Top 7 rules for maintaining an ideal figure

Do you want to maintain an ideal figure, but don’t know how to do it? We have prepared for you the top 7 rules that will help you get rid of extra pounds and stay in shape.

  1. Follow your diet
    Violation of the diet leads to the formation and increase of excess weight. In order not to gain weight, you need to eat small meals at least four, and preferably six to seven times a day. This will help speed up your metabolism and reduce the desire to overeat.

  2. Monitor the quantity and quality of food
    The most convenient way to control the amount you eat is in a diary. At the end of the week, you will be able to determine which eating schedule is closest to you and adjust your diet - add missing foods and remove those that you eat in excess. Also, do not forget about the quality of food - prefer easily digestible, low-calorie foods.

  3. Don't starve, but don't overeat either
    When blood sugar levels drop, a person feels hungry. If you don’t have something to eat at this moment, the body may perceive this as a “power interruption” and set itself to create a supply of nutrients at the first opportunity. Therefore, do not starve, but do not overeat either - try to eat regularly and in moderation.

  4. Say no! fatty foods and sweets
    For those with a sweet tooth, desserts can make up the bulk of their diet. The same thing happens to lovers of fatty, high-calorie foods. But remember that the basis of the diet should consist of easily digestible low-calorie foods. You may well allow yourself something tasty, but only within reasonable limits.

  5. Eat sweets only before lunch
    From 15.00 to 21.00, the insulin content in the blood is usually increased, so that all the sugar entering the body during this period of time invariably turns into fat reserves. Therefore, try to eat sweets only before lunch.

  6. Cut your diet in half
    If you eat a little, but at the same time gain weight, then it only seems to you that the amount of food you consume is small. Try removing first a third and then half of the usual portion from your plate. Weight stabilization will show you the nutritional norm that is optimal for you.

  7. Drink more water
    When there is a lack of fluid, the body experiences stress and sends signals to the brain similar to hunger signals. As a result, a person, instead of drinking a glass of water, eats a portion of completely unnecessary calories. Therefore, try to drink more water - this will not only help maintain water balance in the body, but also reduce the desire to overeat.

Following these seven rules will help you not only get rid of extra pounds, but also maintain an ideal figure for a long time. It is important to remember that losing weight is not a quick process that requires sacrifices and restrictions, but a long-term process of lifestyle changes. Try to eat regularly and healthy, exercise and don’t forget about psychological well-being - this is the only way you can achieve your goal and maintain the result for a long time.