How to lose weight with fitball

A fitball is a large gymnastic ball that can be used not only as a fun toy or piece of furniture, but also as an effective exercise machine for various problem areas and for weight loss. Fitball aerobics classes help develop coordination of movements and the vestibular system, and also remove additional stress from the spine, which makes fitball classes quite comfortable for people with spinal problems and overweight.

The main function of a fitball is to unload the joints when necessary, and therefore gymnastics on a fitball, which is softly springy, is useful for varicose veins, osteochondrosis and arthritis. This gentle but effective aerobics is a great way to get in shape and lose weight.

Below are some exercises that you can do on a fitball in the gym or at home:

  1. Basic exercise: sitting on a fitball, spring vigorously at a fast pace. After a few minutes, make the exercise more difficult by making sharp turns left and right, and also pulling your knee towards your chest.

  2. Exercise for the buttocks: lie with your back on the ball, straighten your body and bend your legs at a right angle. Lower your buttocks to the floor (the ball “rolls” a little from the lower back to the shoulder blades), then straighten your body again. Repeat the exercise 25 times.

  3. Arm exercise: Hold the ball with your shins and do push-ups as many times as you can.

  4. Ab exercise: Lie with your stomach on the ball, legs parallel to the floor or slightly up. Now “walk” on your hands so that the ball rolls from your shins to your chest. Roll the ball 10 times.

  5. Exercise for buttocks and thighs: lie on the floor, rest your feet on the ball. Slowly lower your buttocks to the floor and straighten your body again. Perform 10-15 times.

  6. Exercise for the lateral muscles of the abdomen and legs: lie on the ball sideways, place one leg on the floor, and straighten the other and move it up. Swing your leg up and down 50 times.

Fitball classes can be carried out according to a schedule in the gym or at home, using instructions and video tutorials on the Internet. You should start with simple exercises, gradually increasing the complexity and duration of the exercises. Regular training on a fitball will help strengthen your muscles, tighten your figure, and improve coordination and balance.

In addition to exercise on a fitball, to lose weight you also need to monitor proper nutrition and drink the required amount of water. It is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits, protein foods and healthy fats, and also limit the intake of carbohydrates and fatty foods. It is also important to control portion sizes and reduce calorie intake.

In conclusion, we can say that fitball is a universal and effective exercise machine for those who want to lose weight and strengthen their figure. Fitball exercises help improve coordination of movements, develop the vestibular system and strengthen muscles, as well as reduce the load on the spine. Regular exercise on a fitball, combined with proper nutrition and drinking enough water, will help achieve the desired results.