Sick leave

A sick leave certificate is a document that confirms the temporary disability of an employee and allows him to receive temporary disability benefits. It is issued by a medical institution that conducts a medical examination of the employee and determines his state of health.

Sick leave can be issued both for a short period (for example, for a cold or injury) and for a long period (for example, if an employee has undergone a serious operation). In any case, sick leave is an important document for the employee and the employer, since it allows the employee to receive benefits for temporary absence from work and the employer to compensate for the employee’s labor costs during this period.

To obtain sick leave, an employee must contact a doctor or paramedic, who will conduct a medical examination and determine the employee’s health status. If an employee cannot seek medical help on his own, he can call a doctor to his home.

After a medical examination, the doctor or paramedic issues a sick leave certificate, which must be provided to the employer. The employer, in turn, must accept sick leave and calculate benefits for the employee’s temporary absence from work.

It is important to note that sick leave is not a substitute for paid leave or other types of leave provided for by law. It only allows the employee to receive temporary disability benefits and return to work after recovery.