What are the benefits of kiwi: properties for beauty and health

Kiwi is an exotic fruit that is becoming increasingly popular in the world due to its pleasant taste and range of beneficial properties. It is rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements that help improve health and beauty.

Health benefits of kiwi

Kiwi has a unique enzyme - actinidin, which breaks down proteins, normalizes blood clotting and has a stimulating effect on the human digestive system. Thanks to a large amount of vitamin C, kiwi helps in the prevention of colds, prevents the development of infections and strengthens the immune system.

Regular consumption of this fruit removes cholesterol, absorbs iron and neutralizes the negative effects of nitrates. Kiwi reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, improves digestion, has a positive effect on metabolism, and normalizes protein metabolism. Microelements in kiwi prevent the development of hypertension and heart failure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis in them.

Kiwi also removes salt from the body, which prevents kidney stones from settling and forming. It is also used as a natural stimulant and energy restorer.

Kiwi for weight loss

The low calorie content of kiwi (only 60 kcal per 100 g) and the high content of enzymes that break down fats make it an ideal dietary product. Kiwi contains a lot of fiber and less sugar compared to other fruits. If you want to lose weight, eat 2 kiwis every day. They will improve digestion, speed up metabolism and prevent heaviness in the stomach. Kiwi also has a laxative effect, which can help when following a protein diet.

Kiwi for beauty

Kiwi has many beauty benefits. Kiwi juice tones, tightens and rejuvenates the skin. Thanks to beta-carotene, kiwi improves complexion and prevents skin hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C in the composition promotes the production of collagen, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Due to its high potassium content, kiwi has a mild diuretic property, which prevents the appearance of edema. Kiwi extracts are very effective in the fight against pimples and acne due to their antibacterial properties. Kiwi also helps strengthen hair and nails due to its vitamins and minerals.

How to eat kiwi

Kiwi can be consumed as an independent product or added to salads, desserts, cocktails and smoothies. But you should not abuse it, especially if you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the acidity of kiwi can irritate the gastric mucosa.

It is also worth remembering that kiwi contains a lot of fructose, so people with high blood glucose levels and diabetics need to consume it with caution and in moderation.

In general, kiwi is a very healthy and tasty fruit that can be consumed both to improve health and maintain beauty. However, like any other product, it must be used wisely and not overused.