Hidden threat or How to protect your skin from the harmful effects of a computer

Working on a computer has become an integral part of the lives of most people in the modern world. But it turns out that, in addition to other problems, working on a computer can also cause skin problems. Dermatologists believe that computer radiation can penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and destroy the internal structure of the fibers, which leads to dehydration, loss of elasticity and premature aging of the skin.

How to protect your skin from the harmful effects of a computer? There are several ways to help reduce your skin's exposure to computer radiation.

German scientists offer one way out. They found that tomatoes and cabbage protect the skin from harmful computer effects if you eat at least 500-700 grams of these vegetables daily. In addition, Dutch colleagues recommend taking relaxing salt or pine compresses after working on the computer: hold a soft towel soaked in the solution on your face for a couple of minutes.

Chinese doctors insist on “fruit recipes” for beauty. They recommend nourishing the face located in close proximity to the monitor “from the inside” - every hour and a half, drink a few sips of water to which lemon or grapefruit juice has been added, and also consume at least 300 grams of freshly brewed green tea daily, which neutralizes the effects of computer radiation.

Japanese experts continue to develop their long-standing idea: placing pots of cacti near the sides of the monitor, which absorb at least fifty percent of computer radiation. Cacti not only absorb negative energy, but also transform dry and conditioned air into an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

Canadian cosmetologists believe that the most effective way to protect the skin from the harmful effects of computers is facial irrigation. If the skin is not covered with powder, then it is enough to spray it on the face or wipe it with a napkin moistened with mineral drinking water. If you wear makeup, you need to use a high-moisturizing thermal spray, which not only restores the natural moisture of the skin, but is also able to “fix” the makeup and fix its colors.

Doctors in the United States recommend using creams and lotions containing antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E, which help fight skin damage. You should also make sure that the monitor is located far enough away from your face to avoid direct exposure to your skin.

Finally, the most important thing is to take regular breaks from working on the computer and spend time outdoors, exercise and eat right. All this will help not only protect your skin from the harmful effects of the computer, but also maintain overall health.