Fitness: a figure like Madonna

Madonna is a famous singer, actress and model who has long been a symbol of beauty and style. She shows off a stunning figure that is the envy of many young girls. What helps her maintain this shape over the years? In this article we will look at a set of exercises that Madonna performs under the guidance of her personal trainer.

Before you start classes, be sure to prepare a chair. This will be your main training equipment. All the exercises that we will describe below are performed on this simple and affordable piece of furniture.

  1. Squats on a chair

The first exercise we suggest is chair squats. To perform this exercise, you need to stand in front of a chair, lean on its edge with your hands and lower your hips as low as possible. Then slowly rise up, leaning back a little. Repeat the exercise 24 times. This exercise allows you to work your lower abs, arm and back muscles.

  1. Rotations on a chair

The second exercise is so simple that it seems that it cannot help you achieve the desired result. However, do not underestimate its effectiveness. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on a chair with your back straight. Raise your right leg and rotate your body to the right. Then bend down, slightly bending your right knee. Repeat the exercise 8 times on each side. This exercise helps strengthen your back muscles.

  1. Crossing your legs on a chair

The third exercise is throwing your legs on a chair. To perform this exercise, you need to lean on a chair, keeping your hands on its edges. Throw your leg back as high as possible, then bend your knee in front of you. Repeat the exercise 8 times on each leg. This exercise helps to pump up the muscles of the buttocks.

  1. Chair transitions

The fourth exercise is chair transitions. To perform this exercise, you need to stand in front of a chair and hold on to its back. Place your left leg on the chair, then slowly lower yourself to the floor and lift your right leg. Repeat the exercise 8 times on each side. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

These exercises do not require a lot of time and effort, but when performed correctly they can achieve remarkable results. Madonna does this set of exercises for at least 30 minutes a day, and thanks to this, she maintains her amazing shape.

In addition to these exercises, Madonna also pays attention to her diet, watches her nutrition and drinks a lot of water. She tries to avoid fatty and overly sweet foods, and also limits her alcohol consumption.

It is important to note that before starting classes, you should consult your doctor and get advice from a professional trainer. Improper execution of exercises can lead to injuries and other undesirable consequences.


Madonna is a shining example that age is not an obstacle to achieving amazing shape. Her secret is that she not only actively plays sports, but also monitors her diet and lifestyle. Her set of chair exercises can help many women achieve their desired results and make their figure look like Madonna's. Chair exercises are affordable, simple and effective. The main thing is to do the exercises correctly and try to monitor your lifestyle.