Foods similar to medicines

Here's one of them. They take a rittl of milk; For patients with a balanced nature, forty dirhams of taranjubin are put in it, boiled until the composition thickens, and they drink about a cup of it every day. This is a balanced medicine for people with a hot nature. As for people with a cold nature, for them they should grate ten dirhams of Chinese cinnamon well, mix it with rittle of milk, shake it and drink it a cup on an empty stomach or after meals instead of water. Food should not be washed down with water, especially if the patient has eaten tabahiji and lamb fat. This medicine helps anyone who is naturally cold and dry at the same time. This also includes the following remedy: take ghee - a full jug, cow's milk - a full jug and pistachio butter - a full jug and cook it all until one third remains. Drink two spoons of this in the morning with a small amount of wine. They also take fanizaritl, squeezed onion juice - ritl and fresh milk - ritl, boil it all until the composition thickens and curdles, and take it every morning around uqiya. Or they take large grains of black chickpeas and soak them in indau juice until they swell a little, and then they are dried in the shade, ground with faniz and turned into porridge. Take it with jillawzu in the morning and with bunduku before bed, washed down with a cup of wine.

It is also good to soak chickpeas in Tribulus juice and marinate them in the sun with care, constantly adding juice as soon as they dry; then the chickpeas are ground and carefully stored. It is used to make stews with fresh milk and faniz. They also take three ritls of fresh milk, throw in half a ritl of taranjubin and half a ritl of crushed “green seeds” and boil it. Then they grind it all finely, strain it, take half a ritla and throw in half a dirham of galanga. Drink it for several days in an amount that can be absorbed; and this is an amazing remedy. Or they take onion juice and the same amount of honey and cook until only honey remains; drink a spoon or two of it before bed with hot water. Or they take flour and mix it with fresh water like thick jelly. Then the jelly is squeezed out once and the squeezed mixture is boiled with a large amount of milk and coconut juice in half the amount of milk. The brew is lubricated with duck fat and a kind of harissa is prepared from it. Or they also take egg yolks, soft-boil them, sprinkle them with asafoetida or skink salt - it has a strong effect, especially after a bath, and rub this on the patient with iris or jasmine oil. Also: take egg yolks, beat them together, if they have whites, this is permissible, then add squeezed juice of crushed onions in the amount of about one quarter of the eggs, soft-boil and slurp it all with some of the salts or spices mentioned above. Or they take carrots with onions and pound them, as well as turnips, which are also pounded, and cook all this with fava beans, chickpeas and honey with good soft meat, seasoned with hot spices. They also take fava beans, chickpeas and beans and soak them in hot water. Then the lamb meat is cut, as in preparing tabahij, and placed in layers, alternating with layers of soaked grains and onions. Skink salts, a little asafoetida, as well as Chinese cinnamon and a lot of cloves are sprinkled on each layer. Then the whole thing is doused with either carrot juice or water and mugamma is made. They also take the brains of thirty sparrows and leave them in a glass cup so that the wateriness disappears from them and they can be kneaded. The same amount of kidney fat from a freshly slaughtered goat is added to the brains, seasoned with pepper, cloves and ginger and turned into nuts, which the patient eats one after another when he wants to copulate.

Good scrambled eggs we have tested: take sparrow and pigeon brains - fifty pieces, sparrow egg yolks - twenty, chicken egg yolks - twelve, lamb juice, minced, well boiled and squeezed - a cup, squeezed onion juice - three ukiyya, carrot juice - five ukiy, salt and hot seasonings - as much as needed and ghee - fifty dirhams. From all this they prepare scrambled eggs, eat them and wash them down with strong fragrant wine, somewhat sweet, during digestion. Sweets for such patients: take peeled pine nuts - two parts, indau seeds, melon seeds - one part each, boil with ghee and add a little pepper and Chinese cinnamon; then honey is added to this in sufficient quantity and a sweet dish is prepared. Another sweet dish: take chickpeas, soak them in water or indau juice or tribulus juice until they swell, and lightly fry them without burning them in ghee. Then they take the same number of small pine nuts, add honey to them, add enough water to knead it all, and mix in a little mastic and Chinese cinnamon. This food is placed in some kind of vessel and cut like halva. Another sweet dish: they thicken honey by boiling and throw in pine nuts, carrot seeds, as well as long peppers, wild carrots, Chinese cinnamon and indau seeds, and prepare something like juvarishna from this. If the patient is disgusted by carrot and indau seeds, then “green seeds” and a little musk are put in their place.

And wines for them are sweet drinks and raisin drinks made from really sweet raisins. All sweet drinks that have a certain thickness are suitable for such patients. Description of the wine that is beneficial for them: they take indau, turnips and figs, boil them in water and strain the broth. Then they take the strained tincture of boiled raisins, mix it all in equal quantities, increase the sweetness with faniz and cook the nabiz until it is complete. Our other wine: they take Tribulus, Indau and turnips and boil them strongly in water. Then the broth is strained and on each part of the water they put a quarter-sixth of faniz or red sugar, a quarter-sixth of bust figs, half of a sweet, good Taif raisin and one-sixth of a seventh of crushed coconuts. Nabeez is prepared from all this until it reaches its destination.

Our other wine: take squeezed grape juice and for every ten semolina of it put three semolina of this medicine: indau seeds, turnip seeds, buzaidan, asparagus seeds, ash seeds, wild cassia seeds, barbaria laba, carrot seeds and both bahmans in equal parts, grind and put it in a bag that is tightened loosely. The bag is placed in a jug along with the juice and the juice is constantly stirred until it reaches. Another wine: boil carrots and figs in a large amount of water, filter and boil raisins, from which the seeds have been removed, in a decoction. The broth is filtered again, faniz is added to it and left to ferment. Ferrous water and water in which hot iron has been extinguished strengthens sexual ability.