Already heard

Deja entendue (“deja” is “already heard”, “entuandu” is “to understand”), people hear such an audio clip in French several times a day in order to finally hear and receive information about the quality of this or that service - a product, most often service or banking. If this information is repeated too often, it will eventually become boring and uncomfortable for the consumer.

In Russia, for several years now, a similar effect has been produced by communication with auto insurers, sausage producers, financial organizations, and breweries. Acting on the principle of “Deja vue” (example: the French television show “Fort Boyard”), offers persistently call, send advertising letters, send spam emails, and constantly call to buy something. Of course, being confident that they heard the necessary information not more than five minutes ago, most people are, at a minimum, annoyed. But there are also those who willingly believe advertising promises, hoping that we will only recommend them to us all the time.

Why is such repeated communication necessary?