Chest pain, irritability, fatigue... How to overcome PMS symptoms?

PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, is common among women. According to statistics, up to 80% of women experience unpleasant PMS symptoms every month. Symptoms of PMS can be different and individual for each woman, but the most common are nervousness and irritability, fatigue, breast pain, nausea and headache.

How to deal with these symptoms? There are many ways to combat PMS, and most of them involve a healthy lifestyle. One of the main aspects of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. During PMS, your diet should be balanced and contain proteins, fats (preferably of plant origin) and carbohydrates. It is recommended to increase the consumption of foods containing plant fiber, such as vegetables and fruits, and limit the consumption of salt, sugar, coffee, strong tea and alcohol.

Another important aspect is taking medications. During PMS, estrogen levels increase and progesterone levels decrease, which can lead to swelling and pain in the breasts. To treat PMS, doctors are increasingly prescribing non-hormonal herbal remedies such as Mastodinone, which is hormone-free and works well for many PMS symptoms, including chest pain, headaches and irritability. You should take such medications only after consulting your doctor.

It is also important to exercise. During exercise, endorphins levels increase, which will help fight nervousness and fatigue. It is recommended to give preference to cardio exercises such as aerobics, running or swimming.

During PMS, you need to rest more and get enough sleep. To normalize your mental state, it is recommended to do breathing exercises, take leisurely walks in the fresh air and take warm baths with essential oils.

Finally, if all these recommendations do not help relieve suffering during the premenstrual period, and at the same time you are worried about at least 5 different symptoms, this may be a serious reason to consult a specialist. Some manifestations of PMS can be symptoms of various diseases, so it is important to get qualified medical help.

Overall, to overcome the symptoms of PMS, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures that include a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, exercise, rest and medication if necessary. This is best done under the guidance of a doctor who will help you choose the best course of treatment for you and give recommendations on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.