Starch cream for cake

Custard with starch

  1. Beat the egg into a bowl, add sugar and starch. Beat thoroughly with a fork until a white homogeneous mass forms. Pour warm milk into the egg mixture and stir. Place the container with the milk mixture on the fire.
  2. Bring the starch custard to a boil, stirring constantly. After boiling, cook over low heat, stirring, until the desired consistency and thickness (cooking time may take from 5 minutes to half an hour).
  3. Remove the pan from the heat, add a pinch of vanillin to the starch custard and stir. Remove the butter and leave it at room temperature for 5 minutes while the cream cools. Then add the melted butter to it and beat everything with a mixer until smooth and fluffy.
  4. The starch custard is ready. You can coat cake layers with it, fill cakes, or put it in bowls and serve with fruit or chocolate. Bon appetit!

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To make the cream truly delicious, you must consistently follow these steps:

  1. Pour the milk into the pan, and after that, pour in all the vanilla and a little regular sugar, put it on the stove and gradually bring the contents to a boil. To avoid burning, the mixture must be stirred constantly. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, it must be immediately removed from the heat and left for 30 minutes.
  2. In a separate container, combine the remaining sugar with starch.
  3. Add the eggs and beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk.
  4. Stirring slowly, gradually pour in 1/3 of the still warm milk.
  5. Combine both mixtures in a saucepan and, without stopping stirring, bring them to a boil again. The mass will gradually begin to thicken. It is better to use low heat for heating.
  6. Products should boil for no more than two minutes. After this, you need to add the oil and mix everything again.

After cooling, the finished custard with starch must be placed in the refrigerator, covering the container with cling film. The product should sit there for several hours. Only after this can it be used for its intended purpose.

Apple flavored

To prevent the taste of the cream from being too cloying, it can be supplemented with a light fruity aroma. This semi-finished product is good to use as a filling for making rolls. To work you will need the following set of ingredients:

  1. for 0.5 kilograms of peeled apples, 1 lemon, a pack (200 grams) of butter, 1 egg, 60 grams of starch and 150 grams of sugar.

In this case, the product is prepared using the following technology:

  1. First, the fruit must be peeled and cored. After this, the products must be grated.
  2. Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan, pour in lemon juice and simmer over low heat.
  3. After softening, place the products in a blender and puree them by adding eggs, starch and sugar.
  4. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and place in a water bath. Here it must be brewed until thickened with continuous stirring.
  5. Cool the finished mixture.
  6. Beat the butter, and then add the cooled mass to it in small portions.

The resulting custard with starch can be immediately used to prepare desserts and various confectionery products. Although it’s better to let it brew a little.

Yolk mixture

To make a good custard with starch, the recipe can be slightly modified. If you use only their yolks instead of whole eggs, the finished product will become softer and have a brighter color.


This option will require the following components:

  1. per glass of milk: 100 grams of sugar, 45 grams of potato starch, 1 yolk, 150 grams of butter and ½ packet of vanillin.

The product is prepared as follows:

  1. First, two-thirds of a glass of milk must be mixed with sugar and vanilla. Bring the resulting mass slowly to a boil. The dry ingredients should be completely dissolved.
  2. In another bowl, separate the starch with the remaining milk.
  3. Combine both masses and boil them again.
  4. Remove the mixture from heat and whisk until completely cool.
  5. Add the yolk, butter and rub for 15 minutes.

You will get a delicate and very fluffy custard with starch. The recipe is quite simple and requires a minimum of time to prepare the finished product.

Chocolate cream

Using various additional components, you can radically change the taste of the finished product. What happens if you add cocoa to regular custard with starch? A recipe with a photo will help the housewife imagine the finished product at the exit. Let's look at each stage of the process in detail. First you need to collect all the necessary ingredients on the desktop:

  1. 0.5 liters of milk, 5 grams of salt, 3 tablespoons of starch and sugar, 30 grams of cocoa powder, 25 grams of butter and 0.5 grams of vanilla.


The cream is prepared in three stages:

  1. First of all, you need to pour 0.3 liters of milk into the pan, add sugar, butter, salt, cocoa and mix everything well. Bring the mixture slowly to a boil and hold for a couple of minutes, and then remove from the stove.
  2. Separately, dilute the remaining milk with starch, avoiding the formation of lumps. Add the resulting mass to the pan with the still hot mixture and boil it again with constant stirring. The duration of heating, as a rule, is no more than two minutes.
  3. Add vanillin, stir and let the finished cream cool. After this, you can keep it in the refrigerator for some additional time.

To make the taste more pronounced, you can add a little more grated chocolate.

The simplest option

Practice shows that you can make quite tasty custard with starch even without oil. The recipe with photos will tell you step by step how to proceed using a minimum set of products:

  1. a glass of milk, 2 yolks, 100 grams of sugar, 45 grams of starch and ¼ teaspoon of vanillin.


To do everything correctly, you must strictly follow the order of each operation:

  1. First, in a saucepan you need to beat the egg yolks with vanilla and sugar with a mixer.
  2. Add starch and repeat the same steps.
  3. Without stopping whipping, pour in a little milk.
  4. Add the remaining products and put the mixture on fire.
  5. Bring the mixture to a boil with constant vigorous stirring. After this, continue heating for another 5 minutes. Now you will need a tablespoon to work.

Then the finished mass must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool completely. This product can be prepared for future use. It should be stored in the refrigerator. To eliminate the possibility of weathering, the surface can be lightly coated with butter.

Cream for Napoleon

Confectioners advise using custard with starch for Napoleon cake. It is ideal for greasing thin crispy cakes. To prepare such a semi-finished product you need to take:

  1. 0.5 liters of milk, 3 yolks, 180 grams of sugar, 90 grams of starch, 150 milliliters of heavy cream (35%), 50 grams of butter and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

The preparation of such a cream begins in the usual way:

  1. First, milk must be poured into the pan.
  2. Add vanilla and half the regular sugar. Place the mixture on the fire and bring it slowly to a boil.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and let the mixture cool completely.
  4. Combine starch with remaining sugar.
  5. Gradually add the resulting mixture to the already cooled milk mass. Lumps may form here, so vigorous stirring should be carried out.
  6. Put the prepared mixture back on the fire and boil. Leave for 3 minutes so that the starch can swell well.
  7. Add butter, beat well and let the mixture cool. After this, the semi-finished product should stand in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  8. Beat the cream with a mixer until foamy, and then mix it with the cooled mass.


After this, the cream can be immediately used to prepare the cake.

Simple and fast

It turns out that there is an even easier way with which you can prepare custard without eggs using milk and starch. This option is striking in its simplicity. To work, you need very few products:

  1. for a glass of sugar, 0.5 liters of milk, a little vanillin, 30 grams of starch and 50 grams of flour.

This product is prepared in two stages:

  1. In a deep container you need to mix all the ingredients. Here you need to remember that the dry ingredients are combined first, and then the liquid ones are added in small portions. The resulting mass must be mixed thoroughly until it becomes homogeneous.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan and heat over low heat. At the same time, you need to constantly stir it with a wooden spoon.


As soon as the composition thickens, the container must be removed from the stove and placed in a cool place until it cools completely. To change the taste of the finished product, you can add a little cottage cheese or chocolate to it. Everything will depend on what confectionery product it is intended for.


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This recipe uses starch instead of flour. Ingredients:

  1. Milk (1.5 cups)
  2. Eggs (3 pieces)
  3. Potato starch (1 tablespoon)
  4. Sugar (150g)
  5. Vanillin (a little bit: on the tip of a knife).

Custard with starch - recipe. Preparation:

  1. Cool the yolks, then beat them with sugar.
  2. Dilute starch with milk (use half a glass).
  3. Add a glass of milk to this mixture.
  4. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  5. Without ceasing to stir, pour the diluted starch into the boiling mixture.
  6. Cook everything together over low heat until you get a viscous mass.
  7. Cool, add vanillin. Mix.

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Preparation time: 40 minutes Servings: 1 cake


Remember your childhood, when your grandmother or mother prepared a delicious cake and gave you the rest of the incredibly delicious cake to eat? cream ? Personally, I remember how I always licked incredibly tasty hegg cream with cornstarch , which my grandmother always prepared for Napoleon cake.

I want to share this recipe with you, as the cream is truly delicious. You can use it to prepare any cakes, fill tube cakes or eclairs. It is thanks to corn starch that the cream has such a unique, delicious taste!


  1. 2 – egg yolks
  2. 2 glasses – milk
  3. ½ cup – sugar
  4. 2 table. l. – starch (corn)
  5. to taste - vanilla

Recipe for making egg custard with cornstarch

  1. Pour ½ cup of milk into a saucepan, add starch, knead thoroughly.
  2. Add yolks, sugar and vanilla to taste, mix again.
  3. Separately, bring the remaining milk to a boil.
  4. Gradually pour the starch-yolk mixture into the boiling milk, stirring continuously.
  5. Cook over the lowest heat until it thickens (it is important that the mixture does not boil!).
  6. Cool the mass until warm, beat until fluffy with a whisk or mixer.


That's it, the wonderful custard is ready! Prepare delicious desserts and surprise everyone!


One of the easiest to prepare and cheapest options for layering cakes is custard.

Its recipe has been changed more than once, and every housewife can safely add her own special twist to it.

Let's learn from this article how to make custard with starch at home!


Main features of cooking

The cake starch custard will be made with a milk base. It’s certainly not worth saving on this product, since the taste will be significantly changed, and even in a negative direction.

Other additions include sugar or sugar. powder, you can add honey, molasses, condensed milk or sweet syrup.

The starch will help the custard thicken. It is also common to use chickens for thickness. eggs, or rather only yolks, chocolate.

All products must be combined in the same sequence, as indicated in the recipe for making the cream. Then you need to warm them up in a water bath.

Since this is a relatively long process, you can cook on the stovetop in a thick-walled saucepan. When the custard thickens and makes plopping sounds, you should immediately remove it from the heat.

After which you need to let the composition cool, so it will become thick and rich in color, like in the photo.

Well, that's all with theory, now it's a matter of practice!

Custard without butter for cake

The cake cream recipe does not include the use of flour. In this case, I recommend using either potato or corn starch. Both types are available for sale.

To flavor the cream, you can use vanilla or citrus zest, a little cinnamon or your favorite essence - the choice is entirely yours.

Ingredients: 3 tbsp. starch; 3 pcs. chickens eggs (yolks only); 0.5 l of milk; vanilla; 200 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Paul Art. I mix milk with starch, mix well.
  2. Mix the yolks, the rest of the milk and sugar. I whisk until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cook over medium heat on the stove for a couple of minutes, you need to stir constantly so that the cream is homogeneous and does not burn.
  3. When the custard mixture is hot, add starch and milk in a thin stream. Now your task is to constantly stir the mass, which will thicken more and more at the bottom and at the edges.
  4. I introduce vanilla and use a van. sugar or essence. Remove from the stove and let cool. If necessary, the mass of custard for the cake must also be whipped with a mixer again.

Yolk custard for homemade cake

The custard recipe for a delicious cake specifies the use of cornstarch. It is not found as often in stores as potato, but you can still buy it.

Components: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 50 gr. cook. starch; 2 tbsp. milk; half st. Sahara; vanilla.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour half a tbsp into a bowl. milk, add starch and mix.
  2. I add egg yolks and vanilla to the milk composition. I stir until the composition becomes homogeneous.
  3. I bring the rest of the milk to a boil in a separate bowl, pour in the egg mixture and stir without stopping.
  4. Cook on low heat. Allow the cream to thicken and cool to room temperature. Then beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes fluffy.

Custard with condensed milk

350 ml condensed milk; 2 pcs. chickens eggs (yolks only); 60 gr. starch; 300 ml milk (fat content from 3.2%).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Pour the milk into a bowl with thick walls. I add yolks and starch. Using a mixer, I mix the mixture at low speed. The result should be a mass of homogeneous structure.
  2. I put it on the table, pour in condensed milk and send it to simmer over low heat.
  3. I cook until the first bubbles appear, then I put the custard mixture in a deep bowl and let it cool. You need to stir from time to time so that the custard does not have a crust.

And below we will present another entertaining recipe for housewives.

Custard berry cream

0.5 kg of berries (any, assorted); 0.5 l of milk; 100 gr. cook. starch; 5 gr. cream stabilizer; cinnamon and vanillin; 350 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind the berries with sugar. I add them to cold milk.
  2. I put the mixture on the fire and stir, bringing to a boil. I introduce cinnamon and starch.
  3. I pass it through a sieve. I let the custard mixture cool and add vanillin.
  4. I whip the cream together with the pack. stabilizer.
  5. I add small portions into the jelly and whisk further. Let it cool. The custard cream composition is ready for use.

Custard milk cream for light cake

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of milk; 50 gr. cook. starch; 150 ml cream (fat content from 30%); vanillin and 300 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I leave 100 ml of milk, add the rest to the bowl and mix with sugar. Cook over low heat on the stove, stirring occasionally. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  2. I mix the sifted starch with the rest of the milk. I stir so that there is not a single lump.
  3. I put it on the stove, stir it and bring it to a thick consistency. Using a sieve, I strain the mixture and let it cool.
  4. I add cream and vanillin to the mixture. I'm whipping up the mixture.

Custard cream

Components: 5 pcs. chickens eggs; 300 gr. Sahara; 300 ml milk; 50 gr. starch; 400 gr. sl. oils; vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chicken Beat eggs and sugar together.
  2. Mix milk with sifted starch. I stir so that there are no lumps. Bring to a boil and stir over medium heat.
  3. Pour the milk into the eggs, whisking while doing so. I put it on medium heat for 4 minutes and let the mixture cool.
  4. Sl. The butter needs to be softened, vanillin added to it and beaten until white.
  5. Mix the cooled mixture and slurry. butter, constantly beat at high speed with a mixer. I let the cream sit in the refrigerator before using it at home.

Pistachio custard cream with starch

200 gr. pistachio; 50 gr. cook. starch; 50 ml plant. oils; 250 ml milk (fat content from 4%); 250 gr. cream (fat content from 35%); vanillin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I grind pistachios to flour using a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix sugar with milk and add sifted starch. I mix until the mass becomes homogeneous and send it to medium heat. I cook to a boil and add the plant. oil. I stir and let it cool.
  3. I add vanilla, beat at high speed, and add cream. Then I add pistachio flour.
  4. Place the custard in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Lemon custard with starch

Traditional lemon cream is made with cream. It will turn out very tender, not at all cloying and quite dense in composition.

It does not spread on shortcrust pastry and is amazingly suitable for layering cakes and filling basket-shaped cakes.


4 things. chickens eggs; 2 pcs. lemon; 1 tbsp. cream (take thicker); half st. milk; 100 gr. sah. powders; 2 tbsp. cook. starch.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. Mix sifted starch with 1 tsp. water. I juice the lemons and remove the zest. I separate the yolks and add them to the starch. I stir.
  2. I mix the egg mass with citrus juice and zest, sugar. powder, I mix it.
  3. I put the milk on the stove and bring it to a boil. I mix the mass.
  4. Cook over low heat until the creamy mass becomes thick and elastic.
  5. Remove from heat and cover with parchment paper and let cool.
  6. Whip the cream until foamy and mix with the lemon mixture. The cream is ready.

Vanina's advice

  1. If there is no milk or condensed milk, you can make a cream based on cream of any fat content. It will turn out really tasty.
  2. Lumps can be removed by passing the mixture through a sieve or whisking until smooth using a blender.
  3. You can thicken the cream at home by adding flour. Then you need to dilute it with cold water and add it to the hot mass, quickly stir the tbsp. compound.
  4. Vanillin can be added when the cream has cooled. The aroma in a hot composition will quickly open up and disappear.
  5. Lemon juice can be made faster by placing the fruit in hot water for a couple of minutes beforehand.
  6. Burning can be minimized if the custard is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula or a silicone whisk.

My video recipe