A laptop on your lap can cause heat erythema

Newly published research by Swiss researchers in the journal Pediatrics suggests that holding a laptop on your lap may cause erythema heat, also known as toasted skin syndrome. This condition appears as reddened skin with a mesh-like pattern and can lead to permanent darkening of the skin and, in rare cases, lesions that can lead to cancer.

A study by Swiss doctors shows that holding a laptop on your lap for a long time can cause heat erythema even in children. We consider the case of a 12-year-old patient who developed a characteristic spot on his left leg. The child played computer games for several hours a day for many months, and even when the boy discovered that the laptop lying on his lap was very hot on the left side, he still did not change his position. The article states that this was the youngest patient with erythema heat caused by a laptop. In total, the Swiss mention 10 cases of the disease recorded since 2004.

To develop erythema heat, exposure to a temperature of 44 °C is sufficient. If we talk about the specific duration of exposure, then those who use a computer 6-8 hours a day for several months or even weeks are susceptible to the disease. Redness may appear on only one leg, or on both legs depending on the laptop model, since devices heat unevenly (for example, in the area of ​​the cooling system, battery, or optical drive).

Treatment of thermal erythema, as a rule, does not present any particular difficulties - it is enough to use an emollient cream, having first eliminated the cause of the redness. However, in practice, doctors may encounter misunderstandings on the part of the patient, which can complicate treatment.

Avid computer users are even less likely to change their habits, although such redness also indicates that the patient's legs (and, in some cases, genitals) are blocking the ventilation holes, which negatively affects the computer itself and reduces its lifespan. Therefore, it makes sense to purchase a laptop stand - there are desktop versions with additional cooling, as well as pillow stands designed for those who are used to holding the machine on their laps.

Although erythema heat is not a dangerous disease, its appearance may indicate more serious problems associated with using a computer on your knees. In particular, devices may suffer from overheating, which can lead to poor performance and shortened service life. In addition, if you use a laptop on your knees for a long time, problems with the spine and leg muscles are possible.

To avoid problems with erythema heat and other diseases associated with using a laptop on your lap, you should follow a number of simple recommendations. First, you need to use a stand or a special pillow to ensure sufficient cooling of the device and reduce the strain on your knees. Secondly, you should limit the time spent at the computer on your knees and periodically change your position. Third, you need to take regular breaks and exercise to relieve tension in your muscles and spine.

Thus, holding a laptop on your lap can lead to serious health problems, including heat erythema and problems with the spine and leg muscles. To prevent these problems, use a stand or cushion, limit time spent on your knees at the computer, and take regular breaks and exercise. It is important to remember that health is your greatest wealth, and investing in a laptop stand or other health protection products is an investment in the future.