How to eat on different days of the menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is a natural process in the life of every woman, which is accompanied by various physiological changes in the body. One way to cope with some of these changes is through proper nutrition. In this article, we will look at how to eat healthy on different days of the menstrual cycle to cope with PMS symptoms.

1-5 days of the cycle
During this period, a woman feels particularly sensitive and sore, so it is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium and omega-3. Magnesium helps calm the nervous system, while omega-3 reduces inflammation and soreness. Foods rich in magnesium include spinach and grains, while omega-3s can be obtained from salmon, sardines, nuts and other seafood.

6-13 days of the cycle
During this period, hormone levels are high, but the woman usually feels calmer and more balanced. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, which contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This will help maintain a healthy body and reduce stress levels.

14-17 days of the cycle
During this period, taste qualities may become more intense, so you can treat yourself to your favorite foods. It is recommended to eat cheese, beef, seafood and good wine. However, you should not overindulge in foods rich in fats and sugar to avoid making you feel worse.

18-23 days of the cycle
During this period, progesterone levels are high, which can slow down bowel movements. It is recommended to consume fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, barley and vegetables. This will help improve digestion and avoid constipation.

24-28 days of the cycle
During this period, a woman may experience some of the most severe symptoms of PMS, such as irritability, depression and pain. It is recommended to consume small portions of carbohydrates to stabilize blood sugar levels. Ice cream can be a good choice as it can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

In conclusion, eating well during your menstrual cycle can help women cope with some of the worst PMS symptoms. It is recommended to eat foods rich in magnesium and omega-3, fruits and vegetables, seafood, foods rich in fiber and small portions of carbohydrates. However, every woman is unique and her nutritional needs may vary. Therefore, if you are experiencing severe PMS symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or nutritionist for personalized nutrition and treatment recommendations.