times believed that if a person began to get sick, it was the result of disharmony between the body and nature.

Over time, studying theoretical and practical methods, various ways to combat diseases have been identified.Studying everything in detail, biologically active points were discovered on the human body, through which it is possible to influence certain organs. Then they opened entire channels and meridians of active points, through which they discovered a functional connection with important organs.

After time, scientists found that biologically active points are significantly different from all other points, even those located nearby. It was found that in the area of ​​the points there is 2 times less electrical resistance. It was also discovered that BAP has a high electrical potential and strong absorption of ultraviolet rays. We discovered a change in metabolic processes - it is at these points that they occur most quickly.

During acupressure, the patient experiences a response from the body - aches, goosebumps, slight pain, warmth, lightness, impulse. If you repeat the same massage on nearby points, they will not give the same result. This principle began to be used by specialists to find the necessary points on the human body.

Comparing this type of massage with others, it has a number of advantages. For example, it is easy to carry out, affects a small area, it can be performed as an addition to the main type of treatment. In itself, massage of biologically active points is an excellent addition to the main modern type of treatment. Therefore, it should not be considered a panacea; modern medicine still needs to be taken into account.

The effects of biologically active points on the body are based only on the teachings of ancient oriental medicine. The movement of BAP flows along meridians that are not visible and not defined by science to this day. A total of 12 paired and 2 unpaired meridian paths were identified. They are called classic. In addition to these, there are 15 secondary and 8 “miraculous” meridians. Smooth circulation of energy along these meridians promotes health and harmony in the body. If there is “stagnation” of energy in one of the pathways, this affects the state of health and the person gets sick. This is not an empty statement, it is based on the teaching of biorhythms, which has been proven by modern science.

How to find points

Determine the most sensitive finger. Using the pad of this finger, perform sliding movements, through which you can identify BAP - in their place you will find a feeling of warmth and roughness, as well as the greatest stickiness and pain.

The points are determined by anatomical landmarks. These landmarks can be identified by various folds, fingertips, nose, depressions, and protrusions of the tubercles.

Individual Cun is a more precise method of point determination used in China. It is considered to be the distance between the folds of the middle phalanx when the middle finger is bent. For women it is calculated on the right hand, and for men - on the left. It is also calculated by the width of the thumb.

Before you start performing acupressure, you should thoroughly study the location of the points, their effect and the power of regulation. You need to start the procedure with a minimum amount of time, since you first need to check the body’s reaction to the effects of the massage. Please note that if discomfort occurs and does not disappear after 5 minutes, you should not continue the procedure.

Execution technique

Acupressure technique involves the mechanical impact of fingers on biologically active points that have a reflex connection with internal organs. If you have identified the points correctly, you will feel a feeling of aching, rubbing and numbness. This is all a normal process. Pain is also felt. By the way, by looking at pain points you can determine the disease of a particular organ.

The acupressure technique consists of the following techniques: stroking, rubbing, vibration, pressure, gripping.

  1. Stroking

The stroking technique is performed using the pads of the thumb or middle finger in a circular motion. Most often, this technique is used to massage the head, face, neck, arms, and also at the end of the entire procedure.

  1. Trituration

Rubbing is also done using the thumb or middle finger. Movements are carried out clockwise. As a rule, rubbing is carried out independently after all acupressure techniques.

  1. Kneading or pressing

Kneading is done with the tip of the thumb. If two symmetrical points are massaged, in this case with two thumbs. The middle and index fingers can also be used. Circular rotational movements are performed with increasing intensity - first slowly, then increasing pressure. If there is a feeling of fullness, the pressure weakens, etc.

  1. Capturing

The grasping technique is performed with three fingers - thumb, index and middle. The location of the biologically active point is captured, they begin to knead and rotate at a fast pace in 3-4 lifts. In the process, there is a feeling of numbness and swelling in the area where the massage is performed.

  1. Vibration

Vibration is performed using the thumb or middle finger. The movements are performed quickly and oscillatingly, without lifting the finger from the massaged point.

  1. Calming

The calming technique is performed with slow, continuous, deep pressure movements. Rotational movements without any shifts of the skin are also used. If vibration is performed, it is performed gradually with increasing force. Then there is a pause, then vibration again, without lifting the finger from the skin.

The procedure helps to relax the muscles of the whole body, and also relieves spasms and any, even the slightest, tension. Massage helps to activate microcirculation and smooth out fine wrinkles.

Acupressure facial massage

  1. This point, located at the top of the head, is very important. It connects the top points of the ears. Massage of this point will be useful for those people who suffer from insomnia, headaches, and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Also helps relieve symptoms of migraines.
  2. Point 2, located at the edge of the eye, is called “clear light”. Massaging this point will help restore visual acuity and also help with nasal congestion.
  3. This point is located at the beginning of the eyebrows. Massaging this point will help cope with dizziness and pain in the front of the head.
  4. The location of this point is on the outer part of the eyebrow. Massage of point 4 will help people with poor vision and eliminate headaches of vascular origin.
  5. Most used point. Helps people suffering from insomnia, dizziness, and headaches.
  6. Massaging this point is very helpful for migraines.
  7. This point is called the “sun”. Very useful for people with headaches, eye diseases and general emotional instability.
  8. This point is located 1 cm below the pupil. Effective for speech disorders, dizziness, headaches.
  9. At the site of this point, a small depression is felt. It will be useful for speech disorders. It also helps with cervical myositis.
  10. Point 10 is effective for fainting, shock or hysterical fit. The Chinese call this point “the middle of a person.” It is useful for facial swelling and nervous tics.
  11. Massage of this point activates the work of internal organs and is also useful for brain function.
  12. The point is located in the center of the inner part of the chin. It is very useful in stressful situations.

The point technique can be different: one for the face, completely different for the feet. One thing remains unchanged - every centimeter of the body receives a therapeutic effect, regardless of the technique performed. In any case, the body will receive a charge of health and positive effects.