Nitrogen Balance Negative

In his biological cycle, a person uses about 40 grams of protein per day. In order for this entire portion to be digested and absorbed in the body, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of protein from food of plant or animal origin. Nitrogen balance is the difference between the amount of protein that enters the body with food and what leaves the body during the processing of all other substances, that is, nitrogen loss.

Nitrogen retention occurs when:

1. Lack of protein in the diet; 2. Incorrect calculation of the amount of meat consumed; 3. Frequent consumption of fish; 4. Taking certain medications, as well as certain herbal products; 5. Overwork, stress; 6. Vegetarianism or low protein diet. 7. Pregnancy, lactation women.

Nitrogen balance is one of the indicators of blood acidity and is equal to the difference between the intake and loss of nitrogen. Usually it is about one. A slight deviation from the norm may be associated with taking certain medications. If the deviation is very significant, for example, negative, then this indicates a sharp increase in nitrogen consumption, which can be caused by pathological conditions (hunger, anemia, hemolysis (decomposition of red blood cells), extensive injuries, severe burns, sepsis, as well as elevated body temperature).

Let us present some data on the composition of blood based on samples from E.I. Kolomenskaya. Total nitrogen in the blood of women ranged from 26.5 mg% to 47.3 mg%. Daily loss