How to cope with a sudden headache?

A headache can appear suddenly and cause a lot of inconvenience. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, including changes in weather, fatigue, stress, lack of sleep, etc. If you don't have medications on hand or prefer not to take them, the following tips may help manage your headaches.

One of the causes of headaches is vasospasm. To remove it, you can massage the reflexogenic zones on the temples and bridge of the nose. These points can be found by pressing on the temples and the bridge of the nose. Slowly massaging these points can cause blood vessels to dilate and improve blood circulation in the brain, which can help reduce or even eliminate headaches.

You can also massage your eyes and ears. To massage your eyes, close your eyes and gently massage your eyeballs in a circular motion, clockwise and back. To massage your ears, place your palms on your ears and hold them until you feel a noticeable warmth. Then begin to gently rub your ears and pull them in different directions.

If you have the opportunity at home, take a moderately hot foot bath. Blood will move from the head to the feet, which will help reduce headaches. However, this procedure has a contraindication - high blood pressure.

In addition, it is worth remembering preventive measures that will help prevent headaches. This can include a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, healthy eating, getting enough rest and sleep, and avoiding stressful situations.

In any case, if the headache does not go away or is accompanied by other symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor. A headache can be a sign of serious illness, so do not put off visiting a specialist.