6 secret enemies of a slim figure

A slim figure is not only beautiful, but also good for health. Many girls want to lose weight and believe that to do this they just need to eat less or exercise. However, there are several secret enemies of slimness that can significantly spoil your figure. In this article we will look at six such enemies.

  1. A cup of coffee

Coffee is not only a stimulant, but also a pleasure. But coffee lovers should be aware that coffee drinks like Frappuccinos contain large amounts of sugar, flavorings, syrup, milk and whipped cream, which add extra calories. For example, a standard slice of pizza contains about 610 calories, and a “harmless” cup of Frappuccino from Starbucks contains 500 calories. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, it is better to limit your consumption of coffee drinks.

  1. Saving money

Many people, trying to save money, buy food in large quantities. For example, a box of cookies that was purchased for several months can lead to overeating and weight gain. Therefore, to stay slim, it is better to buy products as needed.

  1. Air conditioning and climate control

The constant comfortable temperature created by air conditioning and climate control can lead to weight gain. To maintain a certain body temperature, the body needs to burn energy, that is, calories. If you set a constant comfortable temperature in the room - 24 degrees Celsius - the process of burning calories simply will not start. Therefore, in order to stay slim, it is better not to abuse air conditioning and climate control.

  1. Friends

Recent studies have shown that social gatherings at the dinner table contribute to weight gain. In a pleasant atmosphere of friendly company, a person is so carried away by table conversation that he pays little attention to food and misses the moment of satiety, continuing to eat “by inertia.” In addition, the tendency to imitate may lead you to order desserts and other high-calorie dishes in order to not stand out from the group. Therefore, in order to stay slim, it is better to watch your diet even in the company of friends.

  1. Mother

As we remember, mothers often teach us to finish everything that is on the plate. However, the stomach sends a signal to the brain that it is full when it is 80% full. If you eat something you don't like or need, you may overeat to please your mom. This may lead to weight gain. Therefore, in order to stay slim, it is better to listen to your feelings of fullness and not eat more than you need.

  1. Dream

Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. During sleep, hormones are regulated that affect appetite and metabolism. If you don't get enough sleep, your body begins to produce hormones that stimulate your appetite, and you may begin to overeat. Therefore, to stay slim, it is better to monitor your sleep and get enough sleep.

In general, to stay slim, you need to monitor not only food and physical activity, but also other factors that may affect your body.