Time to start and stop exercise

When starting physical exercise, the body must be clean, that is, the internal organs and vessels should not contain bad, immature chyme, because physical exercise distributes them throughout the body.

In addition, yesterday's food should already be absorbed by the stomach, liver and blood vessels, and the time for the next meal should already be approaching. This is determined by the maturity of urine in composition and color, which occurs after digestion of food. If a lot of time passes after digesting food, and a person’s nature remains free from processing food for a certain time, and as a result of this, a fiery color lights up in the urine, which goes beyond the boundaries of natural yellowness, then in this case, physical exercise is harmful, because it depletes strength. Therefore, they say: if a person’s condition requires strong exercise, then it is advisable that his stomach should not be very empty, and that in winter it would contain some heavy food and light food in summer.

It is better to exercise when you are well-fed than when you are hungry, and it is better to exercise when your body is hot and moist than when your body is cold and dry. The best time is a state of balance. Sometimes a person with a hot and dry nature falls into a painful state due to exercise. If he stops them, he recovers.

Anyone who exercises must first shake out the excess from the intestines and bladder, and then engage in exercise. To prepare yourself for physical exercise, you first need to rub your body with a rough cloth, which revives the human nature and dilates the pores of the skin. Then they rub themselves with sweet oil and gradually move on to a not too strong massage. This is achieved by numerous pressures with the hands in various places in order to cover all parts of the muscles. Then they finish the massage and begin to do the exercises.

On spring days, it is best to practice close to noon in a moderately warm room, and in the summer move it to an earlier time. As for winter, compared to summer, it would be necessary to move classes to the evening, but various circumstances prevent this. In winter, you need to heat the room to moderate warmth. Then you need to exercise at the most appropriate time in terms of digesting food and shaking out excess, which we already mentioned above.

Regarding the duration of the exercise course, you need to pay attention to the following three things:

  1. the first is the color of a person’s skin: if it continues to improve, then this means that you can still continue the exercises
  2. second movements: if they continue to remain light, then it means that the time has not yet come to stop the exercises;
  3. third state of organs; if they continue to swell, then you can still exercise. If all these conditions begin to disappear and the protruding sweat turns into spreading drops, then you need to stop exercising.

After stopping exercise, you should rub yourself with sweat-inducing oil, especially after deep breathing exercises.

If you set a limit for exercise and nutrition on the first day, then in this case you know the amount of food that can be tolerated, so you do not change anything the next day, because the amounts of food and exercise on the second day should be the same were on the first day.